here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Monday, April 30, 2007
♥ 11:58 PM ♥

Ahhhhh. I'm stucked at home again. I'm sick of singapore shopping malls. It's always the same old few shopping malls. Bugis, town, parkway, tampines, marine, vivo. Nothing new in there. Same old shops they have. Ahhh, I'm just sick of being in singapore ! Wanted to go network but BB don't want. They are enjoying &drinking there. AHHHH. I'm jealous. HAHA ! I'm on diet, i can't drink ! BB don't let me drink alr. ): STUDY LAH XMEI . =x

&I'm stucked at home to pack my dirty-messy room. Moved my study table out. &so maybe i'll be a lil motivated . LOL. But my com is right beside my study table now ! AHHH. Exams are looming ahead, study lah xmei !

I screwed my english paper. Paper 1 was full of crap. &i doze off while reading passage. I can never make it for my english. &now im thinking how am i going to pass my olevel ! Sometime im thinking, why did i choose to promote to sec5 ? I'm result is getting from bad to worse. I got no idea what's happening. I did study but my mind went blank when i read the qns. Esp MATH ! )):

LABOUR DAY ! = happy day. LOL. A day of resting ! Get the books away from me ! =x Gonna catch movie w love then slack again. HAHA! I'm craving for satay &seafood ! =x Thinking can i have it for dinner tmr. =x This month will be a busy month. Study, Exams, Working. After which, Olevel chinese. In about 5month time, will be my death date ! ): MUG HARD XMEI !

I'm not from a wealthy family either do i wish to be one. I'm satifised with my life now. Although i dislike my elder sister, i still must accept her as one. I used to blame her for the cause of us now. Life is unfair, i gotta accept everything that is fated. But i have to thank god for giving me such a good mother. Although i often vent my anger on her, she never once scold me for that. She know my temper, my attitude well. I love her more than ever one. I promised her i will give her a comfortable place when i grow up. to give her all the things she never once had before. Rest assure, i'll do my best to give you the best like how you treat me when i was young. 我会让你享清福的。

Sorry, i'm a lil emo. =x

♥ 11:58 PM ♥

Ahhhhh. I'm stucked at home again. I'm sick of singapore shopping malls. It's always the same old few shopping malls. Bugis, town, parkway, tampines, marine, vivo. Nothing new in there. Same old shops they have. Ahhh, I'm just sick of being in singapore ! Wanted to go network but BB don't want. They are enjoying &drinking there. AHHHH. I'm jealous. HAHA ! I'm on diet, i can't drink ! BB don't let me drink alr. ): STUDY LAH XMEI . =x

&I'm stucked at home to pack my dirty-messy room. Moved my study table out. &so maybe i'll be a lil motivated . LOL. But my com is right beside my study table now ! AHHH. Exams are looming ahead, study lah xmei !

I screwed my english paper. Paper 1 was full of crap. &i doze off while reading passage. I can never make it for my english. &now im thinking how am i going to pass my olevel ! Sometime im thinking, why did i choose to promote to sec5 ? I'm result is getting from bad to worse. I got no idea what's happening. I did study but my mind went blank when i read the qns. Esp MATH ! )):

LABOUR DAY ! = happy day. LOL. A day of resting ! Get the books away from me ! =x Gonna catch movie w love then slack again. HAHA! I'm craving for satay &seafood ! =x Thinking can i have it for dinner tmr. =x This month will be a busy month. Study, Exams, Working. After which, Olevel chinese. In about 5month time, will be my death date ! ): MUG HARD XMEI !

I'm not from a wealthy family either do i wish to be one. I'm satifised with my life now. Although i dislike my elder sister, i still must accept her as one. I used to blame her for the cause of us now. Life is unfair, i gotta accept everything that is fated. But i have to thank god for giving me such a good mother. Although i often vent my anger on her, she never once scold me for that. She know my temper, my attitude well. I love her more than ever one. I promised her i will give her a comfortable place when i grow up. to give her all the things she never once had before. Rest assure, i'll do my best to give you the best like how you treat me when i was young. 我会让你享清福的。

Sorry, i'm a lil emo. =x

Sunday, April 29, 2007
♥ 2:54 AM ♥

Time passed pretty fast. many things can just happen.
I guess soon i'll be used with my current lifestyle.
Longer enjoying life i used to have.
There so many things i need to do. But time will never stop for me.
MYE is here &i gonna chiong for it.
Like what teacher say. You study for MYE, mean you have less chapter to study for O's.
But duh, i'm someone w POOR MEMORY! =.=
Expect me to memorise all ? Ha. it's just like -want my life. LOL.
Forcing myself to be discipline. AHHH.
Motivate me! I wanna get good grades. Ha.

Nothing happen this week.
Friday, raining dogs &cats yet have to go for tuition. DAMN IT.
Aftermath, went over tm for a movie w koon &albert.
although it's just shortly few hours, they cheer me up. HA.

Saturday, which is few hours ago.
Went to study. But before that jocelyn came over my house.
Talked &had a good laugh. HAHAHA.
Prepared &went over concourse to study w love, beng &yeeni.
Done 30 maths qns &a lil of chinese. quite slack. hahah!
Slacked &went to look for place to dine in.
After long walk, MAC. Ahhh. sian-ed.
Took bus home over 11. love wanted send me home but im nice !
Came home myself. cause he just around his house area. hees.

Ilovemybaby. All the things you did, i really appreciated.
Whenever i'm feeling bad, you will leave me alone which is what i want.
it will be on &on. lovess.

I've been emo &mood swing for giong 1week. WTH.
I'm so tired &stress out. I don't know why.
I got panic easily, frustrated easily &so on.
Damn. i don't want to be an emo kid. HA.
I feel like crying for no reason. but i held back my tears.
i'm not going to cry over nothing. cause i'm emo? ha.

♥ 2:54 AM ♥

Time passed pretty fast. many things can just happen.
I guess soon i'll be used with my current lifestyle.
Longer enjoying life i used to have.
There so many things i need to do. But time will never stop for me.
MYE is here &i gonna chiong for it.
Like what teacher say. You study for MYE, mean you have less chapter to study for O's.
But duh, i'm someone w POOR MEMORY! =.=
Expect me to memorise all ? Ha. it's just like -want my life. LOL.
Forcing myself to be discipline. AHHH.
Motivate me! I wanna get good grades. Ha.

Nothing happen this week.
Friday, raining dogs &cats yet have to go for tuition. DAMN IT.
Aftermath, went over tm for a movie w koon &albert.
although it's just shortly few hours, they cheer me up. HA.

Saturday, which is few hours ago.
Went to study. But before that jocelyn came over my house.
Talked &had a good laugh. HAHAHA.
Prepared &went over concourse to study w love, beng &yeeni.
Done 30 maths qns &a lil of chinese. quite slack. hahah!
Slacked &went to look for place to dine in.
After long walk, MAC. Ahhh. sian-ed.
Took bus home over 11. love wanted send me home but im nice !
Came home myself. cause he just around his house area. hees.

Ilovemybaby. All the things you did, i really appreciated.
Whenever i'm feeling bad, you will leave me alone which is what i want.
it will be on &on. lovess.

I've been emo &mood swing for giong 1week. WTH.
I'm so tired &stress out. I don't know why.
I got panic easily, frustrated easily &so on.
Damn. i don't want to be an emo kid. HA.
I feel like crying for no reason. but i held back my tears.
i'm not going to cry over nothing. cause i'm emo? ha.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
♥ 10:03 PM ♥

Photos on sch anniversary.

Top sudent w 5As. HOHOHO. not me lah. is him. ):

4 of us &mrskong. [=

&tde GIRLS ! [=

Sec5A`07 boys.


Sunday, Went swimming with ahying. Hahaha.
Nono, should be play water &slack. LOL.
before that went to her house. 4968734years never go alr sia. LOL.
After swimming, went parkway. Bought my topshop flip flop. [=
Headed to geylang for dinner. @her father's koptiam.
SUPER FULL sia. then ahgirl keep disiao-ing us lah. LOL.
we eat until like we kana forced sia. LOL.
Watched soccer then home. [=


Blogger don't allow me to continued posting photos.
can't post photos on tkd's bday. hahah!


♥ 10:03 PM ♥

Photos on sch anniversary.

Top sudent w 5As. HOHOHO. not me lah. is him. ):

4 of us &mrskong. [=

&tde GIRLS ! [=

Sec5A`07 boys.


Sunday, Went swimming with ahying. Hahaha.
Nono, should be play water &slack. LOL.
before that went to her house. 4968734years never go alr sia. LOL.
After swimming, went parkway. Bought my topshop flip flop. [=
Headed to geylang for dinner. @her father's koptiam.
SUPER FULL sia. then ahgirl keep disiao-ing us lah. LOL.
we eat until like we kana forced sia. LOL.
Watched soccer then home. [=


Blogger don't allow me to continued posting photos.
can't post photos on tkd's bday. hahah!


Sunday, April 22, 2007
♥ 3:00 AM ♥

Out w my love tdy . [=
I was late cause i took 1hour to prepare . =D
Surprisingly, he come over to my house .
Headed to raffles. Then went over to marine sq .
Window shopped. Intend to spent money but end up bought nothing.
Spotted a ZARA top. Butbutbut, i'm brokee.
Gonna get when i take my pay. [=
Stroll our way to bugis . Bought jeans for bb . [=
Must bring him go cause i don't know his size . =x
Actually lied to him i wanna get for my fren. hahaha.
Nothing much. Window shopped again.
I wanna get that jean but no size ! size 24 . SO SMALL !
I'm not that skinny lah. Ahhh. must wait for 2weeks sia. ):
Saw garie, had dinner together @yoshinoya .
my salmon salmon. haven't been eating rice for days. HOHOHO.
Wanted to watch movie but bugis no show. Grrr.
Slacked ard. Met koon &prisc. Accompanied prisc to look for dualap.
Then they went off. Slacked ard, headed home.
Bought durian for dajie. Bb sent me home. [=
I enjoyed my day.

Cam-whoring !

He's on the phone &doesn't wanna take photo w me. ):

My throat aches badly! Damn it.
I have problem eating just now. worst still, even drinking water.
Ahhhh. hope tmr will be alright. [=

Finally i let him smoke. HAHAHA.
Cause i'm in good mood tdy. I'm nice !
but actually i don't like. =x

♥ 3:00 AM ♥

Out w my love tdy . [=
I was late cause i took 1hour to prepare . =D
Surprisingly, he come over to my house .
Headed to raffles. Then went over to marine sq .
Window shopped. Intend to spent money but end up bought nothing.
Spotted a ZARA top. Butbutbut, i'm brokee.
Gonna get when i take my pay. [=
Stroll our way to bugis . Bought jeans for bb . [=
Must bring him go cause i don't know his size . =x
Actually lied to him i wanna get for my fren. hahaha.
Nothing much. Window shopped again.
I wanna get that jean but no size ! size 24 . SO SMALL !
I'm not that skinny lah. Ahhh. must wait for 2weeks sia. ):
Saw garie, had dinner together @yoshinoya .
my salmon salmon. haven't been eating rice for days. HOHOHO.
Wanted to watch movie but bugis no show. Grrr.
Slacked ard. Met koon &prisc. Accompanied prisc to look for dualap.
Then they went off. Slacked ard, headed home.
Bought durian for dajie. Bb sent me home. [=
I enjoyed my day.

Cam-whoring !

He's on the phone &doesn't wanna take photo w me. ):

My throat aches badly! Damn it.
I have problem eating just now. worst still, even drinking water.
Ahhhh. hope tmr will be alright. [=

Finally i let him smoke. HAHAHA.
Cause i'm in good mood tdy. I'm nice !
but actually i don't like. =x