here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
♥ 10:59 PM ♥


Caught the coffin @cathay with ollielove
Lepak at starbucks for hours.
Love last day before leaving off ):

Icon aft that, then OCH changi village.
Jt, deb left. Me and aly cab over to meet my friends.
Cause they're lazy to drive all the way to raffles.
OCH, scaryyyyyy. :P
Thanks chong for send me and aly home (:
Goodluck for your paper! Same goes to bert and ho.

SATURDAY's photos are with chong. Post up when i get from him (:

Love lost his phone, i can't contact him ): I need to wait for him to contact me before i can call/sms him ): Just chatted on phone with him aft dinner. (: BB IS UNFAIR! Get a new webcam so that i can see you toooooo. ): <,33333

Besty, cheer up ok? Everything will be fine. You have me by yourself k just rant to me whenever you're feeling down. Loveyou.

Lesson @ 8am tmr, CIAO! (:

♥ 10:59 PM ♥


Caught the coffin @cathay with ollielove
Lepak at starbucks for hours.
Love last day before leaving off ):

Icon aft that, then OCH changi village.
Jt, deb left. Me and aly cab over to meet my friends.
Cause they're lazy to drive all the way to raffles.
OCH, scaryyyyyy. :P
Thanks chong for send me and aly home (:
Goodluck for your paper! Same goes to bert and ho.

SATURDAY's photos are with chong. Post up when i get from him (:

Love lost his phone, i can't contact him ): I need to wait for him to contact me before i can call/sms him ): Just chatted on phone with him aft dinner. (: BB IS UNFAIR! Get a new webcam so that i can see you toooooo. ): <,33333

Besty, cheer up ok? Everything will be fine. You have me by yourself k just rant to me whenever you're feeling down. Loveyou.

Lesson @ 8am tmr, CIAO! (:

Sunday, October 26, 2008
♥ 6:18 AM ♥

Babyyy called me twice when i was working. He's my medicine! I feel so awake and happy when i heard his voice. I tot i could only hear from him at 11plus when he reached london. I was damn happyyyy.

Aft work while i was waiting for eugenechong and the rest to pick me up - daphnne, albert, jasonh. baby called! Omgomg. (: Went over timbre @ OldSchool. Passed irene her comic and drank the balanced macallan. (: Daphnne wants to go powerhouse instead of watching movieeee. We were all wearing damn casual laaa. Hahaha. We almost lost our way there. Haha. The music sucks, daphnne was so hot on the dance floor i swear. Thanks eugene for the ride home. Thanks for the night. Esp daphnne's bro and his friend for the shots and cig.

I was waiting for baby's call/message. I nearly went crazy while waiting, so i just picked up my phone and dial his no. I don't care my phone bill will be ex cause i can't wait any longer. I want to let him know where i went, what was i doing. I miss him many many.

Anw, baby say the cookies was awesome. OMG, yayness man. (: I hope he meant it :P

Ok its freaking 6.30am in the morning, im tired but i cant get to sleep. Love sickkkk. But i need to force myself to sleep cause i don't want to miss baby's call later!

I love the way you look at me.

♥ 6:18 AM ♥

Babyyy called me twice when i was working. He's my medicine! I feel so awake and happy when i heard his voice. I tot i could only hear from him at 11plus when he reached london. I was damn happyyyy.

Aft work while i was waiting for eugenechong and the rest to pick me up - daphnne, albert, jasonh. baby called! Omgomg. (: Went over timbre @ OldSchool. Passed irene her comic and drank the balanced macallan. (: Daphnne wants to go powerhouse instead of watching movieeee. We were all wearing damn casual laaa. Hahaha. We almost lost our way there. Haha. The music sucks, daphnne was so hot on the dance floor i swear. Thanks eugene for the ride home. Thanks for the night. Esp daphnne's bro and his friend for the shots and cig.

I was waiting for baby's call/message. I nearly went crazy while waiting, so i just picked up my phone and dial his no. I don't care my phone bill will be ex cause i can't wait any longer. I want to let him know where i went, what was i doing. I miss him many many.

Anw, baby say the cookies was awesome. OMG, yayness man. (: I hope he meant it :P

Ok its freaking 6.30am in the morning, im tired but i cant get to sleep. Love sickkkk. But i need to force myself to sleep cause i don't want to miss baby's call later!

I love the way you look at me.

Friday, October 24, 2008
♥ 3:41 PM ♥

BABYYYYYYYYY! You're leaving in few hours time. ): ): ): ): ): I will miss you badly. Can you please don't go. Haiss. I'm seeing you in 2hours time! <,3333

♥ 3:41 PM ♥

BABYYYYYYYYY! You're leaving in few hours time. ): ): ): ): ): I will miss you badly. Can you please don't go. Haiss. I'm seeing you in 2hours time! <,3333

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
♥ 10:16 PM ♥


Dinner @ the jewel box - mount faber.
Cable car! (: Bonding with my sister is getting closer.
Yeah, mummy is happy.

School sucks cause i always cant wake up on time ):

Babyy is flying off in 2days time ): Can time pass slowly grrrr. <,33

Baby send me to school this morning, although he's late. I was damn surprise man, i didn't know he was coming over. He waited for me 4hours while im having lesson. thanks baby. then he cooked lunch for me! Went to get the ingredients. My fav salmon and xiaobaicai ! It was awesome baby. Hahaha. Sorry for being so moody cause i'm effin tired ! But still, thanks for the accompany baby (: