here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
♥ 7:30 PM ♥

I'm too lazy to go out &now here i am. NOT STUDYING AGAIN! I can't stay at home, cause i can't resist from coming onlineee. HELP MEEEE.


I've fall in love with salad! YUMMY. People say it's healthy, but mine isn't. I eat without VEGETABLE :x I never like vegetable. HAHAHA. But i'm going to learn to eat (HAHAHA), cause i love thousand island ! People who know me must be surprised, i never liked eating salad. :xxxxx Have been eating salad since sunday. HAHAHA. Healthy yet Fattening!

&&&i sucks at cooking. Never fail to burn my hand whenever i cookkkk! DUMB RIGHT? &my potato is either over cooked or not cooked. LOL! That's the problem when you're not in F&N. LOL.
OHWELL, EMATH PAPER2 is OVER! *THUMB UP* :D I'm going to struggle thru tmr's paper. CHINESEEEE! Got to bring many many sweets to keep myself awake. HAHAHA.

Hahahaha. This is my leftover VEGETABLE in my seafood salad at jack's place.
Elin, rmb? You promise you will help me to finish which you never did.

♥ 7:30 PM ♥

I'm too lazy to go out &now here i am. NOT STUDYING AGAIN! I can't stay at home, cause i can't resist from coming onlineee. HELP MEEEE.


I've fall in love with salad! YUMMY. People say it's healthy, but mine isn't. I eat without VEGETABLE :x I never like vegetable. HAHAHA. But i'm going to learn to eat (HAHAHA), cause i love thousand island ! People who know me must be surprised, i never liked eating salad. :xxxxx Have been eating salad since sunday. HAHAHA. Healthy yet Fattening!

&&&i sucks at cooking. Never fail to burn my hand whenever i cookkkk! DUMB RIGHT? &my potato is either over cooked or not cooked. LOL! That's the problem when you're not in F&N. LOL.
OHWELL, EMATH PAPER2 is OVER! *THUMB UP* :D I'm going to struggle thru tmr's paper. CHINESEEEE! Got to bring many many sweets to keep myself awake. HAHAHA.

Hahahaha. This is my leftover VEGETABLE in my seafood salad at jack's place.
Elin, rmb? You promise you will help me to finish which you never did.

Monday, October 29, 2007
♥ 5:23 PM ♥

Can't wait for OLEVELS to be officially OVERRRRRR!

I've got many plan in mind alr. :x I've alr got dates after O'sss. HAHAHA! I want to CUT OFF my fringe. (of cause not bangs.) Permpermperm. :D But maybe not, cause maine say my hair will be super dye &damage. Coloured hair? Not looking forward. HAHAHA. SHOPPING is a must! & Ofcause workworkwork! There are two different work waiting for me. Meanwhile, looking for better jobsss. :DDDD Money money come to me. HOHOHO.

I can't wait to go shopping with my BB. Double dates, & WWW! (isabel, i'm sure you're looking forward to it too! :D)

Should i enjoy myself 1st, or to work 1st. Cause i'm BROKEEEEEE!
Coach wallet's waiting for me. Ipod nano is waiting for me. &many many more clothingss. How am i going to get these when i'm BROKE!

Alright, EMATHS PAPER TWO tmr! WISH MY GOOD LUCK. I want to get AAAAA. :D

This is my irritating eldest sister, who is my mummy no2. (:

Some photos taken at the studio on dajie's graduation day, 14 july 2007. (:
Ps: Erjie isn't inside. -.-

♥ 5:23 PM ♥

Can't wait for OLEVELS to be officially OVERRRRRR!

I've got many plan in mind alr. :x I've alr got dates after O'sss. HAHAHA! I want to CUT OFF my fringe. (of cause not bangs.) Permpermperm. :D But maybe not, cause maine say my hair will be super dye &damage. Coloured hair? Not looking forward. HAHAHA. SHOPPING is a must! & Ofcause workworkwork! There are two different work waiting for me. Meanwhile, looking for better jobsss. :DDDD Money money come to me. HOHOHO.

I can't wait to go shopping with my BB. Double dates, & WWW! (isabel, i'm sure you're looking forward to it too! :D)

Should i enjoy myself 1st, or to work 1st. Cause i'm BROKEEEEEE!
Coach wallet's waiting for me. Ipod nano is waiting for me. &many many more clothingss. How am i going to get these when i'm BROKE!

Alright, EMATHS PAPER TWO tmr! WISH MY GOOD LUCK. I want to get AAAAA. :D

This is my irritating eldest sister, who is my mummy no2. (:

Some photos taken at the studio on dajie's graduation day, 14 july 2007. (:
Ps: Erjie isn't inside. -.-

Sunday, October 28, 2007
♥ 3:00 PM ♥

Don't provoke me. Don't mess with me. Cause you won't win. LOL. Just kidding. (:
I hate bus 40 services. It's sucks. I've just make a complaint on bus 40. The bus driver is so ridiculous. My blood was boiling at that time when he asked me for my ezlink. AFTER A FEW STOPS, he walked to me &asked me for my ezlink. IMAINGE, ALL EYE WAS ON YOU. Is like WTF lah. I didn't put coins, I tapped my ezlink &he wants check on me. He tot i wasn't using my own ezlink. DO I LOOK LIKE AN ADULT? HELLO! I WAS CARRY MY NIKE SCHOOL BAG WITH FILES &BOOKS ON MY HAND. I think he has problem with his bloody eye! I didn't make up &i was wearing my dumb spects. I think i look like a student lah. He was trying to create trouble with me. SUCKER! Old faggot. This is my 1st time making a complaint, i swear! &he drove slowly taking his precious time. -.-

Well, i doubt i'll be coming online for the next week. Sooooo
In advance,

♥ 3:00 PM ♥

Don't provoke me. Don't mess with me. Cause you won't win. LOL. Just kidding. (:
I hate bus 40 services. It's sucks. I've just make a complaint on bus 40. The bus driver is so ridiculous. My blood was boiling at that time when he asked me for my ezlink. AFTER A FEW STOPS, he walked to me &asked me for my ezlink. IMAINGE, ALL EYE WAS ON YOU. Is like WTF lah. I didn't put coins, I tapped my ezlink &he wants check on me. He tot i wasn't using my own ezlink. DO I LOOK LIKE AN ADULT? HELLO! I WAS CARRY MY NIKE SCHOOL BAG WITH FILES &BOOKS ON MY HAND. I think he has problem with his bloody eye! I didn't make up &i was wearing my dumb spects. I think i look like a student lah. He was trying to create trouble with me. SUCKER! Old faggot. This is my 1st time making a complaint, i swear! &he drove slowly taking his precious time. -.-

Well, i doubt i'll be coming online for the next week. Sooooo
In advance,

Saturday, October 27, 2007
♥ 12:14 PM ♥

Finish 4 papers. 11 papers to go. Ahhhhhhhh. I will go crazy man. LOL. Well, Amaths paper was alright. Many people say P1 was difficult but P2 was easy. DAMN, to me is totally opposite lah. GOSH. I need at least B4 ))))): Chem paper was easy, it was too easy till i can't answer. I study those major topics like organic chem etc. &it came out atoms etc? Grrrrrr. I only can do section B. Chem's goneeeeeeee. *wavessss. ): & i used to hate history. Now i'm loving it! Cause i can do my eassy. 1st time i can do both question. I'm super duper happy butttt i can't do SBQ. Cause i sucks at it. :x Hohoho.

POAPOAPOA will be my only subj to get A, but not too confidence. Heeees.

I need more luck, if not i will score badly for my O'ssss. ):


The Crazy Girls. (:


My Gossip Good Friends.

Since 2002. :D

My Bestfriend, since 2000. (:

The BBQ girls!

The Gangs.

The brothers, sister, darling &baobei. :D

My Fav Girls (:

Don't ask me why i'm posting this photos, i just feel like. Perhap to make my blog look nice. :D

This is what friends are for. They are my laughter. (: There are many more, like gerie, mingfei, haowen, nic &etccccc. Heees. I didn't regret coming to MJR cause i've made different groups of good friends, trustworthy friends. Many many friendssss. :D

♥ 12:14 PM ♥

Finish 4 papers. 11 papers to go. Ahhhhhhhh. I will go crazy man. LOL. Well, Amaths paper was alright. Many people say P1 was difficult but P2 was easy. DAMN, to me is totally opposite lah. GOSH. I need at least B4 ))))): Chem paper was easy, it was too easy till i can't answer. I study those major topics like organic chem etc. &it came out atoms etc? Grrrrrr. I only can do section B. Chem's goneeeeeeee. *wavessss. ): & i used to hate history. Now i'm loving it! Cause i can do my eassy. 1st time i can do both question. I'm super duper happy butttt i can't do SBQ. Cause i sucks at it. :x Hohoho.

POAPOAPOA will be my only subj to get A, but not too confidence. Heeees.

I need more luck, if not i will score badly for my O'ssss. ):


The Crazy Girls. (:


My Gossip Good Friends.

Since 2002. :D

My Bestfriend, since 2000. (:

The BBQ girls!

The Gangs.

The brothers, sister, darling &baobei. :D

My Fav Girls (:

Don't ask me why i'm posting this photos, i just feel like. Perhap to make my blog look nice. :D

This is what friends are for. They are my laughter. (: There are many more, like gerie, mingfei, haowen, nic &etccccc. Heees. I didn't regret coming to MJR cause i've made different groups of good friends, trustworthy friends. Many many friendssss. :D

Thursday, October 18, 2007
♥ 3:44 PM ♥

Practical was a disaster! Phy was manageable but not chemmmmmmm. Damn it' i got not enough time to complete lahhhh. fcukkkkkkk. I know what's that solid name but no timeeeee. Hais. I need to buck up for my paper alr ! ))))))):

I'm scare that i can't make it to the courses i want lahhhhhh. HELP ME! My mp3 is dying. I need to get one before it die. ): I need music while i am studyingggggg. GOSH ! Was thinking for couple for days. IPOD or PSP . I can't made up my mind. PSP is big &heavy. Ipod is small and light. PSP can watch video. If ipod i'm getting nano. Ahhhh. I can't make the decision. Cause i scare i will regret. Very ex lehhhh. I'm paying for myself. Haisssss. Money money come to me. :x

Any comment ? ))))):

♥ 3:44 PM ♥

Practical was a disaster! Phy was manageable but not chemmmmmmm. Damn it' i got not enough time to complete lahhhh. fcukkkkkkk. I know what's that solid name but no timeeeee. Hais. I need to buck up for my paper alr ! ))))))):

I'm scare that i can't make it to the courses i want lahhhhhh. HELP ME! My mp3 is dying. I need to get one before it die. ): I need music while i am studyingggggg. GOSH ! Was thinking for couple for days. IPOD or PSP . I can't made up my mind. PSP is big &heavy. Ipod is small and light. PSP can watch video. If ipod i'm getting nano. Ahhhh. I can't make the decision. Cause i scare i will regret. Very ex lehhhh. I'm paying for myself. Haisssss. Money money come to me. :x

Any comment ? ))))):

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
♥ 12:53 AM ♥

I've lost touch with my life. I'm missing everyone, those happy time. Esp the time when we are innocent. Looking at those photo took when i'm in primary school. How nerd am i. Laughing at how i look like in the past. Seriously, i think i look super ugly. LOL. Fat-nerd-retard face. I miss those time, with no worries. Care-free. (: Now, everyone had grown up. With their gorgeous looks. Pretty hairstyle &clothings. Totally two different people. Everyone are getting prettier each day, dolling up &etc. &I think i've lost contact with many people. Too many. There's too many memories. Too many.. too many..

Memories from childhood stay with us forever,
Taking us where we have been and will go,
Pieces of life that live on and will never
Let us forget we were young long ago.

Sometimes I wander back into those shadows,
Quietly being who I used to be,
Bringing to life all the joys and the sorrows,
Days that can’t die while they still live in me.

Holidays linger and happy times glisten;
I can see everyone active and well.
I can still hear them if only I listen,
Feeling each motion and breathing each smell.

Life has such treasures that time’s always stealing;
Nothing can ever entirely stay.
While you are young, you can capture each feeling;
Make all the memories you can every day.

Random post. :D

Be optimistic, but how long will i last. HAAAA.

(i doubt he rmb. :x)

♥ 12:53 AM ♥

I've lost touch with my life. I'm missing everyone, those happy time. Esp the time when we are innocent. Looking at those photo took when i'm in primary school. How nerd am i. Laughing at how i look like in the past. Seriously, i think i look super ugly. LOL. Fat-nerd-retard face. I miss those time, with no worries. Care-free. (: Now, everyone had grown up. With their gorgeous looks. Pretty hairstyle &clothings. Totally two different people. Everyone are getting prettier each day, dolling up &etc. &I think i've lost contact with many people. Too many. There's too many memories. Too many.. too many..

Memories from childhood stay with us forever,
Taking us where we have been and will go,
Pieces of life that live on and will never
Let us forget we were young long ago.

Sometimes I wander back into those shadows,
Quietly being who I used to be,
Bringing to life all the joys and the sorrows,
Days that can’t die while they still live in me.

Holidays linger and happy times glisten;
I can see everyone active and well.
I can still hear them if only I listen,
Feeling each motion and breathing each smell.

Life has such treasures that time’s always stealing;
Nothing can ever entirely stay.
While you are young, you can capture each feeling;
Make all the memories you can every day.

Random post. :D

Be optimistic, but how long will i last. HAAAA.

(i doubt he rmb. :x)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
♥ 1:30 AM ♥

Everyone is mugging hard for O's but not me. Have been going out this few days. Never fail to come online. AHHHHHHHHHHH. Why am i still not scare when Amaths paper is just 1week away. Sighhh. I really have no idea why i can't sit still to study for my exams. I really don't wish to flunk it. HELP ME. )))):

Supposed to meet up with puay chin to study but suddenly mummy ask me to accompany her to HDB hub. Something happened. So dumb lah. Study plan cancelled. Grrrr. Once everything is done, walked around, lunch then headed city hall to meet elin. Changed baobei havaianas &bought one for myself using the voucher dajie gave me. :D Met korkor then headed to parkway. Finally i saw aloysiaaaaaa. Hahaha. She's still sooo cute. HAHA! Alright, dinner at jack's place. Walked around then went alj meet sister. Cabbed home. (: With four of us around, there's always laughter! HAHAHA. I LOVE MY GIRLS!

Cute aloy is getting prettier!

SUNDAY! Went to meet sister after dinner. Studied a lil, done my amath p1. &&&slacking time. Ha, they played 'chai quan' and the loser will have to do a retarded face! It's hilarious! Hahaha! I guess if they see this, they're going to kill me, esp fengyao! LOL.


♥ 1:30 AM ♥

Everyone is mugging hard for O's but not me. Have been going out this few days. Never fail to come online. AHHHHHHHHHHH. Why am i still not scare when Amaths paper is just 1week away. Sighhh. I really have no idea why i can't sit still to study for my exams. I really don't wish to flunk it. HELP ME. )))):

Supposed to meet up with puay chin to study but suddenly mummy ask me to accompany her to HDB hub. Something happened. So dumb lah. Study plan cancelled. Grrrr. Once everything is done, walked around, lunch then headed city hall to meet elin. Changed baobei havaianas &bought one for myself using the voucher dajie gave me. :D Met korkor then headed to parkway. Finally i saw aloysiaaaaaa. Hahaha. She's still sooo cute. HAHA! Alright, dinner at jack's place. Walked around then went alj meet sister. Cabbed home. (: With four of us around, there's always laughter! HAHAHA. I LOVE MY GIRLS!

Cute aloy is getting prettier!

SUNDAY! Went to meet sister after dinner. Studied a lil, done my amath p1. &&&slacking time. Ha, they played 'chai quan' and the loser will have to do a retarded face! It's hilarious! Hahaha! I guess if they see this, they're going to kill me, esp fengyao! LOL.
