here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
♥ 4:13 AM ♥

Met up w deb &jt! aly fell sick so she did make it ):
Caught 'He's just not that into you'! Thumbs up!
Supper at rocher beancurd. (:

Mon - OOP exam. (: Not bad, manageable!
Headed town to meet puaychin, craving for my chickenrice! ;D
Met zy, wk @ zai dui. Read finish my book - i don't like the ending! ):
I need more storybooks! Esp Nicholas sparks!
Tues - went for interview, then golden mile followed by MS.
Caught 'New in town' ! Nice show (:

I can't wait till sun &off to genting with friends! :D
Aww busy week ahead. thurs - sat working @ mphosis.

I guess i won't update until im back from genting! So stay tune next week! (:

♥ 4:13 AM ♥

Met up w deb &jt! aly fell sick so she did make it ):
Caught 'He's just not that into you'! Thumbs up!
Supper at rocher beancurd. (:

Mon - OOP exam. (: Not bad, manageable!
Headed town to meet puaychin, craving for my chickenrice! ;D
Met zy, wk @ zai dui. Read finish my book - i don't like the ending! ):
I need more storybooks! Esp Nicholas sparks!
Tues - went for interview, then golden mile followed by MS.
Caught 'New in town' ! Nice show (:

I can't wait till sun &off to genting with friends! :D
Aww busy week ahead. thurs - sat working @ mphosis.

I guess i won't update until im back from genting! So stay tune next week! (:

Saturday, February 21, 2009
♥ 4:39 AM ♥

Sorry for neglecting my dear blog!
Was too engross with my hk drama! ;X

My day's night, night's day! Bad sleeping habit ):
Anw, 2 papers down. Cmath was manageable, but COS is terrible.
I passed up the paper w 95% answer blanks. ):

Manage to book coach bus & hotel for our genting trip!
I need to renew my passport by next week! ):
Yujie came, chicago steakhouse @ cin (:

Thanks zhengwei for teaching OOP!
Its much better then COS! At least i just have to memorise a lil java codes.
Movie with haowen @ Kallang leisure. - Pink Panther 2!
Supper at 126. Homed ((:

I need a job. I can't possible laze my holidays off at home.
Cause i had been lazing at home for idk how long!
It feels good, but make me feel that i drifted away from the outside world. LMAO!

♥ 4:39 AM ♥

Sorry for neglecting my dear blog!
Was too engross with my hk drama! ;X

My day's night, night's day! Bad sleeping habit ):
Anw, 2 papers down. Cmath was manageable, but COS is terrible.
I passed up the paper w 95% answer blanks. ):

Manage to book coach bus & hotel for our genting trip!
I need to renew my passport by next week! ):
Yujie came, chicago steakhouse @ cin (:

Thanks zhengwei for teaching OOP!
Its much better then COS! At least i just have to memorise a lil java codes.
Movie with haowen @ Kallang leisure. - Pink Panther 2!
Supper at 126. Homed ((:

I need a job. I can't possible laze my holidays off at home.
Cause i had been lazing at home for idk how long!
It feels good, but make me feel that i drifted away from the outside world. LMAO!

Thursday, February 19, 2009
♥ 12:01 AM ♥

LBar and Powerhouse on valentines' day! ;D
Friend's accompany was awesome, even without a valentine (:

So did you guys enjoyed that night?
Well, all of us are single! ;D Expect for .. ahem koon&bert? Hahah! ;X
And my thinking remains.

♥ 12:01 AM ♥

LBar and Powerhouse on valentines' day! ;D
Friend's accompany was awesome, even without a valentine (:

So did you guys enjoyed that night?
Well, all of us are single! ;D Expect for .. ahem koon&bert? Hahah! ;X
And my thinking remains.

Thursday, February 12, 2009
♥ 3:52 AM ♥

Life is just one damned thing after another.

♥ 3:52 AM ♥

Life is just one damned thing after another.

Monday, February 9, 2009
♥ 11:35 PM ♥

Let the photos do the talking. (:

I love them!

I love DODO. LOL!

The Birthday Boy!

She say the flash was v bright. ):
