here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
♥ 12:20 AM ♥

Prawn fishing @ pasir ris farmway 3 was awesome! Met up with alison and jingting at alj mac. OMG, its been long since i met up with ajt!! We headed to cine while alison went home. We waited for oliver to pick us up at town and there we go, prawn fishing! It was my first time there, i felt so dumb. Luckily, oliver and jingting taught me! :DDD His friends was jokers, had a good laugh with them!

No photos was taken. I was busy prawning la! Hehehe.

But there are some overdue photos at timbre!

rotting at home the whole day! hot shot rockkks my day! (:

I reckon i got to stop my daydreaming. (: It's impossible! Haha. What to do, poor me. Hehs.

♥ 12:20 AM ♥

Prawn fishing @ pasir ris farmway 3 was awesome! Met up with alison and jingting at alj mac. OMG, its been long since i met up with ajt!! We headed to cine while alison went home. We waited for oliver to pick us up at town and there we go, prawn fishing! It was my first time there, i felt so dumb. Luckily, oliver and jingting taught me! :DDD His friends was jokers, had a good laugh with them!

No photos was taken. I was busy prawning la! Hehehe.

But there are some overdue photos at timbre!

rotting at home the whole day! hot shot rockkks my day! (:

I reckon i got to stop my daydreaming. (: It's impossible! Haha. What to do, poor me. Hehs.

Sunday, September 28, 2008
♥ 2:20 AM ♥

Rock on babe! Fabulous friday night @ timbre. (: I got to know cool friends, babe and dudes! Oliver, joycelyn, kongiak, ari, cailing and few more which i couldn't remember their names. They are all genius, sajc np. Ahh, i felt so dumb with them, laugh! A cool place to chill out at night. Yeah babe, new songs delicious pizza! Enjoyed myself, thou i'm kinda quiet. Ohyeah, ari and kongaik are rs sec schmates. The world is so small! Oh and i met meifen and jiemin there too!

Aly, thanks ya.

Photos will be up when i get it from joycelyn!

I spent half of my saturday on my cosy bed! (: Manage to drag myself up of bed only around 3. I was supposed to meet huiping and shuling at 4pm. Ahhh. I came onlineeeee, i had never come online in the day since holiday started. Haha! And the reason was because i'm chatting to a cool guy! ((:
Ok, saturday with huiping and shuling at town! nice catching up with them (: Camwhoringgg. (:

lovely couple captured!

i got super small eye.
Shuling &huiping!

Time to catch up with my dear friends yo! I'm super free when it strikes october!
Birthdaysssssss, yays!


♥ 2:20 AM ♥

Rock on babe! Fabulous friday night @ timbre. (: I got to know cool friends, babe and dudes! Oliver, joycelyn, kongiak, ari, cailing and few more which i couldn't remember their names. They are all genius, sajc np. Ahh, i felt so dumb with them, laugh! A cool place to chill out at night. Yeah babe, new songs delicious pizza! Enjoyed myself, thou i'm kinda quiet. Ohyeah, ari and kongaik are rs sec schmates. The world is so small! Oh and i met meifen and jiemin there too!

Aly, thanks ya.

Photos will be up when i get it from joycelyn!

I spent half of my saturday on my cosy bed! (: Manage to drag myself up of bed only around 3. I was supposed to meet huiping and shuling at 4pm. Ahhh. I came onlineeeee, i had never come online in the day since holiday started. Haha! And the reason was because i'm chatting to a cool guy! ((:
Ok, saturday with huiping and shuling at town! nice catching up with them (: Camwhoringgg. (:

lovely couple captured!

i got super small eye.
Shuling &huiping!

Time to catch up with my dear friends yo! I'm super free when it strikes october!
Birthdaysssssss, yays!


Thursday, September 25, 2008
♥ 2:34 AM ♥

i really don't know should i get angry over it. i don't mind waiting for you for few hours, i know you always drag. but, this time i waited for you but you're sleeping at home. if you are tired you can just give me a text saying you're tired, you want to sleep. last min thingy, i can tolerate but not putting aeroplane. girl, you understand anot? think if you were me, how will you feel when you're alr out? i care for your studies, your olevel is approaching. if not, i will just catch a movie with my friends, i will just meet haowen. instead, i waited for you at bugis the whole evening but you didnt turn up. at least be a lil responsible to tell me, let's not meet i am tired. take responsible to what you had said. you told me yourself that olevel is just a mth away, but you aint trying hard, making full use of this one mth. you complaint your prelims results, but you aint doing anything to improve. you just study when you feel like, so how am i going to help you to obtain what you want for your olevel? maths, poa i tried my best to help, thou i had forgotten some. i really don't know should i be angry or not. i am disappointed.

ok i reckon i got to swallow this and put it aside ba, i don't want things to turn out bad. i seriously hope thats no next time.

That's how my day passed. Indeed a suey day, interview wasn't successful. i went too late. even if i met the requirement, they had enough staffs. Hate myself for waking up late ytd. ): what to do, thats life. full of regrets.

am i moving on too fast ?

♥ 2:34 AM ♥

i really don't know should i get angry over it. i don't mind waiting for you for few hours, i know you always drag. but, this time i waited for you but you're sleeping at home. if you are tired you can just give me a text saying you're tired, you want to sleep. last min thingy, i can tolerate but not putting aeroplane. girl, you understand anot? think if you were me, how will you feel when you're alr out? i care for your studies, your olevel is approaching. if not, i will just catch a movie with my friends, i will just meet haowen. instead, i waited for you at bugis the whole evening but you didnt turn up. at least be a lil responsible to tell me, let's not meet i am tired. take responsible to what you had said. you told me yourself that olevel is just a mth away, but you aint trying hard, making full use of this one mth. you complaint your prelims results, but you aint doing anything to improve. you just study when you feel like, so how am i going to help you to obtain what you want for your olevel? maths, poa i tried my best to help, thou i had forgotten some. i really don't know should i be angry or not. i am disappointed.

ok i reckon i got to swallow this and put it aside ba, i don't want things to turn out bad. i seriously hope thats no next time.

That's how my day passed. Indeed a suey day, interview wasn't successful. i went too late. even if i met the requirement, they had enough staffs. Hate myself for waking up late ytd. ): what to do, thats life. full of regrets.

am i moving on too fast ?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
♥ 3:23 AM ♥

It was so dramatic. Never did i expect that this will happen to me. Woah, i've got a 'wonderful' boss. I am so unhappy with the manager already (so is my colleague), and suddenly this happened. Alvin and boss was on the phone when i reached work place today. Ok, i sense something was amiss so i kept quiet and listen. Ha, to my horror i heard ' you want to sack you sack me first'. She was fcuking unreasonable, no one can tolerate it. The reason behind it was because, boss wanna alvin to sack my colleague because 'she didn't smile to her the day before when she came down'. Hey, i think no one can stand this STUPID reason! Why was there a need to smile to you? I guess that was just an excuse. Jess was just not happy that she say her off on friday and she asked boss to sack her, i reckon. So, after long conversation. I decided to quit too, no point staying here and look at their f faces. We just left for coffee nearby, uncle david and denis came down str8 when they heard about it. Everyone quit, ok should be everyone sacked the boss! Wahahahhaa! I bet they dislike me too, cause i kept texting and sitting down. They have got no staffs now, and micheal pleased weiqiang. Oh c'mon, don't make use of him because he belong to our group! (:(:(: I bet they will be suffering tmr cause none of them know how to use the cash register, the nets machine as while as the visa machine. Congrats!

Ok, don't say we are meant by doing all this to them. Cause they, themselves were very bastard in the first place. They wanted perfect worker. They complaint use standing down, using cellphone. Cmon, that was what you allowed in the first place. Its so ironic. I never imagine that a company will have no staffs to work for them. They simply deserve this. It is a lesson for them to learn. Don't be so bastard, don't be so stingy, don't set high expectation on staffs. (: May god bless them ! HAHAHAHAHA !

Anw, today was an unlucky day. Initially, i wanted to go back to sch to get my laptop done. But elp wasn't open. So instead i went tpy to get my contact lens. Butbutbut, the optical shop was closed for renovation! AHHHHHHHH. My eye had be giving me problem for weeks, and i am unable to wear contact lens. Nowwwww, they are close for renovation. I've got no more contact lens! I need to wear spect. ROARRRRR. How lucky!!!

Went down to bugis. Initially we didn't want to let her know about it. But uncle david say it was unfair to her, so i agree. Girl, don't be upset or angry. We are at your side, i am sure they regretted making this decision! (: Had steamboat with uncle david, alvin, tingting, denis, his siaoeh and girl. (: Then headed to cherry. He came to my mind out of a sudden. Grr. When we were leaving, i saw haohan etc. So coincidence.

Seriously, this year many things happened and i had learn many things. As time passed, i became more mature. Starting to see the outside world. (: Thanks god.

Say goodbye. (: I missed the times working with lovely people.
I knew that everything will be over end of this mth, but never imagine we parted a week earlier. I enjoyed myself there, w/o micheal and boss. (:

♥ 3:23 AM ♥

It was so dramatic. Never did i expect that this will happen to me. Woah, i've got a 'wonderful' boss. I am so unhappy with the manager already (so is my colleague), and suddenly this happened. Alvin and boss was on the phone when i reached work place today. Ok, i sense something was amiss so i kept quiet and listen. Ha, to my horror i heard ' you want to sack you sack me first'. She was fcuking unreasonable, no one can tolerate it. The reason behind it was because, boss wanna alvin to sack my colleague because 'she didn't smile to her the day before when she came down'. Hey, i think no one can stand this STUPID reason! Why was there a need to smile to you? I guess that was just an excuse. Jess was just not happy that she say her off on friday and she asked boss to sack her, i reckon. So, after long conversation. I decided to quit too, no point staying here and look at their f faces. We just left for coffee nearby, uncle david and denis came down str8 when they heard about it. Everyone quit, ok should be everyone sacked the boss! Wahahahhaa! I bet they dislike me too, cause i kept texting and sitting down. They have got no staffs now, and micheal pleased weiqiang. Oh c'mon, don't make use of him because he belong to our group! (:(:(: I bet they will be suffering tmr cause none of them know how to use the cash register, the nets machine as while as the visa machine. Congrats!

Ok, don't say we are meant by doing all this to them. Cause they, themselves were very bastard in the first place. They wanted perfect worker. They complaint use standing down, using cellphone. Cmon, that was what you allowed in the first place. Its so ironic. I never imagine that a company will have no staffs to work for them. They simply deserve this. It is a lesson for them to learn. Don't be so bastard, don't be so stingy, don't set high expectation on staffs. (: May god bless them ! HAHAHAHAHA !

Anw, today was an unlucky day. Initially, i wanted to go back to sch to get my laptop done. But elp wasn't open. So instead i went tpy to get my contact lens. Butbutbut, the optical shop was closed for renovation! AHHHHHHHH. My eye had be giving me problem for weeks, and i am unable to wear contact lens. Nowwwww, they are close for renovation. I've got no more contact lens! I need to wear spect. ROARRRRR. How lucky!!!

Went down to bugis. Initially we didn't want to let her know about it. But uncle david say it was unfair to her, so i agree. Girl, don't be upset or angry. We are at your side, i am sure they regretted making this decision! (: Had steamboat with uncle david, alvin, tingting, denis, his siaoeh and girl. (: Then headed to cherry. He came to my mind out of a sudden. Grr. When we were leaving, i saw haohan etc. So coincidence.

Seriously, this year many things happened and i had learn many things. As time passed, i became more mature. Starting to see the outside world. (: Thanks god.

Say goodbye. (: I missed the times working with lovely people.
I knew that everything will be over end of this mth, but never imagine we parted a week earlier. I enjoyed myself there, w/o micheal and boss. (:

Monday, September 22, 2008
♥ 2:30 AM ♥

Some words are better left unspoken.

Tell me, what is the meaning of 'family'. Whenever i stayed at home, there will be someone who get my nerves off, and i starts screaming and shouting. Quarrels, misunderstanding. Anyone tried to stand in my position and think for me. Whats the use of being the youngest yet getting nonsense from elders? Do i owe them a living? Grrr. It wasn't my fault, and i am right to stand up for myself. I wasn't crying to gain anyone sympathy. It is because i hate being mistaken and one not listening to my explanation. At time i may be at fault, but at least i admitted right? Roar, and later on mum called and i told her about it. See, i was right. it wasn't my fault at all and dajie put the blame on me. Cold war at home, no one break the silent and i am not going to be the one this time. (:

Nowadays, weather is getting unbearable! Humidity up to 94%, oh my goodness. No wonder i kept perspiring. Roarrrrrrr.
Ok, i was just reading the weather forecast and i was telling russell. It stated that it will rain between 2am to 5am. Then i heard thunder, f ! I scare dao sia. ): I scare thunder at night, i want go sleep alr. ): Shit man!

Anyway, accompanied isabel for her lunch break today. Such a nice friend right? She always exaggerate things, hahaha! I am trying on clarins product because my besty say it is good. I am so supportive right? Hahaha.

Me is going down nyp to get my laptop done! Roar, they better get it done for me if not i am going to scream and swear like a mad woman tmr. Hp center say, they can't reformat for me cause all my school programs will be gone or whatever shit la. Making me so reluctant to get my laptop done.

♥ 2:30 AM ♥

Some words are better left unspoken.

Tell me, what is the meaning of 'family'. Whenever i stayed at home, there will be someone who get my nerves off, and i starts screaming and shouting. Quarrels, misunderstanding. Anyone tried to stand in my position and think for me. Whats the use of being the youngest yet getting nonsense from elders? Do i owe them a living? Grrr. It wasn't my fault, and i am right to stand up for myself. I wasn't crying to gain anyone sympathy. It is because i hate being mistaken and one not listening to my explanation. At time i may be at fault, but at least i admitted right? Roar, and later on mum called and i told her about it. See, i was right. it wasn't my fault at all and dajie put the blame on me. Cold war at home, no one break the silent and i am not going to be the one this time. (:

Nowadays, weather is getting unbearable! Humidity up to 94%, oh my goodness. No wonder i kept perspiring. Roarrrrrrr.
Ok, i was just reading the weather forecast and i was telling russell. It stated that it will rain between 2am to 5am. Then i heard thunder, f ! I scare dao sia. ): I scare thunder at night, i want go sleep alr. ): Shit man!

Anyway, accompanied isabel for her lunch break today. Such a nice friend right? She always exaggerate things, hahaha! I am trying on clarins product because my besty say it is good. I am so supportive right? Hahaha.

Me is going down nyp to get my laptop done! Roar, they better get it done for me if not i am going to scream and swear like a mad woman tmr. Hp center say, they can't reformat for me cause all my school programs will be gone or whatever shit la. Making me so reluctant to get my laptop done.

Sunday, September 21, 2008
♥ 3:08 AM ♥

'I love you, baby. Thanks for not giving up on me and i am glad everything was cleared! (: Loves many!'

Semster 2 timetable is out! Roarrr. Mon, wed, fri lesson @ 8am! Wohooo, goodluck to me.
Anw, i got into thinking skill for my elective. Hehe. Purposely didn't choose japan, french or german cause i am afraid i can't cope with me.
Although it is a good chance, but its better to be safe then to be sorry. It might pull my GPA down. Hehe.

Chatted with isabel a few days ago. She was tell me

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:
i love shane:)

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:
i want bestey to find a bf also ):

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:
very long VERY LONG no double date le

Hahaha, she's so funny right. Nevermind. We was chatting. Then we happened to say about r/s again.

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:
u wanna attend my wedding/

XMei ツ said:
ofcuz la! dumb!

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:

XMei ツ said:
you want to attend mine?

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:
but u dunwan get married !

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:
dun say marriage la

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:
boyf also dun haf yet

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:

XMei ツ said:
is not dont have HOR.

XMei ツ said:
is dont want ok.

XMei ツ said:

XMei ツ said:
go be nun.

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:

See, this evil girl sia. LOL! And happened to remember many years ago, she used to play with towel? (i can't remember what was she using la.) and she called herself sister maria! Cause we was from convent school, LOL. Think back it was freaking funny ok! Now she call me SISTER SIEWMAY. Smack you ah! LOL.

Busy working this whole week, i like. It kepts me busy throughout. (: I can't imagine me w/o a job, i can die. Not because i got no money because i will be dead boring! I prefer spending my time wisely, doing meaningful things then just slack around everyday. LOL!
Working at suntec was super irritating cause, everyone will be coming down to check on you. Esp micheal, we're your staff not your dog to tell us what to do - even how we should stand and serve customers. this is totally rubbish man! And he's so ironic. I've got so much bad points about him man. Ok, not only me even jiemin, esteen complaint too!
I prefer working at clarke quay. Relaxing, slack and obviously better management! Hehehe.

I bought 2tops from hypnosis. They're having sales! Just now i was on my shopping mood and i saw them having sales (: I need to replenish my waredrobe soon! Getting sick of my clothes, hehehe.

Thanks russell, alvin, rs for coming all the way down to clarke quay to get me MOS Burger. :x
They're nice but they are irritating! Opps (:

Omg, i think i've lost track of this world. Have been in my own world for this month. So wake me up when the Sept ends! Cause it's October! My birthday!! Yays. There's too many october babies, my wallet gonna be in oh-so-big-hole! LOL.

Last but not last, alison &russell got faked by me. Look at my 1st sentence of my post. They're tricked by me. (: I'm not in love la! Hehehe. Like what most of my friends said, i got super high expectation. (: Single cheers! (:


♥ 3:08 AM ♥

'I love you, baby. Thanks for not giving up on me and i am glad everything was cleared! (: Loves many!'

Semster 2 timetable is out! Roarrr. Mon, wed, fri lesson @ 8am! Wohooo, goodluck to me.
Anw, i got into thinking skill for my elective. Hehe. Purposely didn't choose japan, french or german cause i am afraid i can't cope with me.
Although it is a good chance, but its better to be safe then to be sorry. It might pull my GPA down. Hehe.

Chatted with isabel a few days ago. She was tell me

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:
i love shane:)

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:
i want bestey to find a bf also ):

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:
very long VERY LONG no double date le

Hahaha, she's so funny right. Nevermind. We was chatting. Then we happened to say about r/s again.

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:
u wanna attend my wedding/

XMei ツ said:
ofcuz la! dumb!

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:

XMei ツ said:
you want to attend mine?

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:
but u dunwan get married !

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:
dun say marriage la

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:
boyf also dun haf yet

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:

XMei ツ said:
is not dont have HOR.

XMei ツ said:
is dont want ok.

XMei ツ said:

XMei ツ said:
go be nun.

Isabella.W; ' Shane is my man... said:

See, this evil girl sia. LOL! And happened to remember many years ago, she used to play with towel? (i can't remember what was she using la.) and she called herself sister maria! Cause we was from convent school, LOL. Think back it was freaking funny ok! Now she call me SISTER SIEWMAY. Smack you ah! LOL.

Busy working this whole week, i like. It kepts me busy throughout. (: I can't imagine me w/o a job, i can die. Not because i got no money because i will be dead boring! I prefer spending my time wisely, doing meaningful things then just slack around everyday. LOL!
Working at suntec was super irritating cause, everyone will be coming down to check on you. Esp micheal, we're your staff not your dog to tell us what to do - even how we should stand and serve customers. this is totally rubbish man! And he's so ironic. I've got so much bad points about him man. Ok, not only me even jiemin, esteen complaint too!
I prefer working at clarke quay. Relaxing, slack and obviously better management! Hehehe.

I bought 2tops from hypnosis. They're having sales! Just now i was on my shopping mood and i saw them having sales (: I need to replenish my waredrobe soon! Getting sick of my clothes, hehehe.

Thanks russell, alvin, rs for coming all the way down to clarke quay to get me MOS Burger. :x
They're nice but they are irritating! Opps (:

Omg, i think i've lost track of this world. Have been in my own world for this month. So wake me up when the Sept ends! Cause it's October! My birthday!! Yays. There's too many october babies, my wallet gonna be in oh-so-big-hole! LOL.

Last but not last, alison &russell got faked by me. Look at my 1st sentence of my post. They're tricked by me. (: I'm not in love la! Hehehe. Like what most of my friends said, i got super high expectation. (: Single cheers! (:


Wednesday, September 17, 2008
♥ 11:49 PM ♥

Congratulation, i passed!
&to my lovely MIT0812 &all who passed! (:
Alright, it was surprising. But IAD was unexpected ):


I am unhappy with my manager, micheal!
He's a bastard, irritating. Alvin say, f him la! LOL :P

Overdue photo with brenda!

I feel like blogging many things but im too lazy to type :x

♥ 11:49 PM ♥

Congratulation, i passed!
&to my lovely MIT0812 &all who passed! (:
Alright, it was surprising. But IAD was unexpected ):


I am unhappy with my manager, micheal!
He's a bastard, irritating. Alvin say, f him la! LOL :P

Overdue photo with brenda!

I feel like blogging many things but im too lazy to type :x