here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
♥ 9:44 PM ♥

aMy house internet connection is down ):
So i can hardly online, and im too lazy to online recently. :x
Pardon me for being so unmericful to adandon my lovely blog. (:

My life was great, esp with my new poly friends. :D Butbutbut, my sister spoilt my damn fcuking cheerful mood. I dont know how to explain, she just make me hate my family. I did nothing wrong yet i'm being blamed and i was accused. FCUK, i can tolerate her but not when she accuse me when i didn't do anything to her. She jsut fcuking complain to my dajie and mummy and both called me. I feel like a fool crying when im on my way to school. My tears cant stop. I dont want to go home, i dont want to face her. Hatres hatres and hatres filled me. Ahhhhhhhhh. She's a bitch/bastard of my family. She just want to worsen my r/s with dajie and mummy. She will never succeed, i swear. Im independent, i earn for my own living, to get what i want. So i see no reason why i need to look at all of your faces! Grrrrr, 22years old not working &schooling, useless! Ahhhhhhhhh.

My mood isn't good today. Ahhhhh, i dislike that guy, that particular guy. Don't mess with me, cuz i wont let you win when im in a foul mood ! ROAR, i bite!

Thanks for those message that cheer me up. (: Thanks for always being there when im down :D

♥ 9:44 PM ♥

aMy house internet connection is down ):
So i can hardly online, and im too lazy to online recently. :x
Pardon me for being so unmericful to adandon my lovely blog. (:

My life was great, esp with my new poly friends. :D Butbutbut, my sister spoilt my damn fcuking cheerful mood. I dont know how to explain, she just make me hate my family. I did nothing wrong yet i'm being blamed and i was accused. FCUK, i can tolerate her but not when she accuse me when i didn't do anything to her. She jsut fcuking complain to my dajie and mummy and both called me. I feel like a fool crying when im on my way to school. My tears cant stop. I dont want to go home, i dont want to face her. Hatres hatres and hatres filled me. Ahhhhhhhhh. She's a bitch/bastard of my family. She just want to worsen my r/s with dajie and mummy. She will never succeed, i swear. Im independent, i earn for my own living, to get what i want. So i see no reason why i need to look at all of your faces! Grrrrr, 22years old not working &schooling, useless! Ahhhhhhhhh.

My mood isn't good today. Ahhhhh, i dislike that guy, that particular guy. Don't mess with me, cuz i wont let you win when im in a foul mood ! ROAR, i bite!

Thanks for those message that cheer me up. (: Thanks for always being there when im down :D

Thursday, April 24, 2008
♥ 4:38 PM ♥

Shuling, huiping and xmei @ seafood harvest :D

Lobster bique!

See she's so gan jiong.

My house internet is down and i can only online when im in school. AHhhh, having lecture now. It's so boringgg! I need to be serious in my lesson alr. update soon. Miss me :D

♥ 4:38 PM ♥

Shuling, huiping and xmei @ seafood harvest :D

Lobster bique!

See she's so gan jiong.

My house internet is down and i can only online when im in school. AHhhh, having lecture now. It's so boringgg! I need to be serious in my lesson alr. update soon. Miss me :D

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
♥ 12:12 AM ♥

I'm brokebrokebroke.
When i say 3times, means i am serious :D

Can someone pls help me.
I think i'm handing over one of my card to mummy alr.
): and i'm considering whether shld i get a 2nd job.
GG only give me 2days, wed &sun.
Maybe i can work sat too, then i dont need to shop!
Can save money + earn money.
One time kill two bird :D
Ahhhh, went for a interview alr. Waiting for their call.

Ok, enough of that. MONDAY BLUES.
I love monday cuz i only have 2lesson &both are super duper slack!
After sch, when bugis w vivian, shuling &huiping.
Shopping again. They're rlly nice ppl to hang out with.
There's always laughters &jokes.
Hahaha, they left and i accompanied guanwee. (:
Homed &i'm super tired.
Slept for 5hours ytd only, yawns.

Not v nice photo cuz we took it in rush. Haha.

Thanks, i enjoyed myself today. (:
Debbie, thanks for those words.
I'll try my best (:

yipi yaya yiyiya, yipi yaya yiyiya, yipi yaya yiyiyaya yiyiyaya yiyiyea. :D


♥ 12:12 AM ♥

I'm brokebrokebroke.
When i say 3times, means i am serious :D

Can someone pls help me.
I think i'm handing over one of my card to mummy alr.
): and i'm considering whether shld i get a 2nd job.
GG only give me 2days, wed &sun.
Maybe i can work sat too, then i dont need to shop!
Can save money + earn money.
One time kill two bird :D
Ahhhh, went for a interview alr. Waiting for their call.

Ok, enough of that. MONDAY BLUES.
I love monday cuz i only have 2lesson &both are super duper slack!
After sch, when bugis w vivian, shuling &huiping.
Shopping again. They're rlly nice ppl to hang out with.
There's always laughters &jokes.
Hahaha, they left and i accompanied guanwee. (:
Homed &i'm super tired.
Slept for 5hours ytd only, yawns.

Not v nice photo cuz we took it in rush. Haha.

Thanks, i enjoyed myself today. (:
Debbie, thanks for those words.
I'll try my best (:

yipi yaya yiyiya, yipi yaya yiyiya, yipi yaya yiyiyaya yiyiyaya yiyiyea. :D


Sunday, April 20, 2008
♥ 1:55 AM ♥

Everything changes
People change
Times change
Relationship change
Friends change
Familys, grow and change

Everything changes
Weather changes
Place change
Towns they change
Feelings change
Emotions, they all change

Everything changes
Lovers change
Houses change
Parents change
Schools change

Everything changes
I don't want us to change
I don't want what we have to change
I don't want anything to change
I want nothing to change
But everything changes

Everything changes
I just hope we change for the better

When will i get see d beautiful rainbow?


♥ 1:55 AM ♥

Everything changes
People change
Times change
Relationship change
Friends change
Familys, grow and change

Everything changes
Weather changes
Place change
Towns they change
Feelings change
Emotions, they all change

Everything changes
Lovers change
Houses change
Parents change
Schools change

Everything changes
I don't want us to change
I don't want what we have to change
I don't want anything to change
I want nothing to change
But everything changes

Everything changes
I just hope we change for the better

When will i get see d beautiful rainbow?


Thursday, April 17, 2008
♥ 4:57 PM ♥

Heyyo ! I'm in school having lecture now. It's soooo boring. I dont know what d teacher is talking about, like alien's language lah. AHhhhhh.

Anw, i deleted my previous post cuz i dont know what i'm blogging. LOL. Complicated, no link. Haha, so i shall repost one. Hehe.

Poly's life had started. My course is not slack at all. Learning HTML codes, Adobe, cable etc. OMG it's boring! But i love HTML and Adobe. Hehehes. Esp, webdesign! i cant wait to complete my webpage(my project) hahaha! But i hate my timetable, end at 6pm on tues, thurs and fri cuz we start late. Haha. :D Lecture was boring, i cant concentrate in class. I will just doze off if i got rlly nothing to do. Ahhhh. LOL.

Which cca shld i join ? Track&field, volleyball, badminton, photography ?? Or none of them ? haha, i cant make a decision.

Yujie and me

Hais, when will i start to cherish things around me.
It's not d same anymore. Whyyyyy.
It's so sweet and suddenly it's gonee.
I dont wanttttttt!! ):
Come back come back come backkkkkkk.

Everything in the world changes, it's changing now as you read this and it'll continue changing whether we want it to or not. All we can really do is hang on and pray that things change for the better. (:

♥ 4:57 PM ♥

Heyyo ! I'm in school having lecture now. It's soooo boring. I dont know what d teacher is talking about, like alien's language lah. AHhhhhh.

Anw, i deleted my previous post cuz i dont know what i'm blogging. LOL. Complicated, no link. Haha, so i shall repost one. Hehe.

Poly's life had started. My course is not slack at all. Learning HTML codes, Adobe, cable etc. OMG it's boring! But i love HTML and Adobe. Hehehes. Esp, webdesign! i cant wait to complete my webpage(my project) hahaha! But i hate my timetable, end at 6pm on tues, thurs and fri cuz we start late. Haha. :D Lecture was boring, i cant concentrate in class. I will just doze off if i got rlly nothing to do. Ahhhh. LOL.

Which cca shld i join ? Track&field, volleyball, badminton, photography ?? Or none of them ? haha, i cant make a decision.

Yujie and me

Hais, when will i start to cherish things around me.
It's not d same anymore. Whyyyyy.
It's so sweet and suddenly it's gonee.
I dont wanttttttt!! ):
Come back come back come backkkkkkk.

Everything in the world changes, it's changing now as you read this and it'll continue changing whether we want it to or not. All we can really do is hang on and pray that things change for the better. (:

Sunday, April 13, 2008
♥ 2:03 AM ♥

Saturday, met koon &bert at bugis.
Bought 2tops &a belt.
Went marina sq, clifford came.
Caught Definitely, Maybe.
&i lost/misplace/forgot/dropped my bloody $40 ! Damn it. ):
i don't even know how &where i left/lost it!

Friday, work @ bugis.
Met alison &jasonW for dinner.
Headed town &met debbie kahng &clifford.
Slacked, midnight movie &home (:


My holiday will be ending in few hours time. OMG, i'll miss it. Half year of holiday, i'm too lazy to get myself back to books,worksheet,hmwk,project. Ahhhh, but no choice. Xmei, it's time to be serious! (:

everyone is leaving.


♥ 2:03 AM ♥

Saturday, met koon &bert at bugis.
Bought 2tops &a belt.
Went marina sq, clifford came.
Caught Definitely, Maybe.
&i lost/misplace/forgot/dropped my bloody $40 ! Damn it. ):
i don't even know how &where i left/lost it!

Friday, work @ bugis.
Met alison &jasonW for dinner.
Headed town &met debbie kahng &clifford.
Slacked, midnight movie &home (:


My holiday will be ending in few hours time. OMG, i'll miss it. Half year of holiday, i'm too lazy to get myself back to books,worksheet,hmwk,project. Ahhhh, but no choice. Xmei, it's time to be serious! (:

everyone is leaving.
