here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Friday, June 29, 2007
♥ 11:11 PM ♥

Weeeee. It's the last day of the week. (: 3days break. But i'm working on saturday, tuition on sunday. My goodness. ): Left w monday. Darling got school, so maybe going out w bel. (: I wanna go vivo ! Hopefully, i receive my pay by then. &i can get myself smth before i start chionging for test &oral. Chinese Olevel oral is just next week. GOSH. Help me! &i think the 1st day chinese oral topic is easy ! ):

My ss block test gonna get ZERO lah. All that i've studied never come out &those i never even read came out. AHHHH. FSHIT. Forget it. At least i know i did study. (:

I'm exhuasted. Just 1st week of school reopen. Ok, i gonna start mugging hard from next week. I will be pack w tuitions &hmwks. Ahhhhhh. I thinking of applying the DPA which means i need my prelims grade. Ahhhhh. ):

Working tmr. Boringggggg. &it will be my last day ? Mummy ask me to stop working. Haissss.

me &prettyHUIMIN! Taken on elin's bday.

my pretty lil godsis, claudia. (:
That was 3years plus ago when im sec 2, i suppose.

Me &bel, 3years back. (:
&this is the starting of the year i supposed. (:

People do change. (: So am i. My pretty sister, isabel wong is loved ! 7years &counting. (:

♥ 11:11 PM ♥

Weeeee. It's the last day of the week. (: 3days break. But i'm working on saturday, tuition on sunday. My goodness. ): Left w monday. Darling got school, so maybe going out w bel. (: I wanna go vivo ! Hopefully, i receive my pay by then. &i can get myself smth before i start chionging for test &oral. Chinese Olevel oral is just next week. GOSH. Help me! &i think the 1st day chinese oral topic is easy ! ):

My ss block test gonna get ZERO lah. All that i've studied never come out &those i never even read came out. AHHHH. FSHIT. Forget it. At least i know i did study. (:

I'm exhuasted. Just 1st week of school reopen. Ok, i gonna start mugging hard from next week. I will be pack w tuitions &hmwks. Ahhhhhh. I thinking of applying the DPA which means i need my prelims grade. Ahhhhh. ):

Working tmr. Boringggggg. &it will be my last day ? Mummy ask me to stop working. Haissss.

me &prettyHUIMIN! Taken on elin's bday.

my pretty lil godsis, claudia. (:
That was 3years plus ago when im sec 2, i suppose.

Me &bel, 3years back. (:
&this is the starting of the year i supposed. (:

People do change. (: So am i. My pretty sister, isabel wong is loved ! 7years &counting. (:

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
♥ 6:46 PM ♥

My blog seems dead. I'm too lazy to update. Hahaha. Getting lazier each day. =x

Saturday, went out w baobei. Went town, wanted to get bag butttt end up never. Hahaha. Darling come over far east to meet us w damien. Window shopped then garie came. Went taka Mos for dinner. Slacked till 10 plus, all headed home. Intend to study but fail. Hahaha. Enjoy myself although it's not long. (:
Sunday, chiong my hmwk &dvd. (: Stay at home the whole day. Shag cause sch's reopening.

Monday, back to school. Went home change &ktv-ed at teoheng. Beng's birthday ! Darling came, sang &we bought cake for beng. (: A birthday w/o cake, it's so sad. Cause it happened to me for 4years. YES, ha. since sec1 i guess. Had chalet, celebrated but no cakes. sec2, celebrated at ahying's house, steamboat. Midnight cycling to ecp. Sec3, when im still w my ex. yet didn't celebrate w him. w my sisters &darling cause he was slping. duh. sec4, only celebrated no cake. that's how pathetic. LOL. but it's over, so everytime i will get cakes for my fren. hahahah! Back to topic. Chiong human hmwk till 1am. arghhhhh.
Tuesday, school. Darling came my house &we baked brownie. (: had fun ! hahaha. but i guess is a success. Met baobei ard 8plus. (: pass him the cake. slacked &cabbed home. TIRED !
Wednesday, school again. I'm exhuasted. CIP after school. Slacked &here i am.

Hahaha. Nothing interesting too. (;

HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY, BENG ! (25thJune)
HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY, EDY ! (26thJune)


Not in sequences. (:

while waiting for the brownies

taking last thursday after tuition
the brownies for baobei

eaten by baobei. *sweet

i love playing w his cap. =x

darling's brownies for her bakagong.

taking on beng's bbq

♥ 6:46 PM ♥

My blog seems dead. I'm too lazy to update. Hahaha. Getting lazier each day. =x

Saturday, went out w baobei. Went town, wanted to get bag butttt end up never. Hahaha. Darling come over far east to meet us w damien. Window shopped then garie came. Went taka Mos for dinner. Slacked till 10 plus, all headed home. Intend to study but fail. Hahaha. Enjoy myself although it's not long. (:
Sunday, chiong my hmwk &dvd. (: Stay at home the whole day. Shag cause sch's reopening.

Monday, back to school. Went home change &ktv-ed at teoheng. Beng's birthday ! Darling came, sang &we bought cake for beng. (: A birthday w/o cake, it's so sad. Cause it happened to me for 4years. YES, ha. since sec1 i guess. Had chalet, celebrated but no cakes. sec2, celebrated at ahying's house, steamboat. Midnight cycling to ecp. Sec3, when im still w my ex. yet didn't celebrate w him. w my sisters &darling cause he was slping. duh. sec4, only celebrated no cake. that's how pathetic. LOL. but it's over, so everytime i will get cakes for my fren. hahahah! Back to topic. Chiong human hmwk till 1am. arghhhhh.
Tuesday, school. Darling came my house &we baked brownie. (: had fun ! hahaha. but i guess is a success. Met baobei ard 8plus. (: pass him the cake. slacked &cabbed home. TIRED !
Wednesday, school again. I'm exhuasted. CIP after school. Slacked &here i am.

Hahaha. Nothing interesting too. (;

HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY, BENG ! (25thJune)
HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY, EDY ! (26thJune)


Not in sequences. (:

while waiting for the brownies

taking last thursday after tuition
the brownies for baobei

eaten by baobei. *sweet

i love playing w his cap. =x

darling's brownies for her bakagong.

taking on beng's bbq

Saturday, June 23, 2007
♥ 12:56 AM ♥

Finally i got mood to update . (: Shall start from wednesday ! Baking class, 3hrs &i've baked a ivory cake &corn mayo bread ! It's nice, YUMMY! after that went home changed, met baobei &headed to ecp. Beng's bday. (advance) cause so suey monday his bday sch reopen. BBQ again. well, had some fuss w baobei. &he cycle away for ard 1hr? Awwww. &so i drank. Moody. But i'm alright after that. Home at 2plus. Cause i've tuition on thursday morning ! Arghhh. Chatted on phone w baobei till 4? Thursday, i woke up at 7plus ! Omg, 3hrs of sleep. Met baobei for breakfast then tuition. I was 15min early. 1st time ever. Accompanied mummy then met baobei. Slack ard cause im tired &baobei's leg is INJURED ! ): Do so many STUN ! Hahahaha. Had fun too! Hahahaha. Went home ard 7 for my jiayou, geum-soon! &i slept at 11pm! Hohoho. Friday, workkkkkkk. Woke up late again. Hehehes. Sales aint bad. (: Alvin is nice to drop by &cause he bought me cakeeee &MOS. Thanks so muchhhh. Home, now chatting w jocelyn on phone &msn w baobei. Heheheheh. Both my LOVEE. Ohya, isabel is SICK. takecare, get well soon. Ah, anw she wont be seeing cause her com is down again!

reply tag
ShuYing: Won't lah. So HOT of you. hahahah!
Senki: What? Act cute ahhhh !
JOCELYNLAU: Darling, just phone down the phone w you. Hees. LOVEYOUMANY. Tag me more.
nicholas: nichnah? Okay! Call me up ! Misses.
CLAUDIA: My prettycute mei ! Yea, i wanna see you real soon man. So long didn't see you alr. YEARS? Lovess.
daphie: <3333>

yea, the ivory cake ! w no deco.

corn mayo bread !

MY DARLING ! Snapped by me.

♥ 12:56 AM ♥

Finally i got mood to update . (: Shall start from wednesday ! Baking class, 3hrs &i've baked a ivory cake &corn mayo bread ! It's nice, YUMMY! after that went home changed, met baobei &headed to ecp. Beng's bday. (advance) cause so suey monday his bday sch reopen. BBQ again. well, had some fuss w baobei. &he cycle away for ard 1hr? Awwww. &so i drank. Moody. But i'm alright after that. Home at 2plus. Cause i've tuition on thursday morning ! Arghhh. Chatted on phone w baobei till 4? Thursday, i woke up at 7plus ! Omg, 3hrs of sleep. Met baobei for breakfast then tuition. I was 15min early. 1st time ever. Accompanied mummy then met baobei. Slack ard cause im tired &baobei's leg is INJURED ! ): Do so many STUN ! Hahahaha. Had fun too! Hahahaha. Went home ard 7 for my jiayou, geum-soon! &i slept at 11pm! Hohoho. Friday, workkkkkkk. Woke up late again. Hehehes. Sales aint bad. (: Alvin is nice to drop by &cause he bought me cakeeee &MOS. Thanks so muchhhh. Home, now chatting w jocelyn on phone &msn w baobei. Heheheheh. Both my LOVEE. Ohya, isabel is SICK. takecare, get well soon. Ah, anw she wont be seeing cause her com is down again!

reply tag
ShuYing: Won't lah. So HOT of you. hahahah!
Senki: What? Act cute ahhhh !
JOCELYNLAU: Darling, just phone down the phone w you. Hees. LOVEYOUMANY. Tag me more.
nicholas: nichnah? Okay! Call me up ! Misses.
CLAUDIA: My prettycute mei ! Yea, i wanna see you real soon man. So long didn't see you alr. YEARS? Lovess.
daphie: <3333>

yea, the ivory cake ! w no deco.

corn mayo bread !

MY DARLING ! Snapped by me.