here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Monday, July 30, 2007
♥ 4:24 PM ♥

Had temporarily hair perm. Meet sayang at his house area and went ps to meet darling and damien. They accompany me for my lunch at mos. Aftermath, went suntec for phototaking. Mummy let me go over to hereen but by the time we finish, everything ended. And sayang is going home early, so went for dinner with mummy. Although the resturant isn't high class, but the food there was delicious, esp the shark fins and the roasted chicken. YUMMY! So full man. Bloated ! Theres goes gaining of weight/fats. ): But i'm happy! 能吃是福。Hehes. Alright, 3weeks time the photo will be out. &we are supposed to take family but the bloody bitch in our family spoilt it. how i wish theres only 4of us. I guess it more peaceful. =D Waitinggggg.

♥ 4:24 PM ♥

Had temporarily hair perm. Meet sayang at his house area and went ps to meet darling and damien. They accompany me for my lunch at mos. Aftermath, went suntec for phototaking. Mummy let me go over to hereen but by the time we finish, everything ended. And sayang is going home early, so went for dinner with mummy. Although the resturant isn't high class, but the food there was delicious, esp the shark fins and the roasted chicken. YUMMY! So full man. Bloated ! Theres goes gaining of weight/fats. ): But i'm happy! 能吃是福。Hehes. Alright, 3weeks time the photo will be out. &we are supposed to take family but the bloody bitch in our family spoilt it. how i wish theres only 4of us. I guess it more peaceful. =D Waitinggggg.

Sunday, July 29, 2007
♥ 12:56 AM ♥

Raining saturday. Spoilt my mood early in the morning. I hate raining on saturday cause i want to go out! Went over to baobei house to do hmwk. Stupid english compo giving me headache! His lil brother is damn funny lah but baobei was irritated by him. Haha! The way he laugh and speaks is really funny. :) Left his house for ps. Bought the thing i wanted! We went daiso and spotlight to play around. Haha! It's fun ! Wanted to get heels but i can't decide which to buy so end up i didnt get any. :) Slacked and home. Finally i've got photos to upload. =D

Tmr will be a busy day! Ahhhh. Havent complete my hmwk. Morning tuition, Afternoon shld be meeting baobei, evening family photo, night dinner. ah! damn it. Till then, Goodnight!

♥ 12:56 AM ♥

Raining saturday. Spoilt my mood early in the morning. I hate raining on saturday cause i want to go out! Went over to baobei house to do hmwk. Stupid english compo giving me headache! His lil brother is damn funny lah but baobei was irritated by him. Haha! The way he laugh and speaks is really funny. :) Left his house for ps. Bought the thing i wanted! We went daiso and spotlight to play around. Haha! It's fun ! Wanted to get heels but i can't decide which to buy so end up i didnt get any. :) Slacked and home. Finally i've got photos to upload. =D

Tmr will be a busy day! Ahhhh. Havent complete my hmwk. Morning tuition, Afternoon shld be meeting baobei, evening family photo, night dinner. ah! damn it. Till then, Goodnight!

Friday, July 27, 2007
♥ 11:32 PM ♥

I felt that bf had changed a lot ever since the first day i knew him to the day we got together and now. Maybe his brothes around him couldn't see that but i can. I can say it's a big change in him. Well, i don't know what makes him changed so much but i don't know should i be happy or sad. He had been studying hard. And also er, i dont know how to put in words lah! Ah. But well, is it a good sign or a bad one then? He's not the boy i know at first. I'm happy but i'm kind of sad cause he's no longer the boy i knew at the start. but well, i like his present attitude too. Ahh. I don't know lah. Sometime i wish he's who he's in the past but i like who he is now. I know it's him, his own choice to live his life but ah. I don't know. I don't know how to put it in words lah. Damn it. I'm lacking of expression, words to express myself. DAMNASS lah. Seriously, i miss who he is in the past but i like his present attitude too. but i know i can't control his life although i'm her gf. I admit i don't fully trust bf, but i hope there's really nothing hiding behind. (I guess you know why. And all caused by my ex. =D I know you're different from him, but everything takes time. Sorry for giving you attitude everyweek. never fail to give you attitude. Isn't what i want but i guess you will never understand. i have told you before, over and over again. I really don't wish to. Yea but i know you never blamed me.)
No matter what I LOVE YOU! More and more each day. Cause no matter what, you're always forgiving me, tolerating me. Hehes.

My stupid silly lousy SWEETEST LOVED bf!

♥ 11:32 PM ♥

I felt that bf had changed a lot ever since the first day i knew him to the day we got together and now. Maybe his brothes around him couldn't see that but i can. I can say it's a big change in him. Well, i don't know what makes him changed so much but i don't know should i be happy or sad. He had been studying hard. And also er, i dont know how to put in words lah! Ah. But well, is it a good sign or a bad one then? He's not the boy i know at first. I'm happy but i'm kind of sad cause he's no longer the boy i knew at the start. but well, i like his present attitude too. Ahh. I don't know lah. Sometime i wish he's who he's in the past but i like who he is now. I know it's him, his own choice to live his life but ah. I don't know. I don't know how to put it in words lah. Damn it. I'm lacking of expression, words to express myself. DAMNASS lah. Seriously, i miss who he is in the past but i like his present attitude too. but i know i can't control his life although i'm her gf. I admit i don't fully trust bf, but i hope there's really nothing hiding behind. (I guess you know why. And all caused by my ex. =D I know you're different from him, but everything takes time. Sorry for giving you attitude everyweek. never fail to give you attitude. Isn't what i want but i guess you will never understand. i have told you before, over and over again. I really don't wish to. Yea but i know you never blamed me.)
No matter what I LOVE YOU! More and more each day. Cause no matter what, you're always forgiving me, tolerating me. Hehes.

My stupid silly lousy SWEETEST LOVED bf!

Thursday, July 26, 2007
♥ 5:30 PM ♥

I hate myself for everything I am. Everything I stand for. Every breath I take. Everything I do. It's all just another mistake. I hate myself for all the things I do. All the things I say. All the words that form. I know none are true. I hate myself for everything I am. It's all just the same. My silent plea. That everything could change. I hate everything I am and how I turned out to be. I always thought that I should be me, but how can I? Now I see, this was my destiny. If I looked back on my life I probably couldn't even recognize me. Everything I feel, All the things I have to face. I hate myself for being such a pitiful disgrace. I hate my attitude, my temper. I don't know what i really want, who am i. I hate myself for being emotional.

So i say, i sucks big time. :)


♥ 5:30 PM ♥

I hate myself for everything I am. Everything I stand for. Every breath I take. Everything I do. It's all just another mistake. I hate myself for all the things I do. All the things I say. All the words that form. I know none are true. I hate myself for everything I am. It's all just the same. My silent plea. That everything could change. I hate everything I am and how I turned out to be. I always thought that I should be me, but how can I? Now I see, this was my destiny. If I looked back on my life I probably couldn't even recognize me. Everything I feel, All the things I have to face. I hate myself for being such a pitiful disgrace. I hate my attitude, my temper. I don't know what i really want, who am i. I hate myself for being emotional.

So i say, i sucks big time. :)


Wednesday, July 25, 2007
♥ 5:03 PM ♥

1 month 1 time sucks.
I don't want to get moody.
I don't want to get dragged away.
I'm so bored. Someone entertain me pls.
I'm craving for DURAINS.
I'm so hungry now.
&&the feeling's totally SUCKS!
Anw, I miss my bf ! He's mugging now.

Being a girl isn't easy. :D

♥ 5:03 PM ♥

1 month 1 time sucks.
I don't want to get moody.
I don't want to get dragged away.
I'm so bored. Someone entertain me pls.
I'm craving for DURAINS.
I'm so hungry now.
&&the feeling's totally SUCKS!
Anw, I miss my bf ! He's mugging now.

Being a girl isn't easy. :D

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
♥ 4:06 PM ♥

The paths of life takes us to places of love and hatehappiness and disppear, trial and triumph in the end where are we going to fall who are we to judge others right or wrong doings. all we can do is reflect on the faults in our own livestry to repear the souls that we have damaged asking god for strength to move on. we can't live our lives in self pity in the reflection of all we've done wrong. there are no guarantees that we will never fall again but we will never be perfect, it's a fact that we have to live with acceptance is a great thing.
Life - It comes and goes. We have to go through, we have to exit. Life can be reckless, can be generous, can be unfair, can be joyful. But we have to live it. Regardless it may not be easy. But nonetheless, it's a gift. :)

As time goes by, thinking get mature. Thinking back of the time when we are still a childish kid, naughty girl finding trouble with everyone we dislike, its like a fool man. Yea, i admit i was once a fool then. LOL. This chinese sentence, 每个人都年轻过。:) And when things/time goes by, people changed. And it's when you start thinking back about the past. We live with our past but at the same time we gotto improve it too. In life, we might met people we dislike, but we got to think in another way. People will dislike us too. So why bother about others, esp someone you dislike? Yea i'm still wondering. Is there anyone who can live happily without any grudges? Ahh. I wish i can stop bothering about things that attract to my eye. A smile, will make my life better so why not just a smile to everyone. I want to overcome it. I want to be nice i want good karma. Is it so nice to criticise people everytime? Yes, people do criticise but imagine someone who are nonstop criticising. I wonder how she live she life, so unhappy. So horrible. Dislike anything anyone, move aside then. :) 忍一时 风平浪静,退一步 海过天空。


♥ 4:06 PM ♥

The paths of life takes us to places of love and hatehappiness and disppear, trial and triumph in the end where are we going to fall who are we to judge others right or wrong doings. all we can do is reflect on the faults in our own livestry to repear the souls that we have damaged asking god for strength to move on. we can't live our lives in self pity in the reflection of all we've done wrong. there are no guarantees that we will never fall again but we will never be perfect, it's a fact that we have to live with acceptance is a great thing.
Life - It comes and goes. We have to go through, we have to exit. Life can be reckless, can be generous, can be unfair, can be joyful. But we have to live it. Regardless it may not be easy. But nonetheless, it's a gift. :)

As time goes by, thinking get mature. Thinking back of the time when we are still a childish kid, naughty girl finding trouble with everyone we dislike, its like a fool man. Yea, i admit i was once a fool then. LOL. This chinese sentence, 每个人都年轻过。:) And when things/time goes by, people changed. And it's when you start thinking back about the past. We live with our past but at the same time we gotto improve it too. In life, we might met people we dislike, but we got to think in another way. People will dislike us too. So why bother about others, esp someone you dislike? Yea i'm still wondering. Is there anyone who can live happily without any grudges? Ahh. I wish i can stop bothering about things that attract to my eye. A smile, will make my life better so why not just a smile to everyone. I want to overcome it. I want to be nice i want good karma. Is it so nice to criticise people everytime? Yes, people do criticise but imagine someone who are nonstop criticising. I wonder how she live she life, so unhappy. So horrible. Dislike anything anyone, move aside then. :) 忍一时 风平浪静,退一步 海过天空。


Monday, July 23, 2007
♥ 4:12 PM ♥

Booos ! Baby sent me home and he went home. Just ate my lunch. I'm kinda bored. Mummy just came home too. I wanna take a nap. Sleeping is my hobby ! Ah whatever, i'm just entertaining myself. Well, sch was alright but i just dislike english lesson. Say i got grudges against her. Her words were sacrcastic &saying how bad is our english standard. Cmon lah if our english is good do we still need you? Our english is bad &thats the reason for you to be a teacher but you seems to be like looking down on our class english standard. Your responsible is to teach us not to compare us with other people. Grrrr. &you're freaking bias. I'm not only the one who are saying this is just that they never dare to speak out. I need the encouragement, bravery man. I just wish i am daring enough to speak it out in front of her &i can be the heroine, hahaha!. But afterall she's a teacher and i do learn a bit from her. Ha. All's craps. =D

Well, ytd went over to baby's house. He bought me the prawn noodles im craving for. =D Went over to his house and eat. Slacked around, used com. His parent's come early and i got a shock lah! LOL. His father insist of sending my home due to the rain. That's nice. I can save my cab fare! (: Loveyoubaobei. (:

Time to take a nap ! Yawns. Till then. (:

♥ 4:12 PM ♥

Booos ! Baby sent me home and he went home. Just ate my lunch. I'm kinda bored. Mummy just came home too. I wanna take a nap. Sleeping is my hobby ! Ah whatever, i'm just entertaining myself. Well, sch was alright but i just dislike english lesson. Say i got grudges against her. Her words were sacrcastic &saying how bad is our english standard. Cmon lah if our english is good do we still need you? Our english is bad &thats the reason for you to be a teacher but you seems to be like looking down on our class english standard. Your responsible is to teach us not to compare us with other people. Grrrr. &you're freaking bias. I'm not only the one who are saying this is just that they never dare to speak out. I need the encouragement, bravery man. I just wish i am daring enough to speak it out in front of her &i can be the heroine, hahaha!. But afterall she's a teacher and i do learn a bit from her. Ha. All's craps. =D

Well, ytd went over to baby's house. He bought me the prawn noodles im craving for. =D Went over to his house and eat. Slacked around, used com. His parent's come early and i got a shock lah! LOL. His father insist of sending my home due to the rain. That's nice. I can save my cab fare! (: Loveyoubaobei. (:

Time to take a nap ! Yawns. Till then. (:

Sunday, July 22, 2007
♥ 5:18 PM ♥






遇到曾经喜欢的人时,要祝他幸福啊! 因为你喜欢他是, 不是希望他幸福吗?



♥ 5:18 PM ♥






遇到曾经喜欢的人时,要祝他幸福啊! 因为你喜欢他是, 不是希望他幸福吗?



Thursday, July 19, 2007
♥ 4:14 PM ♥

Heyheyhey ! My blog seems dead . Ok i'm sick on sunday and monday. No fry food for me and it's terrible man. School was as usual . Ytd when ecp to cycle with baobei and clique. So tiring man . Darling didnt come along cause she got project to complete . Double bike with bb and its so scary at the starting! Baobei and i left 1st and the rest went to eat .

Well, zy is leaving tmr morning . Initially, i don't really believe cause it's so sudden . He still owe me lolipop ! Haha . He will buy me lolipop whenever im sad. (: Sister, rmb to takecare ah. Bon voyage . (ah, i knew it man. cause its so sudden) =D

In life, people come and go we got to accept. Just smile, you will feel better, nothing is impossible to overcome. (:

gosh ! i look so fat .

i love the wind

Our double bike !

&&Lastly, happy 4th mth anniversary with baobei ! (: There's will be more to go . Although we often quarrel over something nono, it's me but he always give in, nono is never failed to give in to me. =x And over this 4mth i've bake cake, brownies, jelly for him ! So blissful sia but i got nth . )): hahah ! No lah, i got his love. =D I don't need much from him but trust and faithful . &&&&i don't like when he give me his stupid tired face !!! =D (i know you will rmb this one day) but still i lovelove you !


♥ 4:14 PM ♥

Heyheyhey ! My blog seems dead . Ok i'm sick on sunday and monday. No fry food for me and it's terrible man. School was as usual . Ytd when ecp to cycle with baobei and clique. So tiring man . Darling didnt come along cause she got project to complete . Double bike with bb and its so scary at the starting! Baobei and i left 1st and the rest went to eat .

Well, zy is leaving tmr morning . Initially, i don't really believe cause it's so sudden . He still owe me lolipop ! Haha . He will buy me lolipop whenever im sad. (: Sister, rmb to takecare ah. Bon voyage . (ah, i knew it man. cause its so sudden) =D

In life, people come and go we got to accept. Just smile, you will feel better, nothing is impossible to overcome. (:

gosh ! i look so fat .

i love the wind

Our double bike !

&&Lastly, happy 4th mth anniversary with baobei ! (: There's will be more to go . Although we often quarrel over something nono, it's me but he always give in, nono is never failed to give in to me. =x And over this 4mth i've bake cake, brownies, jelly for him ! So blissful sia but i got nth . )): hahah ! No lah, i got his love. =D I don't need much from him but trust and faithful . &&&&i don't like when he give me his stupid tired face !!! =D (i know you will rmb this one day) but still i lovelove you !


Sunday, July 15, 2007
♥ 1:58 AM ♥

Kinda frustrated today. Insufficient sleep, i supposed. Woke up at 10am ! I slept aat 3plus last night lah. moreover, it's saturday ! Ahhhh, had a fuss with that bitch. Prepared and left for convention hall. Everything end at 4plus, went for reception and homed. Damn tired. Supposed to go over koon's house for steamboat but im too tired. so sorry. Meet baobei for dinner. Craving for pasta ! (: Lazy to blog. (: PHOTOS !

More photos in the camera, lazy to update. hehes ! Till then, nights.

♥ 1:58 AM ♥

Kinda frustrated today. Insufficient sleep, i supposed. Woke up at 10am ! I slept aat 3plus last night lah. moreover, it's saturday ! Ahhhh, had a fuss with that bitch. Prepared and left for convention hall. Everything end at 4plus, went for reception and homed. Damn tired. Supposed to go over koon's house for steamboat but im too tired. so sorry. Meet baobei for dinner. Craving for pasta ! (: Lazy to blog. (: PHOTOS !

More photos in the camera, lazy to update. hehes ! Till then, nights.