here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
♥ 12:08 AM ♥


I loving it. Enjoyed the stuffs i sell, and the satisfaction when someone bought the items i introduced to them. HAHA!

Ytd my agent called me &told me that one company wanted me. I went for the interview 1 week before &they liked me a lot. (don't know isit true, that's what my agent told me) But i rejected it! The pay &the working environment is better. But i think i've start working here, so i don't just go halfway, &i can't bear to leave. Thats really a good chance for me man! AHhhhhhHhhh. Wonder can they accept me next year. LOL!

Back to my job. The sales is GOOD over at change ally. Although not as good as great world city, but it's quite good alr cause the business hours is just from 11am - 7pm. Whereas GWC is 10 - 10am. I love the stuffs im selling. That is why i can't bear to leave. HAHA! Guppo Gruppi rocksss. Hahaha.

Meet baobei after work today. Went bugis to get diary book &eye shadow brush. Baobei paid for my diary! Hahaha. He seems so rich this few days sia. LOL. I want to buy shoeeeeeee. Someone pls pamper me. Hahah. Baobei, pamper meeeee. (i know you will read this. haha.

Great world city booth

Change ally push cart! My working place till end of dec. (most probably!) :D

Took when i'm bored. No customers. :x

♥ 12:08 AM ♥


I loving it. Enjoyed the stuffs i sell, and the satisfaction when someone bought the items i introduced to them. HAHA!

Ytd my agent called me &told me that one company wanted me. I went for the interview 1 week before &they liked me a lot. (don't know isit true, that's what my agent told me) But i rejected it! The pay &the working environment is better. But i think i've start working here, so i don't just go halfway, &i can't bear to leave. Thats really a good chance for me man! AHhhhhhHhhh. Wonder can they accept me next year. LOL!

Back to my job. The sales is GOOD over at change ally. Although not as good as great world city, but it's quite good alr cause the business hours is just from 11am - 7pm. Whereas GWC is 10 - 10am. I love the stuffs im selling. That is why i can't bear to leave. HAHA! Guppo Gruppi rocksss. Hahaha.

Meet baobei after work today. Went bugis to get diary book &eye shadow brush. Baobei paid for my diary! Hahaha. He seems so rich this few days sia. LOL. I want to buy shoeeeeeee. Someone pls pamper me. Hahah. Baobei, pamper meeeee. (i know you will read this. haha.

Great world city booth

Change ally push cart! My working place till end of dec. (most probably!) :D

Took when i'm bored. No customers. :x

Sunday, November 25, 2007
♥ 12:05 AM ♥

Workinggg tmr, ahhhhhh. Can't enjoy anymore. ))):

Another shopping day with BF! Exchanged my bag at bugis.
Wanted to catch a movie but i forgot to bring my cardigan, so give it a miss.
Super long never watch movie alr!!
Walk over to marina.
Dine in at jack's place. Hahaha. Very long never eat good food alr. :x
Shopped ard & bought a top from mango &topshop!
Baobei paid the mango top! He bought clothes for meeeeeeee.
1st time he say he want pay for me. Hahahaaaaaa.
Initially i rejected, but end up still ask him to pay. Hahaha.
I'm HAPPY!! :D
Baobei send me home, both of us was damn tired!

♥ 12:05 AM ♥

Workinggg tmr, ahhhhhh. Can't enjoy anymore. ))):

Another shopping day with BF! Exchanged my bag at bugis.
Wanted to catch a movie but i forgot to bring my cardigan, so give it a miss.
Super long never watch movie alr!!
Walk over to marina.
Dine in at jack's place. Hahaha. Very long never eat good food alr. :x
Shopped ard & bought a top from mango &topshop!
Baobei paid the mango top! He bought clothes for meeeeeeee.
1st time he say he want pay for me. Hahahaaaaaa.
Initially i rejected, but end up still ask him to pay. Hahaha.
I'm HAPPY!! :D
Baobei send me home, both of us was damn tired!

Saturday, November 24, 2007
♥ 3:35 AM ♥

Super lazy to update blog.
&&i found out that livejournal is interesting! Maybe should hop there soon. HAHA.

Backk from chalet!
Chatted on the phone with baobei thru their 1st night cause i was too lazy to go over. :D
I love to go for their gathering like bbq/chalet.
It's fun! Hahaha. The 3 girlfriend - jasmine, stefanie/dabaobao &me!
The bitching session with stefanie, jasmine &yingting was cool! :x

Yeeteng's guitar. hahaha!

One big round, i'm back to GG. Hahaha. Too fussy over office jobs. Not satisfied at all. Grrr. Starting with on sunday. Monday have to train new staff. Will be working at change ally. The working time is short. 11pm - 7pm. Hehehee.

♥ 3:35 AM ♥

Super lazy to update blog.
&&i found out that livejournal is interesting! Maybe should hop there soon. HAHA.

Backk from chalet!
Chatted on the phone with baobei thru their 1st night cause i was too lazy to go over. :D
I love to go for their gathering like bbq/chalet.
It's fun! Hahaha. The 3 girlfriend - jasmine, stefanie/dabaobao &me!
The bitching session with stefanie, jasmine &yingting was cool! :x

Yeeteng's guitar. hahaha!

One big round, i'm back to GG. Hahaha. Too fussy over office jobs. Not satisfied at all. Grrr. Starting with on sunday. Monday have to train new staff. Will be working at change ally. The working time is short. 11pm - 7pm. Hehehee.

Saturday, November 17, 2007
♥ 11:56 PM ♥


Woke up late today!
Also it's raining! But luckily god is with us.
The rain stop when we reached amk station.
Met with online buyer &off to take bus. :DDD
1st outing trip with baobei!
Enjoyed ourselves although both of us are exhausted!
Walked ard amk hub. Bought 3more new nail polish!
Mummy is gone kill me if she know. :D
Headed to far east. I want to get a bagggg!
Baobei wanted to get my a new watch but i can't make decision.
So next time round ba. :D
Bused home &we slept throught the journey.


Pictures :

I wish this will stay forever. I felt your love, finally. Communication is very important in a r/s. I'm a happy girl today. But i know very well, i'll be sad soon. LOL.

Ohya, went espn star sport for interview. The office is effin big! Have to wait for their call if they recruit me. (PLEASE RECRUIT ME!) Haha:D