here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Thursday, August 30, 2007
♥ 10:11 PM ♥

Prelim's is officially OVER ! HURRARY, but don't be too happy cause olevel is on the way. (: Anw, i'm here just to upload video of KOON & ALBERT fighting in class. HAHAHA! Loving sia. HAHA!

But before i go, i want to comment on my class people. Seriously, we aint co-operating, united as a class. I don't understand what other class could be so co-operative deciding programs on tcher's day celebration. What about us? "Aiyo, anything loh. You all decide" Well, if its like that then lets not celebrate our last year tcher's day in mjr. (:

G'night. &i'm happy baby tagged me! Hahaha.

♥ 10:11 PM ♥

Prelim's is officially OVER ! HURRARY, but don't be too happy cause olevel is on the way. (: Anw, i'm here just to upload video of KOON & ALBERT fighting in class. HAHAHA! Loving sia. HAHA!

But before i go, i want to comment on my class people. Seriously, we aint co-operating, united as a class. I don't understand what other class could be so co-operative deciding programs on tcher's day celebration. What about us? "Aiyo, anything loh. You all decide" Well, if its like that then lets not celebrate our last year tcher's day in mjr. (:

G'night. &i'm happy baby tagged me! Hahaha.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
♥ 10:29 PM ♥

Prelim's OVER ! Left with science practical. & i'll be free for one week. Haowen & isabel's birthday is on the way ! Ahhhh, i'm gonna be broke by then. =x

Had been studying with daphie, jasmine, yeeteng, ying2. It was fun ! (: Crapping, mugging &even sleeping! Hahaha. It's was effin fun man! :D Nlevel &Olevel is soooo different. I can get a 5points without studying, but olevel leh? i studied but i could still flunk my papers. TELL ME WHY. I guess my prelims will be more then 30. AHHHHHH. 1and a half mth to go!

Bel asked me for suggestion, and i told her jumbo seafood @clark quay. I love the atmosphere there. So niceeee. (: Anyone went jumbo before? How's the food &the range? AHHH. I love seafood man. Haha! Alright, tag me! (:

Everything is OVER and back to normal. I'm glad. Baby, don't let this happen to us again. ): &ILOVEYOU !

When over to his house, and he fell asleep while i was watchin why why love. Woke him up &he's so cute man! Hahaha. But he went back to sleep, so i went to read thru chem's notes. SO POOR THING RIGHT. Dinner with his family, and i was soooooo full. Cabbed home. (: I knew everything would be over soon but . . .

aloy's bag! I look so nerd man!

♥ 10:29 PM ♥

Prelim's OVER ! Left with science practical. & i'll be free for one week. Haowen & isabel's birthday is on the way ! Ahhhh, i'm gonna be broke by then. =x

Had been studying with daphie, jasmine, yeeteng, ying2. It was fun ! (: Crapping, mugging &even sleeping! Hahaha. It's was effin fun man! :D Nlevel &Olevel is soooo different. I can get a 5points without studying, but olevel leh? i studied but i could still flunk my papers. TELL ME WHY. I guess my prelims will be more then 30. AHHHHHH. 1and a half mth to go!

Bel asked me for suggestion, and i told her jumbo seafood @clark quay. I love the atmosphere there. So niceeee. (: Anyone went jumbo before? How's the food &the range? AHHH. I love seafood man. Haha! Alright, tag me! (:

Everything is OVER and back to normal. I'm glad. Baby, don't let this happen to us again. ): &ILOVEYOU !

When over to his house, and he fell asleep while i was watchin why why love. Woke him up &he's so cute man! Hahaha. But he went back to sleep, so i went to read thru chem's notes. SO POOR THING RIGHT. Dinner with his family, and i was soooooo full. Cabbed home. (: I knew everything would be over soon but . . .

aloy's bag! I look so nerd man!

Sunday, August 26, 2007
♥ 4:09 AM ♥

Critical moment is over ? THANKS BEL &JOCELYN. (:

I felt so betrayed, and for this i'll never trust anyone expect my darlingsister. (:

I don't wish to grow up, can i remain as a little girl forever? No worries, no stress. ):

I'll always rmb all the words you'd said to me tdy. It's so hurting and for that, things will never be the same. I swear. I'm unreasonable.

I'm really at a lost. Who can tell me what to do? I don't know what i want now. Fcuk this world man. Give up or continue ? But... Haissss.

I'm never satisfied

♥ 4:09 AM ♥

Critical moment is over ? THANKS BEL &JOCELYN. (:

I felt so betrayed, and for this i'll never trust anyone expect my darlingsister. (:

I don't wish to grow up, can i remain as a little girl forever? No worries, no stress. ):

I'll always rmb all the words you'd said to me tdy. It's so hurting and for that, things will never be the same. I swear. I'm unreasonable.

I'm really at a lost. Who can tell me what to do? I don't know what i want now. Fcuk this world man. Give up or continue ? But... Haissss.

I'm never satisfied

Saturday, August 25, 2007
♥ 12:32 AM ♥

OnetwoThreefourFive, five days of exams is over.
and oneTwothreeFour, four more day to go.

Have been doing last minute revision, and its fatiguing man!
Struggling everynight, trying hard to get everything into my brain!
I hope my-last-minute-hard work pays off. =D
Butbutbut, i think i will FLUNK all my papers. Esp emaths. So disappointed in myself.

I'm not feeling alright, i just wish to be alone.

14 miss call, numerous messages from you. But i decided to give you a reply.
I don't wish to. But i guess im soft hearted. ):
Seriously, i'm not good in words. I can't express my words to you.
But i just wish that you could understand me more. After all this time, i find that i couldn't get what i want from you.
Ever since the day, i told myself it's my start of a new life. I won't reminisce my past. But look here, i had high expectation because i've got a good one previously.
Sorry if i didn't spare a thought for you, but from the start till now, i know that i did spare a though for you no matter what i do, but have you?
You never want to try putting more effort in this r/s. I knew i've fall too deep, but..
And look that the attitude you're giving me. Yea, i'm hot temper and bad attitude. As my bf, you should tolerate me. But instead you gave me attitude. WTF. I've alr give in many time, but i can't tolerate how you attitude me. Once or twice i gave in, that doesn't mean i will always be giving in.
I just don't understand why others can look sweet in both cover and inside, but not us ?
No matter what, i know all this will be over soon. But all i want to say is, my heart is still beating for you. (:

In life we come to understand that we often need a friend
someone that will always be there for you no matter what
to help you through the hard times that life throws at us.

Sometimes we face problems that can't be handled alone
and at that time one needs that special friend there
to help work it out and tell us it will be fine not to worry.

But in life from time to time we meet someone that wants
to be your friend only to find out that they really aren't
it's often harder to find that you trusted them to be there
knowing you got hurt and faced it on your own.

I learn that to have a friend you must first be a friend
and do what you think needs to be done to help whoever
whenever you can without any questions of why.

A true friend is someone that will say hello no matter
where they see you or who your with when they do
they understand you and want to make life easier .

They come sit with you and if nothing else but to say hi
are even just to see how you are doing without a word said
help you when you sick or just be there to make you feel better.

I for one call myself a friend there hasn't been a time
that I said no when someone ask me for my help
it's better to be known and loved by few as a friend
than to be known and hated by many as an enemy.

Thanks bel, you're always there for me. And you are the one who can understand me well. MUACKS!

♥ 12:32 AM ♥

OnetwoThreefourFive, five days of exams is over.
and oneTwothreeFour, four more day to go.

Have been doing last minute revision, and its fatiguing man!
Struggling everynight, trying hard to get everything into my brain!
I hope my-last-minute-hard work pays off. =D
Butbutbut, i think i will FLUNK all my papers. Esp emaths. So disappointed in myself.

I'm not feeling alright, i just wish to be alone.

14 miss call, numerous messages from you. But i decided to give you a reply.
I don't wish to. But i guess im soft hearted. ):
Seriously, i'm not good in words. I can't express my words to you.
But i just wish that you could understand me more. After all this time, i find that i couldn't get what i want from you.
Ever since the day, i told myself it's my start of a new life. I won't reminisce my past. But look here, i had high expectation because i've got a good one previously.
Sorry if i didn't spare a thought for you, but from the start till now, i know that i did spare a though for you no matter what i do, but have you?
You never want to try putting more effort in this r/s. I knew i've fall too deep, but..
And look that the attitude you're giving me. Yea, i'm hot temper and bad attitude. As my bf, you should tolerate me. But instead you gave me attitude. WTF. I've alr give in many time, but i can't tolerate how you attitude me. Once or twice i gave in, that doesn't mean i will always be giving in.
I just don't understand why others can look sweet in both cover and inside, but not us ?
No matter what, i know all this will be over soon. But all i want to say is, my heart is still beating for you. (:

In life we come to understand that we often need a friend
someone that will always be there for you no matter what
to help you through the hard times that life throws at us.

Sometimes we face problems that can't be handled alone
and at that time one needs that special friend there
to help work it out and tell us it will be fine not to worry.

But in life from time to time we meet someone that wants
to be your friend only to find out that they really aren't
it's often harder to find that you trusted them to be there
knowing you got hurt and faced it on your own.

I learn that to have a friend you must first be a friend
and do what you think needs to be done to help whoever
whenever you can without any questions of why.

A true friend is someone that will say hello no matter
where they see you or who your with when they do
they understand you and want to make life easier .

They come sit with you and if nothing else but to say hi
are even just to see how you are doing without a word said
help you when you sick or just be there to make you feel better.

I for one call myself a friend there hasn't been a time
that I said no when someone ask me for my help
it's better to be known and loved by few as a friend
than to be known and hated by many as an enemy.

Thanks bel, you're always there for me. And you are the one who can understand me well. MUACKS!

Sunday, August 19, 2007
♥ 2:10 AM ♥

Happy 17th Birthday, KOON!

Hope you enjoyed yourself &may your wishes come true. Our 5years friendship is still counting on! :D Let's study hard for our upcoming olevels! Much loves! (:

♥ 2:10 AM ♥

Happy 17th Birthday, KOON!

Hope you enjoyed yourself &may your wishes come true. Our 5years friendship is still counting on! :D Let's study hard for our upcoming olevels! Much loves! (:

Friday, August 17, 2007
♥ 11:08 PM ♥

English olevel oral ! I guess i will not score well man. I was trembling, which caused my sentence to be jerky. Gosh! ): Skipped tuition cause i'm too tired but i went bugis to find elin. Sorry, i broke my promise. I said i won't come online but i did and i went shopping. ): 2mth's saving is gone again. Chatted quite a lot. (:

Happy Anniversary boyfriend! Also to Bel&Jon, Jas&Des (:

and also,

Happy 16th Birthday WeiKai ! (:

and also,

Happy Sweet Seventeen, KOON &YeeNi! (in advance, 18Aug & 25Aug)

Happy 19th Birthday, MAINEJIE! (in advance, 22Aug)
(so old alr! Opps =x)

I'm broke yet i got to buy so many present. Sorry if it's a small lil present, but it's the thoughts that counts. :D

♥ 11:08 PM ♥

English olevel oral ! I guess i will not score well man. I was trembling, which caused my sentence to be jerky. Gosh! ): Skipped tuition cause i'm too tired but i went bugis to find elin. Sorry, i broke my promise. I said i won't come online but i did and i went shopping. ): 2mth's saving is gone again. Chatted quite a lot. (:

Happy Anniversary boyfriend! Also to Bel&Jon, Jas&Des (:

and also,

Happy 16th Birthday WeiKai ! (:

and also,

Happy Sweet Seventeen, KOON &YeeNi! (in advance, 18Aug & 25Aug)

Happy 19th Birthday, MAINEJIE! (in advance, 22Aug)
(so old alr! Opps =x)

I'm broke yet i got to buy so many present. Sorry if it's a small lil present, but it's the thoughts that counts. :D

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
♥ 9:27 PM ♥


I say 4 o'clock i will get myself in front of my book,
Then 5 o'clock, i say 1hr won't make a different.
Then 6 o'clock , 7 and 8 o'clock.

And now, it's alr 9! and i've yet to touch my books!

Prelims is just few days, 4 3 2 1 day.
Kill me man, i shldn't reformat my com at this time. Ahhh!
Damn, ok. the next 4 days, i won't touch my desktop, until prelim's over !

♥ 9:27 PM ♥


I say 4 o'clock i will get myself in front of my book,
Then 5 o'clock, i say 1hr won't make a different.
Then 6 o'clock , 7 and 8 o'clock.

And now, it's alr 9! and i've yet to touch my books!

Prelims is just few days, 4 3 2 1 day.
Kill me man, i shldn't reformat my com at this time. Ahhh!
Damn, ok. the next 4 days, i won't touch my desktop, until prelim's over !

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
♥ 6:07 PM ♥

Finally, my desktop i'm done with my com! sister have been nagging for weeks. Now, it's format and everything is back. My ears will be peaceful. (:

Got back chinese result, and i passed! *phew at least i passed! I hate chinese all along. Although my english isn't good but i perfer english to chinese. But i'm gonna to study hard for my chinese! Yes, i'm aiming a B this time round. =x

This friday having english oral. Ahhhh, i need to buck up my picture discussion cause i sucks at it. =x HELP ME ! Time is passing too fast, i can't catch up.

this unique car . haha!


♥ 6:07 PM ♥

Finally, my desktop i'm done with my com! sister have been nagging for weeks. Now, it's format and everything is back. My ears will be peaceful. (:

Got back chinese result, and i passed! *phew at least i passed! I hate chinese all along. Although my english isn't good but i perfer english to chinese. But i'm gonna to study hard for my chinese! Yes, i'm aiming a B this time round. =x

This friday having english oral. Ahhhh, i need to buck up my picture discussion cause i sucks at it. =x HELP ME ! Time is passing too fast, i can't catch up.

this unique car . haha!


Sunday, August 12, 2007
♥ 2:36 AM ♥

Life pretty fine, coping with it well. :)
Friday went over bf's place to study after tuition. Before that went tampines with koon to meet albert. Bf's younger brother is damn cute, playing com inside the room and bf got so irritated. And i keep laughing at them. =x Watched tv program and study at the same time. Her parent bought porridge back for us. So nice. :) Went home ard 10plus, his father drove me back. *THUMB UP. They're nice.

Today, went over parkway to study with puaychin. Went over to walk a while, bought chocz and black forest cake from jack's place. YUMMY. She left early and i continued to study. Ohya, saw cutejasmine! :) there's was a uncle sitting beside me, he's damn nice. he's a tcher, a sporean who live in canada. Chatted with him a while and he said canada is a beautiful country! See, sporean staying oversea. COOL. He told me a lil about oral tips and chem. How nice is he, and i'm lucky too. Bus-ed home and bf called.

GOSH, it's 2plus. I told bf i'll slp at 2. Ahhh, g'night all. Tuition tmr! :)


♥ 2:36 AM ♥

Life pretty fine, coping with it well. :)
Friday went over bf's place to study after tuition. Before that went tampines with koon to meet albert. Bf's younger brother is damn cute, playing com inside the room and bf got so irritated. And i keep laughing at them. =x Watched tv program and study at the same time. Her parent bought porridge back for us. So nice. :) Went home ard 10plus, his father drove me back. *THUMB UP. They're nice.

Today, went over parkway to study with puaychin. Went over to walk a while, bought chocz and black forest cake from jack's place. YUMMY. She left early and i continued to study. Ohya, saw cutejasmine! :) there's was a uncle sitting beside me, he's damn nice. he's a tcher, a sporean who live in canada. Chatted with him a while and he said canada is a beautiful country! See, sporean staying oversea. COOL. He told me a lil about oral tips and chem. How nice is he, and i'm lucky too. Bus-ed home and bf called.

GOSH, it's 2plus. I told bf i'll slp at 2. Ahhh, g'night all. Tuition tmr! :)


Friday, August 10, 2007
♥ 1:44 AM ♥

Watched rush hour 3 with baobei. City Hall is full of people and i happen to see cindial. Actually was her who spotted me. I was astounded, and was so happy to see her. (: After movie, walked to bugis. Everywhere along marina sq to suntec was full of litter, and i wonder why sg was called clean and green country. I guess it's because sg afford to pay to hire cleaners. It's so horrible lah. Compare sporean to ang moh or even taiwanese, sporean's attitude can't make it, maybe not every sporean but just that percentage of people. When i was working at raffles, i met many different ang moh and all of them are damn friendly. Unlike sporean, give a 'dao' expression, no manners at all! :) Back to main point, dinner at big bird cause im craving wan ton. :D Walked to parklane and took bus home. Shall not elborate. ):
Just watch finish kinship last two ep. Ahh, there's not ending lah but kinship2. WTF! I want to know the ending lah. Stupid, but like thaat i can see my handsome boy's show again. :D don't know how long will they take to show on tv man. can't wait sia. ):

Sorry, i'm not a good girlfriend. I give attitude, moodswing, but thanks for all the understanding baby. Sometime i wonder ..

♥ 1:44 AM ♥

Watched rush hour 3 with baobei. City Hall is full of people and i happen to see cindial. Actually was her who spotted me. I was astounded, and was so happy to see her. (: After movie, walked to bugis. Everywhere along marina sq to suntec was full of litter, and i wonder why sg was called clean and green country. I guess it's because sg afford to pay to hire cleaners. It's so horrible lah. Compare sporean to ang moh or even taiwanese, sporean's attitude can't make it, maybe not every sporean but just that percentage of people. When i was working at raffles, i met many different ang moh and all of them are damn friendly. Unlike sporean, give a 'dao' expression, no manners at all! :) Back to main point, dinner at big bird cause im craving wan ton. :D Walked to parklane and took bus home. Shall not elborate. ):
Just watch finish kinship last two ep. Ahh, there's not ending lah but kinship2. WTF! I want to know the ending lah. Stupid, but like thaat i can see my handsome boy's show again. :D don't know how long will they take to show on tv man. can't wait sia. ):

Sorry, i'm not a good girlfriend. I give attitude, moodswing, but thanks for all the understanding baby. Sometime i wonder ..

Thursday, August 9, 2007
♥ 2:44 AM ♥

Self declare holiday. :) National day celebration = boring day in school, so i rather not to go school. Baobei met me at my house and we left for town. MOVIE, jaychou's secret was my aim. Booked tix the day before. The story line was nice in the starting but i got confused at the later part. Went to wisma, wanted to get a dress from topshop but i can't find. Bought a pump causeeeeee my sister wore mine and her heels is killing me. Got no choice to get a new one. Damn it. Waste money again! ): &finally i replaced my broken necklace and it cost me 30$. =.= Waste money sia, i rather use that to buy clothes lah. Haha. I'm stingy. =D Went to hong kong cafe for dinner and bus-ed home early.

I love my silly sweet baobei ! Thanks for all the things you have done this few months, although i always give you attitude, start the quarrel you always tolerate me. Even if i made you angry, end up you got to cheer me up. Loveyouplenty.