here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Monday, June 30, 2008
♥ 11:47 PM ♥

Back to school today, feeling so shagged. Only slept for 5hours. ): Was slack, but stayed back in school to complete our project. Come home around evening, watched tv and fall asleep on mummy's bed. Hahaha. That shows how tired am i. Haven't been sleeping well since last week. ):

Sunday, work with elin. Lots of crap, laughter and jokes. The boss of white stone keep buying things la, hahaha very paiseh sia. Hahaha. Elin, hehehehe! LOL. At night, weeseng came over pushcart. then we went town to shop! Wanted to go far east, but end up at wisma topshop. Bought a top and a skirt. Weeee! Went over far east, but all shop are closing again. Boringggg. Went over geylang 126 for diansim. Yayyy, my fav. Haha! Then wohoo lalala, i recieve a msg that makes me so high. :D:D:D Alright, then home sweet home.

LoyWeeSeng And Me.
This are overdue photos.

On sunday.

Not even myself think i grew fatter, people around me feels that too! ):
Soooooo, i'm going to join either kick boxing or badminton for my cca.
I need to loss 4 - 5 kg to my desire weightttt.
Anyone got any diet plan for me ): I cant resist when i see food!
But i really envy and admire puaychin! She loss 20kg man. She got the determination.
Firsty cuz she's working and her work is very tough.
Determination, xiaomei you can do it. Stop being lazy alrrrr!

♥ 11:47 PM ♥

Back to school today, feeling so shagged. Only slept for 5hours. ): Was slack, but stayed back in school to complete our project. Come home around evening, watched tv and fall asleep on mummy's bed. Hahaha. That shows how tired am i. Haven't been sleeping well since last week. ):

Sunday, work with elin. Lots of crap, laughter and jokes. The boss of white stone keep buying things la, hahaha very paiseh sia. Hahaha. Elin, hehehehe! LOL. At night, weeseng came over pushcart. then we went town to shop! Wanted to go far east, but end up at wisma topshop. Bought a top and a skirt. Weeee! Went over far east, but all shop are closing again. Boringggg. Went over geylang 126 for diansim. Yayyy, my fav. Haha! Then wohoo lalala, i recieve a msg that makes me so high. :D:D:D Alright, then home sweet home.

LoyWeeSeng And Me.
This are overdue photos.

On sunday.

Not even myself think i grew fatter, people around me feels that too! ):
Soooooo, i'm going to join either kick boxing or badminton for my cca.
I need to loss 4 - 5 kg to my desire weightttt.
Anyone got any diet plan for me ): I cant resist when i see food!
But i really envy and admire puaychin! She loss 20kg man. She got the determination.
Firsty cuz she's working and her work is very tough.
Determination, xiaomei you can do it. Stop being lazy alrrrr!

Sunday, June 29, 2008
♥ 2:00 AM ♥

I guess i flunk my graphic design theory common test. ): I went into the exam hall with empty mind. I know nothing ! Only the color wheel ): No point if i hugged the buddha leg. Well, it's over. I will concentrate on my projects, equiz and class test. I think i need to study soon, but i cant get myself settle down infront of my notes ):

I wanna go shopping sprees. I want get bags and tops, but i'm broke. PAYYYY PLS. But i got to settle that freaking expensive phone bill. It's not my fault it's my sis who didn't inform me the plan is changed with effect on 17th may, grrr i stil got to pay it. Hope mummy is nice to pay half for me. Heart pain ahhhhhh.

I'm lack of sleeps. My mood is horrible, got emo easy. Mood swing again ): I need long hours of sleeps please. No more work for me la, but not enough people lah. Stupid kazua leaving liao. Haissss.

Just now, saturday night. Went back MJR for last camp fire. Well, i go back cuz elin, maine asked me too, if not i won't go back. Not in good term with the teacher in charge. Roar, was tired but was funny with all my seniors. Hahaha, but was unhappy cuz they keep dragging. ): I'm hungryyyy ! Went over alj mac for dinner-supper. Walked home with catherine, ying and kerlyn. Scaryyyy !

Photos at campfire gotto wait . hahaha !
Germany vs Spain.
Who will win nia ? I support both of them leh. HOHO.
DRAW ? Impossible. Hahahaha.
Alright, slping time! Nightssss.
School is starting on monday, duh.

♥ 2:00 AM ♥

I guess i flunk my graphic design theory common test. ): I went into the exam hall with empty mind. I know nothing ! Only the color wheel ): No point if i hugged the buddha leg. Well, it's over. I will concentrate on my projects, equiz and class test. I think i need to study soon, but i cant get myself settle down infront of my notes ):

I wanna go shopping sprees. I want get bags and tops, but i'm broke. PAYYYY PLS. But i got to settle that freaking expensive phone bill. It's not my fault it's my sis who didn't inform me the plan is changed with effect on 17th may, grrr i stil got to pay it. Hope mummy is nice to pay half for me. Heart pain ahhhhhh.

I'm lack of sleeps. My mood is horrible, got emo easy. Mood swing again ): I need long hours of sleeps please. No more work for me la, but not enough people lah. Stupid kazua leaving liao. Haissss.

Just now, saturday night. Went back MJR for last camp fire. Well, i go back cuz elin, maine asked me too, if not i won't go back. Not in good term with the teacher in charge. Roar, was tired but was funny with all my seniors. Hahaha, but was unhappy cuz they keep dragging. ): I'm hungryyyy ! Went over alj mac for dinner-supper. Walked home with catherine, ying and kerlyn. Scaryyyy !

Photos at campfire gotto wait . hahaha !
Germany vs Spain.
Who will win nia ? I support both of them leh. HOHO.
DRAW ? Impossible. Hahahaha.
Alright, slping time! Nightssss.
School is starting on monday, duh.

Thursday, June 26, 2008
♥ 4:18 PM ♥

HT : 1 - 1
FT : 3 -2 !

Spain all yours today! Hohoho. (:

Chionging my project &my graphic design theory exam! ):

My heart beat beats so fast that make me lose control.
Now tell me how? I feel so uncomfortableeee ):

♥ 4:18 PM ♥

HT : 1 - 1
FT : 3 -2 !

Spain all yours today! Hohoho. (:

Chionging my project &my graphic design theory exam! ):

My heart beat beats so fast that make me lose control.
Now tell me how? I feel so uncomfortableeee ):

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
♥ 2:39 AM ♥

SUNDAY NIGHT, met wseng for dinner @ vivo. Was supposed to meet earlier, but he got hang over cuz he was dead drank ytd night. sillyboy/ Managed to complete one of my project :x Bought my short from m)phosis! Wseng got a polo tee from crocodile. Nicenicey (: Its late 10pm, so had dinner at foodrepublic. Duck noodle is yummy! Went to slack and take photos. His camera got retro shoots leh. COOL ah. LOL. Rushed for last train. (: Hope you're feeling better, exbf. HAHAHA! Things will get better, get use to single life cuz is enjoyable :D Friends is always there for you. (:

The rest of the photos is with himmm! But he just called me and tell me his adapter got problem so i must wait for the photossss. Idiotic. HAHAHHA.

Anw, hop on to http://myownaffair.livejournal.com/ for photos and updates! I was giving a try on livejournal. Wanted to switch to lj, but kinda not use to it yet, so yea! :D

Full shift tmr ))):

♥ 2:39 AM ♥

SUNDAY NIGHT, met wseng for dinner @ vivo. Was supposed to meet earlier, but he got hang over cuz he was dead drank ytd night. sillyboy/ Managed to complete one of my project :x Bought my short from m)phosis! Wseng got a polo tee from crocodile. Nicenicey (: Its late 10pm, so had dinner at foodrepublic. Duck noodle is yummy! Went to slack and take photos. His camera got retro shoots leh. COOL ah. LOL. Rushed for last train. (: Hope you're feeling better, exbf. HAHAHA! Things will get better, get use to single life cuz is enjoyable :D Friends is always there for you. (:

The rest of the photos is with himmm! But he just called me and tell me his adapter got problem so i must wait for the photossss. Idiotic. HAHAHHA.

Anw, hop on to http://myownaffair.livejournal.com/ for photos and updates! I was giving a try on livejournal. Wanted to switch to lj, but kinda not use to it yet, so yea! :D

Full shift tmr ))):

Sunday, June 22, 2008
♥ 3:41 PM ♥

Holidays is ending soon and i got to rush for all my projects. Havent been updating my life yet. Alright, let me start :D

Monday - Wednesday: Had class chalet at downtown east! I bet every single one of you enjoyed yourself. Cuz it was FUN! The only thing i want to grumble is i hate preparing BBQ food ): Hahahah. But the men cooks well, the women are enjoying their foods! Whahaha. Ghost movie, drank and enjoyments. (:
Second day, went escape theme park. Wohooo! Inverter was COOL! The scenecry was beautiful ok! Hehehe. The sun is burning! Shouts, laughter. Then back to room. Soon huifen wendy and pegan came. Bbq, chats, movie, games, true or dare. Hahahah, soon time to bid goodbye! (: I hope everyone enjoy yourself!
To shuling: it's all the past, time to move on alr. though it's difficult you still got to move on. put down all the memories and past. soon, you'll open your heart for another one. (: CHEERS, dont cry over man! (:

Slept for 7hours, time to meet jiemin and meifen at tpy! sorry, i was lateee. :x jiemin finally sold her N73 but she's still in dilemma which phone shld she get. girl, don't keep thinking. just get the phone if you think you'll like it! :D meifen bought a casio watch, wanted to get one but my watch is still in good condition. HAHA! Headed bugis, met yongqiang. went over street, wanted to get my bag but was sold out ): saw weeseng there too. hahaha. went geylang hejibao! yummy (: i love dimsim. thanks 3ofyou to send me home again :x

Thursday, worked in the evening at cine. gosh, i saw CINDIAL! she's still so cuteeee. OMG! hahaha. Saw weikai and clique too. (: sales wasnt tht good. ): went alj mac to look for jt they all. slacked a while, went home (:

Friday, met aly at town. did my project at starbucks. aly was supposed to study, yet she fall aslp! hahhaaha. only manage to complete the 1st page of my webpage ): accompany aly to eat at cine. then went over far east. met her bf and a fren (gerald?) hahaha. the shops are all closed! ): Headed back to mac, met weeseng for supper (but thats my lunch cum dinner) :x slack, and he walk me home while aly &her bf took cabby home. thanks man!

Saturday, workkkkkk. ): shagged. kinda sick of working sia! thinking a pile of projects not completed. Sales is bad tooo. worked with esteen. wahahha. after work, met aly and went over mac to study. saw jt, jk there. im still stucked at my 1st page grrrrr. help meeeeeeee! ))): debbie came! like finally, havent seen her for long! &she got a sentosa smell cuz she went sentosa w her bf hahahaha! and she said the crazy auntie always at alj mac, now at amk mac! OMG. hahahaha, but never see her there leh. LOL! so funny sia. :x

Today, which is sunday. Supposed to have work, that someone asked me to take off ended up he got hang over cuz drank too much ytd. IDIOTIC sia! Initially was pissed, like kana put aeroplane, but i shld be understanding la. Hahahah. So i'm here to blog and to complete my project. Got to thanks kazua to take over my shift today :x A weekend for me to rest. Haven't been staying at home for 4396597939weeks. Hahahahah.

There goes my week of holiday! Doing nothing meaningful ! Wahhaahhaa. Life's getting more and more boring, but what to do? Waiting for the day i don't feel empty. Hahahaha! :x


♥ 3:41 PM ♥

Holidays is ending soon and i got to rush for all my projects. Havent been updating my life yet. Alright, let me start :D

Monday - Wednesday: Had class chalet at downtown east! I bet every single one of you enjoyed yourself. Cuz it was FUN! The only thing i want to grumble is i hate preparing BBQ food ): Hahahah. But the men cooks well, the women are enjoying their foods! Whahaha. Ghost movie, drank and enjoyments. (:
Second day, went escape theme park. Wohooo! Inverter was COOL! The scenecry was beautiful ok! Hehehe. The sun is burning! Shouts, laughter. Then back to room. Soon huifen wendy and pegan came. Bbq, chats, movie, games, true or dare. Hahahah, soon time to bid goodbye! (: I hope everyone enjoy yourself!
To shuling: it's all the past, time to move on alr. though it's difficult you still got to move on. put down all the memories and past. soon, you'll open your heart for another one. (: CHEERS, dont cry over man! (:

Slept for 7hours, time to meet jiemin and meifen at tpy! sorry, i was lateee. :x jiemin finally sold her N73 but she's still in dilemma which phone shld she get. girl, don't keep thinking. just get the phone if you think you'll like it! :D meifen bought a casio watch, wanted to get one but my watch is still in good condition. HAHA! Headed bugis, met yongqiang. went over street, wanted to get my bag but was sold out ): saw weeseng there too. hahaha. went geylang hejibao! yummy (: i love dimsim. thanks 3ofyou to send me home again :x

Thursday, worked in the evening at cine. gosh, i saw CINDIAL! she's still so cuteeee. OMG! hahaha. Saw weikai and clique too. (: sales wasnt tht good. ): went alj mac to look for jt they all. slacked a while, went home (:

Friday, met aly at town. did my project at starbucks. aly was supposed to study, yet she fall aslp! hahhaaha. only manage to complete the 1st page of my webpage ): accompany aly to eat at cine. then went over far east. met her bf and a fren (gerald?) hahaha. the shops are all closed! ): Headed back to mac, met weeseng for supper (but thats my lunch cum dinner) :x slack, and he walk me home while aly &her bf took cabby home. thanks man!

Saturday, workkkkkk. ): shagged. kinda sick of working sia! thinking a pile of projects not completed. Sales is bad tooo. worked with esteen. wahahha. after work, met aly and went over mac to study. saw jt, jk there. im still stucked at my 1st page grrrrr. help meeeeeeee! ))): debbie came! like finally, havent seen her for long! &she got a sentosa smell cuz she went sentosa w her bf hahahaha! and she said the crazy auntie always at alj mac, now at amk mac! OMG. hahahaha, but never see her there leh. LOL! so funny sia. :x

Today, which is sunday. Supposed to have work, that someone asked me to take off ended up he got hang over cuz drank too much ytd. IDIOTIC sia! Initially was pissed, like kana put aeroplane, but i shld be understanding la. Hahahah. So i'm here to blog and to complete my project. Got to thanks kazua to take over my shift today :x A weekend for me to rest. Haven't been staying at home for 4396597939weeks. Hahahahah.

There goes my week of holiday! Doing nothing meaningful ! Wahhaahhaa. Life's getting more and more boring, but what to do? Waiting for the day i don't feel empty. Hahahaha! :x