here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
♥ 9:08 PM ♥

Sorry people, i know this few day my attitude was sucky just not feeling well (: Thanks junkai for taking over my slot today, really not feeling well. Sorry for the last min, and thanks for the help.Anw, one month one time sucks. And i hope it will end soon. (:

Projects - DEP , Elective , CCT , Webpage , Programming , now left with Graphic Design! Weeeee! Relief man! Graphic Design, i'm done with what i'm supposed to do. Now helping huiping and steph. I hope we can finish it by tmr! Dateline is Friday 12pm! :D:D:D
Did DE 4 equiz, and DCN equiz. Thanks to those who helped me (:

Ahhh, standing on the weighting machine looking at the scale. Last week, its hurts to see myself gaining weight, but now it's a joy to see that i'm slowly losing some weight (: This shows that my hardwork pay off. Keep it up, xmei!

This couple make me realised that actually being in a relationship can be so sweet. Loving each other, caring for each other. They seems to be such a perfect couple (But i don't know what's going inside them lah). And so far, they are the only couple i'm envy and jealous of. Hahaha. (:

They make me realised being in love with opposite sex doesn't need to depend on their looks and dressing. All you need is to find someone who have good character, and faithful to you. They are good example!

Although i don't know if his/her character are good, but they just make me feel that they are (: May them last long :DD

If only i got another chance, if only i can return to year 2004 i think other will be envy and jealous of us (:

♥ 9:08 PM ♥

Sorry people, i know this few day my attitude was sucky just not feeling well (: Thanks junkai for taking over my slot today, really not feeling well. Sorry for the last min, and thanks for the help.Anw, one month one time sucks. And i hope it will end soon. (:

Projects - DEP , Elective , CCT , Webpage , Programming , now left with Graphic Design! Weeeee! Relief man! Graphic Design, i'm done with what i'm supposed to do. Now helping huiping and steph. I hope we can finish it by tmr! Dateline is Friday 12pm! :D:D:D
Did DE 4 equiz, and DCN equiz. Thanks to those who helped me (:

Ahhh, standing on the weighting machine looking at the scale. Last week, its hurts to see myself gaining weight, but now it's a joy to see that i'm slowly losing some weight (: This shows that my hardwork pay off. Keep it up, xmei!

This couple make me realised that actually being in a relationship can be so sweet. Loving each other, caring for each other. They seems to be such a perfect couple (But i don't know what's going inside them lah). And so far, they are the only couple i'm envy and jealous of. Hahaha. (:

They make me realised being in love with opposite sex doesn't need to depend on their looks and dressing. All you need is to find someone who have good character, and faithful to you. They are good example!

Although i don't know if his/her character are good, but they just make me feel that they are (: May them last long :DD

If only i got another chance, if only i can return to year 2004 i think other will be envy and jealous of us (:

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
♥ 10:13 PM ♥

Self-declared holiday, too lazy to drag myself out of bed even when my mother gave me several wake up calls. (:
Sketch my project for Graphic Design. Did Logical Gate Equiz. 4 more equiz to go):
Alison came my house after she went to visit the clinic. Mummy bought my fav green appple juice (:
Ohya, i tidy my table and cupboard ytd. Its so neat and clean now (:
Currently at mac, just completed TOE chart for Programming.
Did DE paper, but many blank. I wonder how am i gonna take my CT in 1week time.

I was supposed to meet him tday but he slept this morning so i decided to let him sleep and not disturb him. (: I'm a nice friend right? Hehehe.
This few days i prefer staying at home, slack around. Esp when i'm alone.
I'm feel bored coming online everyday, too lazy to do anything, even online shopping. :x
I'm broke and i need to save. Overspent this month.

I need to complete GD project by this fri but we've yet to start on illustrator!
I need to complete all my equiz by this fri but i know nuts abt the module. ):
I need to start studying, but i cant concentrate well.

Tmr haowen can't meet me to school cuz his lesson start late, and im sure i am gonna be late for GD lesson. ):

Ok now, i've stop blogging cuz my lappy batt is running low. I'll update soon.

I hate this inexpressible feeling.

♥ 10:13 PM ♥

Self-declared holiday, too lazy to drag myself out of bed even when my mother gave me several wake up calls. (:
Sketch my project for Graphic Design. Did Logical Gate Equiz. 4 more equiz to go):
Alison came my house after she went to visit the clinic. Mummy bought my fav green appple juice (:
Ohya, i tidy my table and cupboard ytd. Its so neat and clean now (:
Currently at mac, just completed TOE chart for Programming.
Did DE paper, but many blank. I wonder how am i gonna take my CT in 1week time.

I was supposed to meet him tday but he slept this morning so i decided to let him sleep and not disturb him. (: I'm a nice friend right? Hehehe.
This few days i prefer staying at home, slack around. Esp when i'm alone.
I'm feel bored coming online everyday, too lazy to do anything, even online shopping. :x
I'm broke and i need to save. Overspent this month.

I need to complete GD project by this fri but we've yet to start on illustrator!
I need to complete all my equiz by this fri but i know nuts abt the module. ):
I need to start studying, but i cant concentrate well.

Tmr haowen can't meet me to school cuz his lesson start late, and im sure i am gonna be late for GD lesson. ):

Ok now, i've stop blogging cuz my lappy batt is running low. I'll update soon.

I hate this inexpressible feeling.

Monday, July 28, 2008
♥ 1:08 AM ♥

Both aly and i is down with flu, but we still went sentosa. :D
Although just 3 of us (aly, haowen and me), but it was fun.
Volleyball, soccer. Hahaha.
But we took a long time to wash up.
Before leaving sentosa, we dine at trapizza.
The pizza was delicious. (:
Enjoyed myself, THANKS :D
Supposed to meet kazua, meifen &clique on friday night but i give it a miss
Supposed to meet kazua and clique on saturday night at chomp2, but i give it a miss.
So sorry man! The two location were inconvience la. :x


OFF TO WATCH MY 命中注定我愛你 Episode 20 !

♥ 1:08 AM ♥

Both aly and i is down with flu, but we still went sentosa. :D
Although just 3 of us (aly, haowen and me), but it was fun.
Volleyball, soccer. Hahaha.
But we took a long time to wash up.
Before leaving sentosa, we dine at trapizza.
The pizza was delicious. (:
Enjoyed myself, THANKS :D
Supposed to meet kazua, meifen &clique on friday night but i give it a miss
Supposed to meet kazua and clique on saturday night at chomp2, but i give it a miss.
So sorry man! The two location were inconvience la. :x


OFF TO WATCH MY 命中注定我愛你 Episode 20 !

Thursday, July 24, 2008
♥ 11:52 PM ♥

Life's getting more and more boringggggg.
Tell me whywhywhywhywhywhy!
Although many projects, equiz, exams coming up but there's just smth missing.
I'm too lazy for all this, why is poly life so lifeless.
My sleeping timing go haywire.
So is my daily life? I need to find my-old-self back.
I need to stop munching on food and be on diet.
I got to sleep early and wake up early.
My eyebags is getting heavier each day.
My head is more and more pain each day.
I need more rest, i need more time, i need to change back myself.

Heee, my BF (:


♥ 11:52 PM ♥

Life's getting more and more boringggggg.
Tell me whywhywhywhywhywhy!
Although many projects, equiz, exams coming up but there's just smth missing.
I'm too lazy for all this, why is poly life so lifeless.
My sleeping timing go haywire.
So is my daily life? I need to find my-old-self back.
I need to stop munching on food and be on diet.
I got to sleep early and wake up early.
My eyebags is getting heavier each day.
My head is more and more pain each day.
I need more rest, i need more time, i need to change back myself.

Heee, my BF (:


Tuesday, July 22, 2008
♥ 1:21 PM ♥

PHEWWW ! Finally, i'm done with my HTML project. Ok, or should i say it's last min work? Haha. Chiong thru the nght, ended up a very simple webpage ): How i wish i got more time to complete.
Fyi, i'm in lesson now. I got presentation next week. ):
Last friday, after school went over meifen's house. Had a fight with her dog. (cuz i scare and she's super hyper la!) Slacked, and trained to bugis. Steamboat with GG members. But left early while they went to chill at some pub.
Saturday work with besty-isabel. Nice working with her. And thanks for eating the malay food the white sand boss bought. Cuz got curry and its spicyyyy. :D After work, went over geylang to eat beancurd. Yummyy! But geylang was damn crowd cuz it's durian season now. Hahaha.
Aly, deb, jt sorry for not going over breathless to meet you all. Don't have the mood to drink (:
Sunday, worked with jiemin. Both of us was so shagged, so we start camwhoring. Hahaha. White sand boss bought 2 packets carrot cake siaaaaaa. So big packet! So full sia. Hahahaha.
My life was rather boring last week cuz i also dont know why LOL!
Ok, photo time !