here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Sunday, August 31, 2008
♥ 1:52 AM ♥

It was a long day for me. I enjoy working with jiemin, but i reckon this will be the last day i'm working with her cuz mth of sept i won't be working weekends. Sales was super bad, we never had this situation before. Gosh man, both of us was super stress. Serving all the customers that stop at our cart. Me went crazy - cuz i went " Jiemin, if you were given SGD$1m, what will you do with it". And i started thinking so much that we started laughing loudly. :x then i went over uncle david's cart, i ask his gf. then uncle david said, " why not you think. how are you going to earn to become a million air. " woah. Haha! Ok, then today jiemin shouted to a lil boy ' eh! dont pull ' but the spring went pingpongpang. Hahaha. Uncle david cart got 2rings been stole by chinagirl (we wasnt sure, but just assume only).

Its been long since i met up with debbie. Last min alison cldn't make it as she is meeting her besty for a party. Debbie came all the why to my work place and we headed to town. Headache about what to get for my dear besty. You know she got everything she wants. Grrrr. End up bought her present at taka, like finally! ISABEL, you must like and use it hor!!! Thanks debbie for the accompany! Went starbuck to lepakk (: Sinful sia, cuz i drank my fav - ice cholocate! Walked to PS, lepak around giffra resturant. We bitched, and camwhoring time! Once in a while, meeting up with the lovely girl, debbie is great. Catching up with our life and updating latest news!

Anw, it's been long since 4 of us (aly, ajt, deb &me) met up and lepakkk! Soon alright!

It's holiday and i want to catch up with my friends! DAPHNNE &CLIQUE! YOU! And many more (:

♥ 1:52 AM ♥

It was a long day for me. I enjoy working with jiemin, but i reckon this will be the last day i'm working with her cuz mth of sept i won't be working weekends. Sales was super bad, we never had this situation before. Gosh man, both of us was super stress. Serving all the customers that stop at our cart. Me went crazy - cuz i went " Jiemin, if you were given SGD$1m, what will you do with it". And i started thinking so much that we started laughing loudly. :x then i went over uncle david's cart, i ask his gf. then uncle david said, " why not you think. how are you going to earn to become a million air. " woah. Haha! Ok, then today jiemin shouted to a lil boy ' eh! dont pull ' but the spring went pingpongpang. Hahaha. Uncle david cart got 2rings been stole by chinagirl (we wasnt sure, but just assume only).

Its been long since i met up with debbie. Last min alison cldn't make it as she is meeting her besty for a party. Debbie came all the why to my work place and we headed to town. Headache about what to get for my dear besty. You know she got everything she wants. Grrrr. End up bought her present at taka, like finally! ISABEL, you must like and use it hor!!! Thanks debbie for the accompany! Went starbuck to lepakk (: Sinful sia, cuz i drank my fav - ice cholocate! Walked to PS, lepak around giffra resturant. We bitched, and camwhoring time! Once in a while, meeting up with the lovely girl, debbie is great. Catching up with our life and updating latest news!

Anw, it's been long since 4 of us (aly, ajt, deb &me) met up and lepakkk! Soon alright!

It's holiday and i want to catch up with my friends! DAPHNNE &CLIQUE! YOU! And many more (:

Thursday, August 28, 2008
♥ 11:45 PM ♥

That's too many i want to say. Where should i start?

SingSangSung @teoheng with aly.
Parkway, dinner @ MOS burger! Yummy.
We bitched, we chatted.
Aly, great chat! You gave me advice of what i should do for myself (: Thanks!
Like finally, i bought my grey legging from Cotton On.
I eyed on a mini 3/4-sleeved dress from m)phosis.
I eyed on a long-sleeved top from Cotton On.
But i'm BROKE! ): Money, money.

I don't have any confident at all.
We are 有缘无份 => Have Destiny No Fate. (correct?)
You leave too early, i returned too late
We missed the chance. ): ):

I miss the time when we are on phone almost every night till either one of us doze off.
I miss the time when we are close.
I miss the time when you came to look for me when i'm working.
I miss the time when you came all the way down to pass me charger for my hp.
I miss the time when we hang out together.
I miss the time when we joked and laugh together.
I miss the time when you sent/walk me home.

I tried so hard to forget everything, but everytime when i say i'm moving on,
i met you in my dream, sweet dream. But waking up with tears.

): Thoughts kept running all over my mind.
So many. R/s, Friendship.
Memories, too many too many.
I hope time heals and things will slowly be better. (:

♥ 11:45 PM ♥

That's too many i want to say. Where should i start?

SingSangSung @teoheng with aly.
Parkway, dinner @ MOS burger! Yummy.
We bitched, we chatted.
Aly, great chat! You gave me advice of what i should do for myself (: Thanks!
Like finally, i bought my grey legging from Cotton On.
I eyed on a mini 3/4-sleeved dress from m)phosis.
I eyed on a long-sleeved top from Cotton On.
But i'm BROKE! ): Money, money.

I don't have any confident at all.
We are 有缘无份 => Have Destiny No Fate. (correct?)
You leave too early, i returned too late
We missed the chance. ): ):

I miss the time when we are on phone almost every night till either one of us doze off.
I miss the time when we are close.
I miss the time when you came to look for me when i'm working.
I miss the time when you came all the way down to pass me charger for my hp.
I miss the time when we hang out together.
I miss the time when we joked and laugh together.
I miss the time when you sent/walk me home.

I tried so hard to forget everything, but everytime when i say i'm moving on,
i met you in my dream, sweet dream. But waking up with tears.

): Thoughts kept running all over my mind.
So many. R/s, Friendship.
Memories, too many too many.
I hope time heals and things will slowly be better. (:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
♥ 12:26 AM ♥


IAD, managed to complete the qns on javascript!
Spent the last min, memorizing the codes before exam, phew! the qns came out!
Well, IAD is the only paper i got confidence to get at least a pass. (:
Caught Death Race ! *thumb up, thrilling &exciting.
Headed to jack's place for lunch!

Met up with the girls &wseng in the evening.
Fulfilled part of my shopping list - a bag &a sandal :x
Dine in @ citylink's shokudo.
Gossip whatever things that comes to over mind (:
Had a great time with them, altho i'm exhausted.

Time for me to get to work, have been slacking a lot this mth!

I'm glad d rain had stopped, if not i doubt my flu will recover that fast (: