here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Thursday, May 31, 2007
♥ 1:53 AM ♥

Did research on cupcakes, cakes. Ahhhhh. Many look so delicious lah ! How i wish i can make those cakes. Who want to coach me w baking cakes. I'm not f&n student therefore i dont benefit in baking cakes. Ahhhhh.
Found recipe for whipped cream, icing. But gonna try before i gonna make on the day i bake my cakes. hahaha. I'm clumsy. =x

See the photos i found. YUMMY!

Coloured whipped cream.

hearted whipped cream. [=

All are so pretty !!!

Shall go library to look up for more recipe. Then get my ingredient. Will cost me a big BOOM again. Hahaha. Can it be successful ? Lets wait to see. HOHOHO!

Went school for math only. Skipped english &humanities cause im bad tired. Came home on our break time. Hahaha. Precious &clique went to slack. Tkd never come. HOHO. She's should be pissed off. Her lesson is too BORING ! I demand to a change of english teacher !!!! Hahaha.

I'm quite HIGH now. Just now bitch-ed w jocelyn. OHOHO. Life's a bitch. Im gonna be bitchy. Hahah. NO lah ! Kidding. Bitch is "awesome". The way they do thing are "PRETTY"! Should give it a try to feel the same way. LOL. Whatever lah ! I'm bullshitting.

It's 2.07am now ! I'm going out in 11 hours time ! Gosh ! Time pls move slower. I want a long sleepppppp ! Hahaha. Precious's went east coast slacking w brothers. Wanted to go over. But .. i wanna watch tv. So give it a miss. I love mysuperman. Hohoho! &he's just home! Naughty boyyyy. Hahahaha.

This weekend is gonna be FUN ! Feijiejie 18thbirthday ! I want to drink on that day. OPPS! Ha. After that, darling house for BBQ. Bitch-ing again! Should be staying there late. Sunday, Aloy's birthday. BBQ. Thinking whether to go anot. Depend on precious! I will be going if he go. Hahah!

Weekends is LOVED! Myprecioussuperman is LOVED too! So is my bitchy-sexy-darling! [=

Today is VESAK DAY ! That's all PRAY ! [=

You are The Empress
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.


♥ 1:53 AM ♥

Did research on cupcakes, cakes. Ahhhhh. Many look so delicious lah ! How i wish i can make those cakes. Who want to coach me w baking cakes. I'm not f&n student therefore i dont benefit in baking cakes. Ahhhhh.
Found recipe for whipped cream, icing. But gonna try before i gonna make on the day i bake my cakes. hahaha. I'm clumsy. =x

See the photos i found. YUMMY!

Coloured whipped cream.

hearted whipped cream. [=

All are so pretty !!!

Shall go library to look up for more recipe. Then get my ingredient. Will cost me a big BOOM again. Hahaha. Can it be successful ? Lets wait to see. HOHOHO!

Went school for math only. Skipped english &humanities cause im bad tired. Came home on our break time. Hahaha. Precious &clique went to slack. Tkd never come. HOHO. She's should be pissed off. Her lesson is too BORING ! I demand to a change of english teacher !!!! Hahaha.

I'm quite HIGH now. Just now bitch-ed w jocelyn. OHOHO. Life's a bitch. Im gonna be bitchy. Hahah. NO lah ! Kidding. Bitch is "awesome". The way they do thing are "PRETTY"! Should give it a try to feel the same way. LOL. Whatever lah ! I'm bullshitting.

It's 2.07am now ! I'm going out in 11 hours time ! Gosh ! Time pls move slower. I want a long sleepppppp ! Hahaha. Precious's went east coast slacking w brothers. Wanted to go over. But .. i wanna watch tv. So give it a miss. I love mysuperman. Hohoho! &he's just home! Naughty boyyyy. Hahahaha.

This weekend is gonna be FUN ! Feijiejie 18thbirthday ! I want to drink on that day. OPPS! Ha. After that, darling house for BBQ. Bitch-ing again! Should be staying there late. Sunday, Aloy's birthday. BBQ. Thinking whether to go anot. Depend on precious! I will be going if he go. Hahah!

Weekends is LOVED! Myprecioussuperman is LOVED too! So is my bitchy-sexy-darling! [=

Today is VESAK DAY ! That's all PRAY ! [=

You are The Empress
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007
♥ 9:12 PM ♥

BOOOOS ! I'm back blogging . Hahaha, i screwed my Olevel chinese ! Damn it. Compre Passage B was damn difficult. I can't understand the passage lah. Hais. But just hope i can at least B4. [=

Having extra lesson for this weeks. BORED. Still must wake up early. Ahhhhh. Esp english lesson. Super duper boring lah. Falling asleep during humanities. Nothing go into my brain. Ha. After school, changed &headed for tuition. Hahaha.

I'm craving for black forest cake! YUMMY! My favourite. But i can't find any shops that sells. Ha. I want jade's place black forest cake! Ahhhhh. Headed home. Before that, went to get my cake stuff. Cost me a BOOM ! Hahaha. No lah. Kana cheated by the sales girl. Shld not listen to her &buy the things i want. Ahhh. Nvm. It's nice anyway. Ha! [= I wanna bake cake. Spare me a day to stay at home &bake! Still looking for icing recipe! What know can teach me! Last time did it but half-failed. Hahahs. =x

Holiday's here. But my schedule is damn pack! this week is FULL ah. tues, wed, friday sch. thursday out w puay chin &yeeni. Sat, giong out w fei &clique. Sun, going aloy's bbq. OMG! All friday's working. Luckily not all sat &sun. I'll be dead man! When meeting jocelyn? isabel? koon? Ahhhhhh.

Ohya, sunday went east coast lagoon to eat w myprecious. YUMMY! Damn full. We took 2hours plus to eat finish our dinner. HAHA! Then heard a bad-yet-funny news. Ha! =x it's bad to laugh but very funny. hahah. =x Sunday was LOVED !

There's underage party at zouk today! but i can't go. Firstly, there's school tmr. for the sake for my maths, i must go. Secondly, precious don't allow. Ha. &i've promised him. But i wannnnn to go on 9juneeeee. =x

Finished !


♥ 9:12 PM ♥

BOOOOS ! I'm back blogging . Hahaha, i screwed my Olevel chinese ! Damn it. Compre Passage B was damn difficult. I can't understand the passage lah. Hais. But just hope i can at least B4. [=

Having extra lesson for this weeks. BORED. Still must wake up early. Ahhhhh. Esp english lesson. Super duper boring lah. Falling asleep during humanities. Nothing go into my brain. Ha. After school, changed &headed for tuition. Hahaha.

I'm craving for black forest cake! YUMMY! My favourite. But i can't find any shops that sells. Ha. I want jade's place black forest cake! Ahhhhh. Headed home. Before that, went to get my cake stuff. Cost me a BOOM ! Hahaha. No lah. Kana cheated by the sales girl. Shld not listen to her &buy the things i want. Ahhh. Nvm. It's nice anyway. Ha! [= I wanna bake cake. Spare me a day to stay at home &bake! Still looking for icing recipe! What know can teach me! Last time did it but half-failed. Hahahs. =x

Holiday's here. But my schedule is damn pack! this week is FULL ah. tues, wed, friday sch. thursday out w puay chin &yeeni. Sat, giong out w fei &clique. Sun, going aloy's bbq. OMG! All friday's working. Luckily not all sat &sun. I'll be dead man! When meeting jocelyn? isabel? koon? Ahhhhhh.

Ohya, sunday went east coast lagoon to eat w myprecious. YUMMY! Damn full. We took 2hours plus to eat finish our dinner. HAHA! Then heard a bad-yet-funny news. Ha! =x it's bad to laugh but very funny. hahah. =x Sunday was LOVED !

There's underage party at zouk today! but i can't go. Firstly, there's school tmr. for the sake for my maths, i must go. Secondly, precious don't allow. Ha. &i've promised him. But i wannnnn to go on 9juneeeee. =x

Finished !


Saturday, May 26, 2007
♥ 5:17 PM ♥

DONE with my blogskins . Rather satisfied &it's quite colourful . Hahahah . Cheer my day up. Haahaha. It shows colourful day of my life now. Ahhhh. Whatever . I'm crapping .

Today's saturday. What am i doing at home ??? Boring saturday. No lah. I'm kinda lazy to go out. Supposed to study, end up i took my 3hours editing. hahahaha. Dinner w whoooo ? Boy ? Yeapyeap. Thinking of meeting koon too. But simei a bit farrr. &im craving for satayyyy ! East coast ! Hahahaha.

I'm quite HIGH now but irritated by my bloody sister . She just a sucker . FOREVER ! Trying to pissed me off . Aint a sucker ? SUCKER ! Lol . I wish she will see this, but she never will. LOL . To me she just a USELESS SHYT ! LOL. So many of her BADDDDD pointssss. Is uncountable. Such a shame girl . 21 this year, not school yet working part time job. LESS income &worst of all. Taking money from parents EVERYDAY ! I don't even take money everyday . Maybe 5days a week of LESSER . What about her ? She will CLAIM from parent when she not home on that particular day saying, "that day you didn't give me money lehhh". WTF . If i were her mother , i wil give her a one tight slap ! LOL . Sorry, i just can't stopp commenting about her. HATRED !

Gonna prepare &meet boy to east coast ! LOVELOVE !


♥ 5:17 PM ♥

DONE with my blogskins . Rather satisfied &it's quite colourful . Hahahah . Cheer my day up. Haahaha. It shows colourful day of my life now. Ahhhh. Whatever . I'm crapping .

Today's saturday. What am i doing at home ??? Boring saturday. No lah. I'm kinda lazy to go out. Supposed to study, end up i took my 3hours editing. hahahaha. Dinner w whoooo ? Boy ? Yeapyeap. Thinking of meeting koon too. But simei a bit farrr. &im craving for satayyyy ! East coast ! Hahahaha.

I'm quite HIGH now but irritated by my bloody sister . She just a sucker . FOREVER ! Trying to pissed me off . Aint a sucker ? SUCKER ! Lol . I wish she will see this, but she never will. LOL . To me she just a USELESS SHYT ! LOL. So many of her BADDDDD pointssss. Is uncountable. Such a shame girl . 21 this year, not school yet working part time job. LESS income &worst of all. Taking money from parents EVERYDAY ! I don't even take money everyday . Maybe 5days a week of LESSER . What about her ? She will CLAIM from parent when she not home on that particular day saying, "that day you didn't give me money lehhh". WTF . If i were her mother , i wil give her a one tight slap ! LOL . Sorry, i just can't stopp commenting about her. HATRED !

Gonna prepare &meet boy to east coast ! LOVELOVE !


Friday, May 25, 2007
♥ 10:16 PM ♥

Skipped school today. Im too lazy too attend school &school are having celebration. Slept till 12. SHIOK sia ! Hahahaha. Met boy &tuition was cancelled . Boring ! Slacked around then came home loh. AHHHH. I start to hate friday ! Cause it's always boring. I wanna go out but i want to watch my shows ! So give it a miss! Hahaha. Forever21 is having SALES ! I wanna go shopping ! HOHOHO. But im brokebrokebroke. PAYPAYPAY faster come. HAHAHA !
Holiday is here &so Olevel chinese is here ! DAMN. Im well prepare to get F9 or a C5. Hahaha. Having 1&half week of revision lesson. boreddddd ! OHYA ! Elvin is going to bugis on 3thjune ! But i think im working. GOODNESS shit ! Ahhhhhhhh. Gonna study during holiday! HOHOHO! &&&&Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End wait for me !!!!! Gonna watch next week after Olevel chinese! AHHHHHH. &also Blade Of Glory &Priceless. Do i have time to watch ? AHHHH. SHYT ! Hahahaha.

I feel like changing my blogskin again, but i've got no idea. Sick of it alr lah ! Hahaha . Im feeling so uneasy today. Cause of the weather, i supposed !

Any programs tmr ? Ahhhh. I've got no program . Study w boy &clique ? Ahhhh. BORED. i want shopping! =D

♥ 10:16 PM ♥

Skipped school today. Im too lazy too attend school &school are having celebration. Slept till 12. SHIOK sia ! Hahahaha. Met boy &tuition was cancelled . Boring ! Slacked around then came home loh. AHHHH. I start to hate friday ! Cause it's always boring. I wanna go out but i want to watch my shows ! So give it a miss! Hahaha. Forever21 is having SALES ! I wanna go shopping ! HOHOHO. But im brokebrokebroke. PAYPAYPAY faster come. HAHAHA !
Holiday is here &so Olevel chinese is here ! DAMN. Im well prepare to get F9 or a C5. Hahaha. Having 1&half week of revision lesson. boreddddd ! OHYA ! Elvin is going to bugis on 3thjune ! But i think im working. GOODNESS shit ! Ahhhhhhhh. Gonna study during holiday! HOHOHO! &&&&Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End wait for me !!!!! Gonna watch next week after Olevel chinese! AHHHHHH. &also Blade Of Glory &Priceless. Do i have time to watch ? AHHHH. SHYT ! Hahahaha.

I feel like changing my blogskin again, but i've got no idea. Sick of it alr lah ! Hahaha . Im feeling so uneasy today. Cause of the weather, i supposed !

Any programs tmr ? Ahhhh. I've got no program . Study w boy &clique ? Ahhhh. BORED. i want shopping! =D

Thursday, May 24, 2007
♥ 10:06 PM ♥


GRRRR . Damn it. My bloody idiot irritating sister is at home . Just pissed me off when i hear her voice. Is just the hatred inside me, i can't accept her at all. Ha, so what she my BLOOD sister ? I don't give a damn. That's my attitude. To me, i've only got 1 BLOOD sister. SHE ? Can't be bother. Turn my mood off !

♥ 10:06 PM ♥


GRRRR . Damn it. My bloody idiot irritating sister is at home . Just pissed me off when i hear her voice. Is just the hatred inside me, i can't accept her at all. Ha, so what she my BLOOD sister ? I don't give a damn. That's my attitude. To me, i've only got 1 BLOOD sister. SHE ? Can't be bother. Turn my mood off !

Monday, May 21, 2007
♥ 8:04 PM ♥

Super lazy this few days. Maybe because i'm sick. ): &my mood go on & off. Ha.

Saturday, went fengyao's bbq. Before that went bugis to get my contact lens change. Aftermath, met boy for lunch cum dinner. Ha. Took bus over to parkway, bought cake from jack place then went over. Lalala. Called jocelyn but she didn't pick up! Stefanie &pl came, so called her to contact their classmate. GRRR. Ha! Ohya, me & darl saw a rat! DAMN. Actually wanna have fun w the sand. LOL. Had fun BBQ-ing. I loving bbq-ing! Hahaha! & the food is NICE ok. =D &stefanie is CUTE lah! Hahahaha. Butter girl. OPPS. =x Jocelyn is HIGH! Hahahaha. Jasmine helped me too. ONLY darl, never help. Hahaha! No lah, kidding. =D Ohya, fy fren's got scolding & in friendly attitude from me. Cause they are trying to KOP the food i BBQ. Hello! It's not for you, cook yourself lah! They buay paiseh de leh. Charbo BBQ-ing Guy kop. =.=!! NO MANNERS! Eat alr, also dontknow where their manners. =.=! & i shouted damn louding at sheldon. HA! Was really damn pissed off alr. I BBQ for our clique, want BBQ yourself. YES, im not friendly. But at that situation i can't be friendly. I loving BBQ-ing, but it's tired too! Ha. Went home alr 12. Cause i've got work the turn day. 1st time going home so early lah. HAHAHA!

Sunday, work. I'm damn shag. Tired! But too bad, i still have to work. Sales was still alright. [= Boy can't meet me cause his mother nag at him! &he sleep thru the whole day! Never pei me loh. HAHAHA. PIG sia. LOL.

Monday, school. I feel so shag going to school. Cause i didn't attend school for 5days str8. HAHAHA. I'm like retard &i feel so uncomfortable due to my bad flu ! &the weather is SOOO FREAKING HOT . Suddenly craving for cheong fen so boy accompany me to hejibao! HEHES. Favourite ! Aftermath, went to see doctor again. AHHHHH. Medicine again! Sick of it !

Okay, im damn pissed w my bloody sucker sister. I'm sleeping & she's there talking loudly, blust music. then keep waking me up. she is testing my patient sia. AHhHHHH. So what you're older then me? I won't respect you when you don't respect me too. Im not in good mood i won't bother who you are. =D

See desmond act cute . LOL

SNAPPED by jasmine.

See stefanie acting stupid.

♥ 8:04 PM ♥

Super lazy this few days. Maybe because i'm sick. ): &my mood go on & off. Ha.

Saturday, went fengyao's bbq. Before that went bugis to get my contact lens change. Aftermath, met boy for lunch cum dinner. Ha. Took bus over to parkway, bought cake from jack place then went over. Lalala. Called jocelyn but she didn't pick up! Stefanie &pl came, so called her to contact their classmate. GRRR. Ha! Ohya, me & darl saw a rat! DAMN. Actually wanna have fun w the sand. LOL. Had fun BBQ-ing. I loving bbq-ing! Hahaha! & the food is NICE ok. =D &stefanie is CUTE lah! Hahahaha. Butter girl. OPPS. =x Jocelyn is HIGH! Hahahaha. Jasmine helped me too. ONLY darl, never help. Hahaha! No lah, kidding. =D Ohya, fy fren's got scolding & in friendly attitude from me. Cause they are trying to KOP the food i BBQ. Hello! It's not for you, cook yourself lah! They buay paiseh de leh. Charbo BBQ-ing Guy kop. =.=!! NO MANNERS! Eat alr, also dontknow where their manners. =.=! & i shouted damn louding at sheldon. HA! Was really damn pissed off alr. I BBQ for our clique, want BBQ yourself. YES, im not friendly. But at that situation i can't be friendly. I loving BBQ-ing, but it's tired too! Ha. Went home alr 12. Cause i've got work the turn day. 1st time going home so early lah. HAHAHA!

Sunday, work. I'm damn shag. Tired! But too bad, i still have to work. Sales was still alright. [= Boy can't meet me cause his mother nag at him! &he sleep thru the whole day! Never pei me loh. HAHAHA. PIG sia. LOL.

Monday, school. I feel so shag going to school. Cause i didn't attend school for 5days str8. HAHAHA. I'm like retard &i feel so uncomfortable due to my bad flu ! &the weather is SOOO FREAKING HOT . Suddenly craving for cheong fen so boy accompany me to hejibao! HEHES. Favourite ! Aftermath, went to see doctor again. AHHHHH. Medicine again! Sick of it !

Okay, im damn pissed w my bloody sucker sister. I'm sleeping & she's there talking loudly, blust music. then keep waking me up. she is testing my patient sia. AHhHHHH. So what you're older then me? I won't respect you when you don't respect me too. Im not in good mood i won't bother who you are. =D

See desmond act cute . LOL

SNAPPED by jasmine.

See stefanie acting stupid.

Sunday, May 20, 2007
♥ 11:12 PM ♥

I can't say i'm satisfied w my life neither am i satisfied w myu life. I just hope this very moment will just stop. I want to stay like this. I don't want to change my way of living. I don't want anymore new, i don't want to lose anything. &i loved the way i've moved on w my life. Ha. Although it's not perfect, i just life the way. Although life will not go my way anymore but i just love it. My life isn't like before. & i'm not the usual xiaomei anymore. Although i wanna my previous lifestyle, but i no longer can have it. Life is moving on. No one will stay more anyone. Everyone will move on.

I will cherish everything in life now. Treat me bad or good is up to you, i'll try to to accept it. I can change my way of thinking, but i cant change your thinking. i can change my lifestyle, but i can't change yours. [= Everything moves on. But i just don't want to move on at this moment. i just wish to remain. AHhhhhhhH.

I'll be a good girl, my boy's good girl. &so i promised him not to go clubbing on 29th. AHHHHH. =D Who will like his girl to go clubbing. I understand! Cause if you wanna go, i will stop you too. LOVEYOUBAOBEI!

I not supposed to come online, but i just got the urge to post. HAHA!

♥ 11:12 PM ♥

I can't say i'm satisfied w my life neither am i satisfied w myu life. I just hope this very moment will just stop. I want to stay like this. I don't want to change my way of living. I don't want anymore new, i don't want to lose anything. &i loved the way i've moved on w my life. Ha. Although it's not perfect, i just life the way. Although life will not go my way anymore but i just love it. My life isn't like before. & i'm not the usual xiaomei anymore. Although i wanna my previous lifestyle, but i no longer can have it. Life is moving on. No one will stay more anyone. Everyone will move on.

I will cherish everything in life now. Treat me bad or good is up to you, i'll try to to accept it. I can change my way of thinking, but i cant change your thinking. i can change my lifestyle, but i can't change yours. [= Everything moves on. But i just don't want to move on at this moment. i just wish to remain. AHhhhhhhH.

I'll be a good girl, my boy's good girl. &so i promised him not to go clubbing on 29th. AHHHHH. =D Who will like his girl to go clubbing. I understand! Cause if you wanna go, i will stop you too. LOVEYOUBAOBEI!

I not supposed to come online, but i just got the urge to post. HAHA!

Friday, May 18, 2007
♥ 12:16 PM ♥

Skipped school today ! Hah, not so bad lah! Cause im SICKKKK. Feverfever pls go away ! Tmr is sat, i want to go out! I've got work too. Ahhhhh.

I flunk my MYE. My result was ..... Pass english p1 but i screwed p2. ): I passed my emath for sure. [ But result is BAD. too far from what i expected ] Failed my amaths by 2 bloodly marks. =.= Science pass both practical &p1. but screwed p2&3. Passed POA for sure. [ but too far from my expectation ] Chinese, Sc, Amaths all failed by just 1 to 2 bloody marks. teachers don't wanna let me pass. Ahhhhh . Nothing "PROUD" of my bad results &that im posting here. Is so horrible getting this kind of result for MYE. 4mth plus to my Olevel !!!!! I'm not going to get this kind of result for prelim. Gotta start studying alr, XMEI ! &Olevel chinese is just 1week away. I guess i can't make it. F9 for sure. ):

I did nothing to my studies since starting of this year. instead, im giving a heck-care-attitude to studies. I only do chionging when exams is coming. I've got no discipline at all ! Hais. Buck up lah XMEI . Nlevel get 5points doesn't mean Olevel can get 5point leh . It's a BIGBIG gap in between. When will i wake up ? Prelim ? Olevel ?? It's seriously too late . I always speak but no action is taken ? Can i do it this time ? Sian-ed.

Demoralised. I don't want this kind of results ! )))):

I'm gonna sacrifice my june holiday to study ! Study & work. Although is boring butbutbut if my hardwork pays off im SATIFISED. =D

So FIERCE look !

Zhiwei smiling so widely. HAHA.

SNAPPED ! What is he doing ? HAHAHA!

ytd was our anniversary ! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BAOBEI !

♥ 12:16 PM ♥

Skipped school today ! Hah, not so bad lah! Cause im SICKKKK. Feverfever pls go away ! Tmr is sat, i want to go out! I've got work too. Ahhhhh.

I flunk my MYE. My result was ..... Pass english p1 but i screwed p2. ): I passed my emath for sure. [ But result is BAD. too far from what i expected ] Failed my amaths by 2 bloodly marks. =.= Science pass both practical &p1. but screwed p2&3. Passed POA for sure. [ but too far from my expectation ] Chinese, Sc, Amaths all failed by just 1 to 2 bloody marks. teachers don't wanna let me pass. Ahhhhh . Nothing "PROUD" of my bad results &that im posting here. Is so horrible getting this kind of result for MYE. 4mth plus to my Olevel !!!!! I'm not going to get this kind of result for prelim. Gotta start studying alr, XMEI ! &Olevel chinese is just 1week away. I guess i can't make it. F9 for sure. ):

I did nothing to my studies since starting of this year. instead, im giving a heck-care-attitude to studies. I only do chionging when exams is coming. I've got no discipline at all ! Hais. Buck up lah XMEI . Nlevel get 5points doesn't mean Olevel can get 5point leh . It's a BIGBIG gap in between. When will i wake up ? Prelim ? Olevel ?? It's seriously too late . I always speak but no action is taken ? Can i do it this time ? Sian-ed.

Demoralised. I don't want this kind of results ! )))):

I'm gonna sacrifice my june holiday to study ! Study & work. Although is boring butbutbut if my hardwork pays off im SATIFISED. =D

So FIERCE look !

Zhiwei smiling so widely. HAHA.

SNAPPED ! What is he doing ? HAHAHA!

ytd was our anniversary ! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BAOBEI !

Thursday, May 17, 2007
♥ 2:06 AM ♥

Finally blogger allows me to blog. But i'm super pissed off. Ahhh. Shall not elborate. [= MYE is officially OVER after many days of last-min-struggling. Hopefully my last-min-hardwork pays off. I want 4passes! Ahhhh.

Spent a lot on clothing this week! DAMN. No more shopping for me. I'm BROKE! 4tops, 1bottom, 1bag! Ahhhhh. But luckily i ate lesser this week. Wasn't in good appetite & i'm on DIET, heheh. No more shopping this mth! Perseverance!

Out w boy tday ! &tday is loved! NO school & i slept till 1pm! =D Watched movie then ate dinner over at hkcafe. Had dimsum only. FAVOURITE! =D Saw choonyan &his clique. Then mervin &clique. So coincidence. =D Slacked & boy send me home. [=

Dajie is away for 1whole week! Ahhh. House is so damn quiet. Mother's day. Had dinner at hkcafe. But not really hkcafe. They doesnt have dimsum. Ahhhh. Hah. &i left w no money in my wallet. Ha. Im boasting lah. =x Me &dajie treat mummy. =D LOVED.

I miss my two ladies! Isabel &jocelyn! MEETUPSOONLAH! =D

I'm having bad flu ! DAMN. I got difficulties breathing. ):