here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Thursday, May 29, 2008
♥ 12:12 AM ♥

Luck have been super very lowww since monday.
Everything that can stress me out all come at onces.
RAHHHHHH. I'm so tired.
I felt so helpless, that i feel like crying.
I got no one to turn to when i'm rlly feeling effin down.
I've changed so much that i didnt even notice?
my attitude, my temper sucks.


Sorry if i caused you so many problem.
Sorry for swearing and cursing msg.
I know i was in fault, maybe i betrayed you by blogging it.
I don't know what's the main reason behind it that out of sudden u'll text me that.
Sorry sister. ):
i think im the trouble maker. i will stay away ba.

I've decided to move on, i dont want to hang myself halfway thru.
Everything was just a dream, you're just a passerby ba. (:

I'll be back soon, LOVES.

♥ 12:12 AM ♥

Luck have been super very lowww since monday.
Everything that can stress me out all come at onces.
RAHHHHHH. I'm so tired.
I felt so helpless, that i feel like crying.
I got no one to turn to when i'm rlly feeling effin down.
I've changed so much that i didnt even notice?
my attitude, my temper sucks.


Sorry if i caused you so many problem.
Sorry for swearing and cursing msg.
I know i was in fault, maybe i betrayed you by blogging it.
I don't know what's the main reason behind it that out of sudden u'll text me that.
Sorry sister. ):
i think im the trouble maker. i will stay away ba.

I've decided to move on, i dont want to hang myself halfway thru.
Everything was just a dream, you're just a passerby ba. (:

I'll be back soon, LOVES.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
♥ 11:01 PM ♥

1st, at 1am plus my msn tio virus.
2nd, morning i woke up late.
3rd, i was walking to mrt stn and i nearly fall, my sandal broke.
4th, i took cab to sch $10 bucks gone!
5th, i forgot bring my cardigan and im wearing spaghetti top.
6th, i forget bring my admin card so no attendance for my DCN cuz i skipped.
i was damndamn moody
But luckily everything was overrrr.

I getting sick of school alr. I dont know why.
Have been skipping lectures.
Is the lecturers that turns me off. RAHHHHH.
Some modules is effin boring cuz they are alien langauge.
I catch no balls, esp DCN lecture ; sucks to the core.
but i need to catch up with the rest next week ):
i got to settle down and go to lecture often.
I think exams is coming soon, after the study break ):
RAHHHH, why is life so tough?

Met isabel wong today, like finally!
she become more pretty sia, envy her la. LOL.
vivo, ate dinner. aly&gera came.
slacked ard, got my pant &pay from m)phosis.
penisular, then homed (:
i enjoyed walking home alone, with the accompany on the phone. =))
photos to be uploaded tmr.
time for bed, tmr lesson at 8am ):
bye, love peopleeee.

♥ 11:01 PM ♥

1st, at 1am plus my msn tio virus.
2nd, morning i woke up late.
3rd, i was walking to mrt stn and i nearly fall, my sandal broke.
4th, i took cab to sch $10 bucks gone!
5th, i forgot bring my cardigan and im wearing spaghetti top.
6th, i forget bring my admin card so no attendance for my DCN cuz i skipped.
i was damndamn moody
But luckily everything was overrrr.

I getting sick of school alr. I dont know why.
Have been skipping lectures.
Is the lecturers that turns me off. RAHHHHH.
Some modules is effin boring cuz they are alien langauge.
I catch no balls, esp DCN lecture ; sucks to the core.
but i need to catch up with the rest next week ):
i got to settle down and go to lecture often.
I think exams is coming soon, after the study break ):
RAHHHH, why is life so tough?

Met isabel wong today, like finally!
she become more pretty sia, envy her la. LOL.
vivo, ate dinner. aly&gera came.
slacked ard, got my pant &pay from m)phosis.
penisular, then homed (:
i enjoyed walking home alone, with the accompany on the phone. =))
photos to be uploaded tmr.
time for bed, tmr lesson at 8am ):
bye, love peopleeee.

Monday, May 26, 2008
♥ 12:23 AM ♥

Met up weisong, mingfei, gerie and elin on fri night!
This will be our last gathering for 5 of us.
Or maybe in few years time, then we all can meet up again. ):
Gerie is migrating to PERTH ):
Initially wanted to sing, but gerie need to meet jianlun.
so we went starbucks to slack. (:

they are talking abt driving stuffs.

see their reactions! so big!


Elin and Gerie (:

Elin and me
xiao song and xiao mei :x
ahfei and me :D

Saturday work @ m)phosis.
went back to work for that day only. :x
They missed me! May asked me when working again. ): No more liao.
Working till 10plus, helped them to put up more stocks.
Met alison, gera and jingting @ MS.
Aly was learning how to shuffle and she's damn CUTE!
Sorry gera, didnt join u @kbox.
Aly, JT and me left for supper. (:

Sunday, both m)phosis and GG slots clashed.
but steph help me to take over m)phosis slot.
Was tired and kinda moody.
A customer turn me off. This is d 1st time a customer turn me off!
I never ever gave attitude to customer one lor.
Dont come back dont come back la, no big deal bitch! :x
Thanks Ahwee for cheering me up :DD
Homed, met fy &aly for dinner @ kallang.
thanks fy for the accompany although u moved to kallang :x


Today, woke up late.
Met weikai at ally. English elective was bored!
Break, met gerie, fy for lunch. Went back for lesson, but was late (:
After sch, complete our reports for project.
Went over gerie house to slack w zy, wk, nich. fy came and i left (:
From yck to pasir ris was damn FARRRRR.
Met maine, elin &aloy :D
Pack kfc to xianming's house.
Slack and watched tv.
Bn came and lobang me home, thanks (:

It's a tiring day, and a tiring weekend.
I'm lack of sleepppppppp, my beauty sleep i miss you ):
And so i'm turning to my cosy bed now.
Nights, miss me people and i will miss you :x

Its effin efficient! took only 5days and i received it :D
goodiesssss, yayness!

if only u can appreciate all d things (:


♥ 12:23 AM ♥

Met up weisong, mingfei, gerie and elin on fri night!
This will be our last gathering for 5 of us.
Or maybe in few years time, then we all can meet up again. ):
Gerie is migrating to PERTH ):
Initially wanted to sing, but gerie need to meet jianlun.
so we went starbucks to slack. (:

they are talking abt driving stuffs.

see their reactions! so big!


Elin and Gerie (:

Elin and me
xiao song and xiao mei :x
ahfei and me :D

Saturday work @ m)phosis.
went back to work for that day only. :x
They missed me! May asked me when working again. ): No more liao.
Working till 10plus, helped them to put up more stocks.
Met alison, gera and jingting @ MS.
Aly was learning how to shuffle and she's damn CUTE!
Sorry gera, didnt join u @kbox.
Aly, JT and me left for supper. (:

Sunday, both m)phosis and GG slots clashed.
but steph help me to take over m)phosis slot.
Was tired and kinda moody.
A customer turn me off. This is d 1st time a customer turn me off!
I never ever gave attitude to customer one lor.
Dont come back dont come back la, no big deal bitch! :x
Thanks Ahwee for cheering me up :DD
Homed, met fy &aly for dinner @ kallang.
thanks fy for the accompany although u moved to kallang :x


Today, woke up late.
Met weikai at ally. English elective was bored!
Break, met gerie, fy for lunch. Went back for lesson, but was late (:
After sch, complete our reports for project.
Went over gerie house to slack w zy, wk, nich. fy came and i left (:
From yck to pasir ris was damn FARRRRR.
Met maine, elin &aloy :D
Pack kfc to xianming's house.
Slack and watched tv.
Bn came and lobang me home, thanks (:

It's a tiring day, and a tiring weekend.
I'm lack of sleepppppppp, my beauty sleep i miss you ):
And so i'm turning to my cosy bed now.
Nights, miss me people and i will miss you :x

Its effin efficient! took only 5days and i received it :D
goodiesssss, yayness!

if only u can appreciate all d things (:


Thursday, May 22, 2008
♥ 11:00 PM ♥

I love wednesday cuz i got graphic design lab! (:
But ytd was my 1st test :D:D:D
Yar, a pic of my finally piece. I draw it myself using pen tool.

This is huiping's piece, i like d camera!

and we learnt how to design new font face my ourselves. COOL right?!

anddd, i was bored during work so a few pic me :D


High low high low high low low low low.
My mood went high and low today.
Today's lesson like no lesson, its effin slack! *good good.
I've been blogging lately this week (:
After since my internet connection recover,
most of the time when im at home, im sitting in front of my lappy :D

If only money can buy time, ..
Grr, time is moving too fast too fast. I'm short of time.
So behind time that i got no time for many things.
Month of may, i've been schooling and working.
No enjoyment at all! ): ): ):
1 day, 24hours, 1 hour = 60 mins = 3600 sec is not enough for me!
Although sch is slack, but i've been wasting a lot of my time doing nothing!
Esp when im online. Grrrrrrr. I wish my house internet is down again :x

Byeeeeeee, time to go! Miss me, and i miss you (:

I'm not feeling alright ; unsure ; confusing.

as long as you're here, (: