here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010
♥ 12:30 AM ♥

I wanted to change to tumblr but isabel say if i change she doesn't want to read my blog anymore ): Sooooooo i will stay at blogger ! :D So many overdue photos haven't upload siol i am so fricking tiredddddd! Always feel so busy when exams around the corner. So many bday parties to attend and im fricking brokeeee ): Penniless and jobless ohhhh how nice man! :DD Plus its hols. ): I don't take allowances. Stay low on march and hello panyu and hongkong!

Photos @ powerhouse on friday! 3year anni :D OMG, free flow from 9 - 11 ! Kio dao siaoo, beer and flaming lambo from alaric thanks! Just drink whatever drinks that is infront of me. BEER makes me KO ): Drunk drunk drunkkkk but not dead drunk! Thanks daphnneee, boey, russell and ofcus sj for taking care of me ^^


Wednesday, February 24, 2010
♥ 3:35 PM ♥

I used to scare of dogs but now i like them esp toy poodle! So naughty yet adorable. I told sj i want one too. He say i'm not ready for a dog yet (true enough) and my family won't allow pets at home! But he say he will buy me when i'm ready for oneeee :DDDDD I mark your words ok! (:
(reason you guys shld know why i will like toy poodle! ;D)

3 more paper to go. HOLS ? not for me ): FYP starting str8 after exams end! ):

♥ 3:03 AM ♥

Ladies night was awesomeeee!
Was supposed to meet my bitch but she cldn't make it so i went over by myself!
Met brandon, boey there and aly, chloe, isabel there! Wohooooo.
Damn happening! I liokeee! Miss those time when i club w my gfs! ;D
Left early, alj mac w aly chloe n jess darry came aft that.
Homed @ 6ish am! ;D

My day's night, night's day ):

Monday, February 22, 2010
♥ 4:19 AM ♥

I falling in love tumblr.com ! Its soooo awesome ;D Hahaha, should i change over ? Ahhh, anyway no one is reading my blog. Its like soooo dead!

Sunday, February 21, 2010
♥ 10:36 PM ♥

Chinese new year photos!
I forgot to take with my other niece and nephews! ): wasted siol!
Anw, this two nephews of mine are from hongkong.
1 so handsome 1 so pretty boy! OMG!

Steamboat and bai nian@ russell's place!

Thursday, February 18, 2010
♥ 3:49 PM ♥

Steamboat @ debbie's place last friday was good!
thanks alzee,deb and louis for preparing the food ;D
after dinner, shan yujie and jess left.
we played monopoly and debbie was so poor thing cause she got so lil houses.
tadah tadah, my bad flu irritates me so much that i cldn't stay over.
sj come to fetch me back,slacked a while at my place downstair.
;D bought my flu med for me too. thankssss
it sucks to be sick on cny!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
♥ 2:24 PM ♥

Overdue photo. Went prawning with trey on last Monday! ;D
Then slack by the beach! I love the sound of the wave, lying down and count the stars (:

Anw! How's your cny doing? Mine was a lazy one. :D
Didn't collect much angbao too cause i don't feel like facing my aunty and cousin lah.
So i just slept upstair at my popo's house while my dajie collect for me ;D
fyi, i went jb to baonian every year!
Shall update some photos soon!

Sunday, February 14, 2010
♥ 4:35 AM ♥




Maybe I wasn't asking you to love me, maybe I was asking you to understand, because for so long I've been hurt and for so long you've ignored it, and maybe it is bad timing, but maybe, I don't care. I've been here all along just waiting, waiting for you to notice, waiting for you to care. Waiting for you to say that you've been waiting too, and you haven't and maybe you never will or maybe you're afraid to. But it all hurts the same, and in the end, I'm the one that's left broken and when I lay down to sleep, I'm still the one crying, so screw the bad timing. I've loved you then, like I love you now, like I probably always will.

Its been 3weeks since you left ):
i miss you badly.
Days w/o you so miserable,but i know i can get over it.