here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
♥ 2:26 PM ♥

Lesson's boring, playing facebook, msn, bloghopping since first lesson. Am having tummyache since morning ): Kept running to the toilet. Now i'm having RAD - programminggggggg. 3hours somemore can die leh walau. LOL.

I am thinking of switching to lj. Kinda sian of blogspot leh, but all my memories here leh. ): Howhow tell me how. LOL. Shld i change? LOL.

I am so bored, the lesson is so boring, the lecturer is so dead, C++ is tough.

♥ 2:26 PM ♥

Lesson's boring, playing facebook, msn, bloghopping since first lesson. Am having tummyache since morning ): Kept running to the toilet. Now i'm having RAD - programminggggggg. 3hours somemore can die leh walau. LOL.

I am thinking of switching to lj. Kinda sian of blogspot leh, but all my memories here leh. ): Howhow tell me how. LOL. Shld i change? LOL.

I am so bored, the lesson is so boring, the lecturer is so dead, C++ is tough.

Monday, April 27, 2009
♥ 11:54 PM ♥

Saturday cabbed to work. The weather's unbearable! I don't want to walk all the way to train station under the hot sun, and i am feeling so tired. Hahaha! After work, went far east to shop AGAIN. Met tkd, went the cathay Aston for dinner with dear 5A'07 classmates. While waiting went down to wood would, katherine's working there! And omg, i saw this file i damn like it ok. It freaking cost 50bucks. And i saw this small vintage photoalbum - 25bucks!!!! Can someone purchase it for me LOL!!! I am so in love with that file and am going to hunt for pretty file, if i cant get one i will probably go back and get that! omg 50bucks for one freaking file! I'm insane! Ok, back to the gathering. Steak's my love! (: The service was bad. Food took soooo long to be served, annoying! After dinner, some planned to go for drink opposite paradise but some wanted to catch a movie. Soooo end up, we caught 17again! (: (: Then .... home sweet home!

Sunday, work again. Wanted to take a cab but end up no sight of a cab. ): Work @ stand2 with russell! Hahaha, he was super annoyed by me because i kept ignoring him when he talk to me. I was either texting or too lazy to reply him. HAHAHHAHA, sorry lah russell. Chill ok!? Gave auntie helen a mini advance bday celebration - cutting of cake. Hahaha. Then russell, yvelyn and i camwhore upstair using yvelyn dsrl! Hahahaha, damn cool ok. I also want dsrl lah, but huge. I want get the digital one but ..... any kind soul? LOL!!!

Moday, i skipped the 1st lesson again. I can't even make it when my lesson's at 12pm! Roar. Am just so jaded, completely worn out! Tired = attitude/hot temper for me! Hehes. Rushed to school to attend OOAD lecture for pathetic 2hours! ): Ok, at least i learn something. 5 different names of the diagram. (: Met puaychin, went tampines1. Such a coincidence, saw kp bryan fei pa there. Ok, nothing much zzzzz 2dresses and a top caught my eye, and puaychin manage to persuade me not to get them. Am going back to get them soon, i supposed! :D Pastamania for dinner, and i helped alex to get his polo from uniqlo. Alex you must thanks me ok! I please the sales assistant to let me in just to get your polo when they are closed leh!!!! AM NICE RIGHT? Hahahaha. Both of us gossip, did some catching up, train back to alj, bid g'byeeeee! ;D

Lazy to upload those photo taken today with puaychin! Tmr okok? Hehehe. School's 10am tmr ): So damn early lah, naisongbo lesson yay can late i dont care! Hahahaha.

♥ 11:54 PM ♥

Saturday cabbed to work. The weather's unbearable! I don't want to walk all the way to train station under the hot sun, and i am feeling so tired. Hahaha! After work, went far east to shop AGAIN. Met tkd, went the cathay Aston for dinner with dear 5A'07 classmates. While waiting went down to wood would, katherine's working there! And omg, i saw this file i damn like it ok. It freaking cost 50bucks. And i saw this small vintage photoalbum - 25bucks!!!! Can someone purchase it for me LOL!!! I am so in love with that file and am going to hunt for pretty file, if i cant get one i will probably go back and get that! omg 50bucks for one freaking file! I'm insane! Ok, back to the gathering. Steak's my love! (: The service was bad. Food took soooo long to be served, annoying! After dinner, some planned to go for drink opposite paradise but some wanted to catch a movie. Soooo end up, we caught 17again! (: (: Then .... home sweet home!

Sunday, work again. Wanted to take a cab but end up no sight of a cab. ): Work @ stand2 with russell! Hahaha, he was super annoyed by me because i kept ignoring him when he talk to me. I was either texting or too lazy to reply him. HAHAHHAHA, sorry lah russell. Chill ok!? Gave auntie helen a mini advance bday celebration - cutting of cake. Hahaha. Then russell, yvelyn and i camwhore upstair using yvelyn dsrl! Hahahaha, damn cool ok. I also want dsrl lah, but huge. I want get the digital one but ..... any kind soul? LOL!!!

Moday, i skipped the 1st lesson again. I can't even make it when my lesson's at 12pm! Roar. Am just so jaded, completely worn out! Tired = attitude/hot temper for me! Hehes. Rushed to school to attend OOAD lecture for pathetic 2hours! ): Ok, at least i learn something. 5 different names of the diagram. (: Met puaychin, went tampines1. Such a coincidence, saw kp bryan fei pa there. Ok, nothing much zzzzz 2dresses and a top caught my eye, and puaychin manage to persuade me not to get them. Am going back to get them soon, i supposed! :D Pastamania for dinner, and i helped alex to get his polo from uniqlo. Alex you must thanks me ok! I please the sales assistant to let me in just to get your polo when they are closed leh!!!! AM NICE RIGHT? Hahahaha. Both of us gossip, did some catching up, train back to alj, bid g'byeeeee! ;D

Lazy to upload those photo taken today with puaychin! Tmr okok? Hehehe. School's 10am tmr ): So damn early lah, naisongbo lesson yay can late i dont care! Hahahaha.

Sunday, April 26, 2009
♥ 1:38 AM ♥

Life haven't been any better ever since school reopen. Its just the first week of year2 and im kinda sick of school. Feeling so tired, avg abt 6 hours of sleep everyday is not enough for me pls! ): Timetable is so screwed up. Sryly, i lost the movtiation of going to school. ): I so wanna stay at home, slack my day then to have hetic lifestyle. School, work, school, work.

Currently super vexed over work. Parkway mphosis wants me to work as permanent part time, every sun and ph. After talking to corrine, i hesitant. shld i accept the job. Moreover, pushcart's back and its more flexible. Talk to dajie about it, she don't agree with what ive planned out. She ask me continue working at pushcart. ): Cause i am a full time poly student, i don't need to be so hardcore to take up 2jobs. But no work = no money = no shopping/enjoyment. How! enlighten me please.

Over due photo, wednesday went teoheng with zy, aly, xl and jeric.



Friday, after school went down to ecp. Mini advance bday celebration for xueqi. I am the man of the day (: *winkwink haha. They were all very high, making so much noise la didnt join them in the fun thou, LOL!! Terquilla shots was great! :D:D Chatted with yujie, omg he got his enlistment letter ): Heart to heart talk with him, thanks. Hehe. Then back home, weeseng told me he got his enlistment letter too! WTF! All few days before my bday leh, though still long but jitao SIAN!






Check out at alison or gera's blog for more photos.

Ok, waiting for zy to call and i need to sleep. Tired sia, work tmr again. Shall update about class gathering tmr! Stay tune in (:

♥ 1:38 AM ♥

Life haven't been any better ever since school reopen. Its just the first week of year2 and im kinda sick of school. Feeling so tired, avg abt 6 hours of sleep everyday is not enough for me pls! ): Timetable is so screwed up. Sryly, i lost the movtiation of going to school. ): I so wanna stay at home, slack my day then to have hetic lifestyle. School, work, school, work.

Currently super vexed over work. Parkway mphosis wants me to work as permanent part time, every sun and ph. After talking to corrine, i hesitant. shld i accept the job. Moreover, pushcart's back and its more flexible. Talk to dajie about it, she don't agree with what ive planned out. She ask me continue working at pushcart. ): Cause i am a full time poly student, i don't need to be so hardcore to take up 2jobs. But no work = no money = no shopping/enjoyment. How! enlighten me please.

Over due photo, wednesday went teoheng with zy, aly, xl and jeric.



Friday, after school went down to ecp. Mini advance bday celebration for xueqi. I am the man of the day (: *winkwink haha. They were all very high, making so much noise la didnt join them in the fun thou, LOL!! Terquilla shots was great! :D:D Chatted with yujie, omg he got his enlistment letter ): Heart to heart talk with him, thanks. Hehe. Then back home, weeseng told me he got his enlistment letter too! WTF! All few days before my bday leh, though still long but jitao SIAN!






Check out at alison or gera's blog for more photos.

Ok, waiting for zy to call and i need to sleep. Tired sia, work tmr again. Shall update about class gathering tmr! Stay tune in (:

Saturday, April 25, 2009
♥ 3:45 AM ♥

even though i tell it not to go, even though i tell it to stop my heart keeps going towards you. it doesnt wear out, it doesnt decrease, why is my love like this . one by one i count and count the memories. my heart cant rest for even a moment, it'll just become baggage that becomes hard to control. why cant i even throw them away. really my heart must have done something somehow, i must have become a fool thats blind from love.just one place, everyday one place, looking at the sad light that is you.


♥ 3:45 AM ♥

even though i tell it not to go, even though i tell it to stop my heart keeps going towards you. it doesnt wear out, it doesnt decrease, why is my love like this . one by one i count and count the memories. my heart cant rest for even a moment, it'll just become baggage that becomes hard to control. why cant i even throw them away. really my heart must have done something somehow, i must have become a fool thats blind from love.just one place, everyday one place, looking at the sad light that is you.


Thursday, April 23, 2009
♥ 10:10 PM ♥

Overdue photos - last saturday @ fish n co followed by stjames bar none, powerhouse w daphnne, tkd, albert, xun, ws, jh, calvin, clif, jason. (: Advance celebration for tkd's 19th bday.

Always met bryan, gary, qifong there HAHAH!

I miss MIT0812 - E4'08
The new system totally sucks to the max. But i reckon that as time passes, we will get used to it. E6'09 is soooo pathetic. 5girls only, including me and shuling! ): Ohya, i am in cost accounting for elective. But its all theory OK SUCKS MAN! Grrr, ok but its so much better then studying networking. -.- HAHAHA!

And now idk wtf that bitch at home wants from me. super irritating, trying to agitate me. but im trying so hard to control my fcuking temper and ignore her. grrr! i must control i am control i am just too tired to quarrel with her and i know i will break down if i start shouting and scream at that bitch cause i am moodless and tired i swear. im playing the song insomnia so loudly so that i cant hear what she's saying. Not going to let her get her way thru this time. CONTROL!