here he goes, she got beautiful long hair, dark skin tone cute dimples when she smile and ohoh she likes burberry! ^^


walk down memory lane
September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010

Friday, December 29, 2006
♥ 12:13 AM ♥

ahhhh. everything sucky.
the weather is so sucky &internet connection sucks.
grrrrrr. taiwan earthquake caused everything.
but at least we are lucky.
taiwan &hongkong internet disrupted.
japan phone line jammed. (:
but singapore internet warned of disruption.
so i shall avoid coming online &have long sleeps.
consecutive 3days will be working full shift. arghhhh.
no more holidayssss.
1stjan going malaysia. can get to see my cousin, nieces &nephews.
internet connection suckssssss.

♥ 12:13 AM ♥

ahhhh. everything sucky.
the weather is so sucky &internet connection sucks.
grrrrrr. taiwan earthquake caused everything.
but at least we are lucky.
taiwan &hongkong internet disrupted.
japan phone line jammed. (:
but singapore internet warned of disruption.
so i shall avoid coming online &have long sleeps.
consecutive 3days will be working full shift. arghhhh.
no more holidayssss.
1stjan going malaysia. can get to see my cousin, nieces &nephews.
internet connection suckssssss.

Thursday, December 28, 2006
♥ 3:25 AM ♥

ahhhhhhhhhh. i'm not feeling alright. fcukup life.
whywhywhy? tell me why. ahhhhhh.
i don't wish to keep cursing lahhh. but i can't help.
whenever i feel so fcukup, feel so sucky i'll start cursing.
i can't sleep now. i feel like shouting.
i feel like biting, hitting, throwing thingssss.
don't offend me, im really not in good mood.
&&&it's always because of this that &this that.
tell me when is going to end ????
horrible, terrible.
no one understand, no one i can turn to.
this fcuking feeling, unexpressed feeling.
so what if i have got everything i want, i know i'll never be satifised.
life is just so unfair, life is just so suckyyy.
i wish i was born to be either deaf, dumb, mute.
it's always in the middle of the night that im feeling down.
anyone know? i guess is those who are by my side ba.
tell me whywhy &why im feeling like that.
i guess i never knew myself, what i want in life.
i want to be a good &innocent not those who always cursing &cursing.
i just feel like throwing everything i see.
nothing seems to be right. i really can't stay up late at night.
it seems like if i stay up late i'll go crazy.


♥ 3:25 AM ♥

ahhhhhhhhhh. i'm not feeling alright. fcukup life.
whywhywhy? tell me why. ahhhhhh.
i don't wish to keep cursing lahhh. but i can't help.
whenever i feel so fcukup, feel so sucky i'll start cursing.
i can't sleep now. i feel like shouting.
i feel like biting, hitting, throwing thingssss.
don't offend me, im really not in good mood.
&&&it's always because of this that &this that.
tell me when is going to end ????
horrible, terrible.
no one understand, no one i can turn to.
this fcuking feeling, unexpressed feeling.
so what if i have got everything i want, i know i'll never be satifised.
life is just so unfair, life is just so suckyyy.
i wish i was born to be either deaf, dumb, mute.
it's always in the middle of the night that im feeling down.
anyone know? i guess is those who are by my side ba.
tell me whywhy &why im feeling like that.
i guess i never knew myself, what i want in life.
i want to be a good &innocent not those who always cursing &cursing.
i just feel like throwing everything i see.
nothing seems to be right. i really can't stay up late at night.
it seems like if i stay up late i'll go crazy.


Tuesday, December 26, 2006
♥ 11:28 PM ♥

have been working lately. so tireddd.
&weather is so suckyyy.
met dear after work &he accompany me home.

saturday, my phone spoilt lahhhh.
went nokia care, luckily it's the batt that's spoilt.
*phew* got a new batt. it's quite lag also. siannnns.

xmas eve work afternoon, went to get some last min present. =x
went guess, saw the wallet bel got. nicenice! maybe want to get one.
now having sales. so heh heh heh. definitely must get.
&i like one watch from esprite. i want get itttt. ahhhh!

1st time spending my xmas eve &xmas day working.
actually i dont mind lah. anyway i didn't intend to join those people at town.
squeezing here &there. ((: after work, left town &headed to my house downstair.
dear, ahpui &rest bbq-ing. hahs.
went up alr 3am. ahhh, so tired.
xmas day! wake up damn early for work.
yong &beng came my house downstair &pass me present.
then they accompany me to work. thanks! ((((:
huiting came later. hahs. so boredddd.
&they left around noon. (:
&&must thanks yong for giving me 2blueblack lah!
meet dear after work, wanted to go hawker for dinner but went his house.
we cooked dinner-cum-supper. (: watched awhile show then went home liao.

hahs. my off day &it's raining. suckkkssss.
i can't go out. nono, i can go out but cause the weather lah.
suckyyy weather. raining since ytd lah. irritated by the weather.
no more off day till next year liao, which mean no more holiday for me.
working till 31 then going to see ahma on 1st. 3rd school reopen!
ahhhh. i want longer holidayyy. :((((
haven't go out with maine, aloy, elin, huimin, koon, ahying, jingxuan, isabel this holiday.

stomach not feeling well this few days. not eating regularly also.
gastric pain &all. arrghhh. irritated.
mood swings easily, bad mood easily. sucky attitude lahhhhhh.
santa didn't grant my wishes. so sadddd. ;(
although everything is back, im still not enjoying with my life.
it's always so suckyyy. 2006 is a suckkyy year.
i'll be good next year. (((: hahas.

blogger having porblem uploading pic. arrghh. shld update next post. (:

♥ 11:28 PM ♥

have been working lately. so tireddd.
&weather is so suckyyy.
met dear after work &he accompany me home.

saturday, my phone spoilt lahhhh.
went nokia care, luckily it's the batt that's spoilt.
*phew* got a new batt. it's quite lag also. siannnns.

xmas eve work afternoon, went to get some last min present. =x
went guess, saw the wallet bel got. nicenice! maybe want to get one.
now having sales. so heh heh heh. definitely must get.
&i like one watch from esprite. i want get itttt. ahhhh!

1st time spending my xmas eve &xmas day working.
actually i dont mind lah. anyway i didn't intend to join those people at town.
squeezing here &there. ((: after work, left town &headed to my house downstair.
dear, ahpui &rest bbq-ing. hahs.
went up alr 3am. ahhh, so tired.
xmas day! wake up damn early for work.
yong &beng came my house downstair &pass me present.
then they accompany me to work. thanks! ((((:
huiting came later. hahs. so boredddd.
&they left around noon. (:
&&must thanks yong for giving me 2blueblack lah!
meet dear after work, wanted to go hawker for dinner but went his house.
we cooked dinner-cum-supper. (: watched awhile show then went home liao.

hahs. my off day &it's raining. suckkkssss.
i can't go out. nono, i can go out but cause the weather lah.
suckyyy weather. raining since ytd lah. irritated by the weather.
no more off day till next year liao, which mean no more holiday for me.
working till 31 then going to see ahma on 1st. 3rd school reopen!
ahhhh. i want longer holidayyy. :((((
haven't go out with maine, aloy, elin, huimin, koon, ahying, jingxuan, isabel this holiday.

stomach not feeling well this few days. not eating regularly also.
gastric pain &all. arrghhh. irritated.
mood swings easily, bad mood easily. sucky attitude lahhhhhh.
santa didn't grant my wishes. so sadddd. ;(
although everything is back, im still not enjoying with my life.
it's always so suckyyy. 2006 is a suckkyy year.
i'll be good next year. (((: hahas.

blogger having porblem uploading pic. arrghh. shld update next post. (:

Friday, December 22, 2006
♥ 1:46 AM ♥

im back. sorry for not blogging. monitor spoilt. (:
using sister's laptop now. ahhhh. i want my songs lah.

life seems better after horrible days.
Nlevel result, promoted. (:
5points in total, 3best subjects.
i think this year's nlevel moderate until sibei jialat lah. LOL.
one of the worst result sia. hahahs.
4B all promoted, but still sigh.
some of them didnt managed.
life wont be the same anymore.

went out with prisc on tuesday.
bought my N73. ((((: happy. hahs.
waanted a nokia flip phone but m1 out of stock. sianed.
thanks prisc for accompanying me. hahs.
chatted, ate dinner with her then went to meet love.
everything was alright, everything is back.
thanks for forgiving me ¬ giving up the very last.

workworkwork. i hate the weather. pls dont rain anymore. ahhhh.
i want moremoremore sales de leh. hahha.
working with my girls is FUN! hahahahs. cool.
baby send me home from mrt. &he's at chalet now.

iloveyou &iwillcherishyouwillthistime.
althoughsometimeithinkitsabitsilly, butstillirathertobesilly.
nomatterwhat, i'llcherisheverythingnow.
love&friends. darling&sister. (((:

but i know somehow one day, my life will be saad again.
life is full of ups downs. (((((:
sometime i dont enjoy working, sometime i enjoy working. hahs.
&i hate been malign! fcukkkoff lah. hahs. (:

just finish baking cake. yummy. tireddddd.
tmr afternoon shift.

next year sec5A. ((((:
waitingwaiting, but it's olevel year!!! ahhh.

♥ 1:46 AM ♥

im back. sorry for not blogging. monitor spoilt. (:
using sister's laptop now. ahhhh. i want my songs lah.

life seems better after horrible days.
Nlevel result, promoted. (:
5points in total, 3best subjects.
i think this year's nlevel moderate until sibei jialat lah. LOL.
one of the worst result sia. hahahs.
4B all promoted, but still sigh.
some of them didnt managed.
life wont be the same anymore.

went out with prisc on tuesday.
bought my N73. ((((: happy. hahs.
waanted a nokia flip phone but m1 out of stock. sianed.
thanks prisc for accompanying me. hahs.
chatted, ate dinner with her then went to meet love.
everything was alright, everything is back.
thanks for forgiving me ¬ giving up the very last.

workworkwork. i hate the weather. pls dont rain anymore. ahhhh.
i want moremoremore sales de leh. hahha.
working with my girls is FUN! hahahahs. cool.
baby send me home from mrt. &he's at chalet now.

iloveyou &iwillcherishyouwillthistime.
althoughsometimeithinkitsabitsilly, butstillirathertobesilly.
nomatterwhat, i'llcherisheverythingnow.
love&friends. darling&sister. (((:

but i know somehow one day, my life will be saad again.
life is full of ups downs. (((((:
sometime i dont enjoy working, sometime i enjoy working. hahs.
&i hate been malign! fcukkkoff lah. hahs. (:

just finish baking cake. yummy. tireddddd.
tmr afternoon shift.

next year sec5A. ((((:
waitingwaiting, but it's olevel year!!! ahhh.

Monday, December 18, 2006
♥ 2:29 AM ♥

ahhhh. i feel so fcuk up. whywhywhy?
tell me why you wanna be like this??
im just in fcuking bad moodddddd.
why i came into this world to suffer!
bring me some happiness, bring me some joys.
take away sorrow, take away sadness.

im totally disappointed. whywhywhy?
you even forced me to believe you.
step in my position, how will you feel.
you say you wont be able to accept, so am i?
spare a though, you've got feeling so do i?
you're still my love &iloveyou.
asking me if we are able to be together again.
my answer will be yes. i know im silly, real silly.
just because there's still the love between us &makes me silly.
after hurts &hurts, i will still choose to go back if there's a chance.
i wanna move on, but it's too difficult for me.
i want to believe you, but i need time.
still, i can't accept although it's true.
i can't see my same old babylove anymore.
but yet the see the past where i havent enter your life.

thanks yang &garie for being true. ((((:
you'll are the one who never fail to be there when im sad.
thanks sisterrr. (:

because this 2years i've got you, &it had alr been part of my life.
it's hard for me to start a new now. it's true.
i need time to recover. but the more i think the more i want it bck.
my stubborn-ness can mke me soooo bitchy if i really want it bck.
i've got a bitchy attitude. ahhhhhhh.
all i know is ' i dont know ' .

well, in few hours time i will be stepping in mjr to get my results.
im so nervous, scare! ahhhhh.
it's just like DOA lah. im feeling down now.
18dec '06, GCE NLEVEL result! ahhhhh.
ladylucks. give me some luck!!!!

monitor spoilt. ahhhh. = my com spoilt. fcuk.
hopefully my sister will be working so i can use her laptop. ((((:
ahhhhhh. scuker. i want to stop cursing lah. ahhhh.

♥ 2:29 AM ♥

ahhhh. i feel so fcuk up. whywhywhy?
tell me why you wanna be like this??
im just in fcuking bad moodddddd.
why i came into this world to suffer!
bring me some happiness, bring me some joys.
take away sorrow, take away sadness.

im totally disappointed. whywhywhy?
you even forced me to believe you.
step in my position, how will you feel.
you say you wont be able to accept, so am i?
spare a though, you've got feeling so do i?
you're still my love &iloveyou.
asking me if we are able to be together again.
my answer will be yes. i know im silly, real silly.
just because there's still the love between us &makes me silly.
after hurts &hurts, i will still choose to go back if there's a chance.
i wanna move on, but it's too difficult for me.
i want to believe you, but i need time.
still, i can't accept although it's true.
i can't see my same old babylove anymore.
but yet the see the past where i havent enter your life.

thanks yang &garie for being true. ((((:
you'll are the one who never fail to be there when im sad.
thanks sisterrr. (:

because this 2years i've got you, &it had alr been part of my life.
it's hard for me to start a new now. it's true.
i need time to recover. but the more i think the more i want it bck.
my stubborn-ness can mke me soooo bitchy if i really want it bck.
i've got a bitchy attitude. ahhhhhhh.
all i know is ' i dont know ' .

well, in few hours time i will be stepping in mjr to get my results.
im so nervous, scare! ahhhhh.
it's just like DOA lah. im feeling down now.
18dec '06, GCE NLEVEL result! ahhhhh.
ladylucks. give me some luck!!!!

monitor spoilt. ahhhh. = my com spoilt. fcuk.
hopefully my sister will be working so i can use her laptop. ((((:
ahhhhhh. scuker. i want to stop cursing lah. ahhhh.

Friday, December 15, 2006
♥ 12:30 PM ♥

back from chalet. (:
met bel on wednesday. she didnt bring my present again. ):
went bugis. window shopped, eat &chatted.
accompanied me to pasir ris then accompanied her to wait for her bus.
tiredddd! reached chalet just nice raining. hahs.
slacked, slp, xbox.
no water &i drink beer lah. im sooo thirsty. ):
went red house with yang yong beng.
hahs. well, 1st time climbing gate sia. -scared-
afraid of height. hahs. but still managed to climb over.
thanks yang &yong (:
return back to chalet, fall aslp. too tired alr.
didnt really slp well thise few days.
woke up, jocelyn came. &start to rain again.
slacked, slp, xbox again. hahahs.
BBQ! funfunfun! hahahas. damn hot lah.
moodswing-ed. drink, eat, chat.
&i saw PRETTY SKY filled with stars!
return back to slp while they making rockets &chats.
went over to beach at 4. PRETTY SKY.
bird &edwin also saw shooting stars!
perhaps it's not. i also dont know.
cause i seisei. very tired. hahahhas.
their rockets like fireworks. hahahah. so smoky lah.
return back at 6. bath &fall aslp again. (:

&&&im home now. (((((:

im sorry i didnt meet you at night.
i just wish to enjoy myself 1st. although im not very happy, but i did enjoy the fun.
im speechless. i hate to be in dilema.
i t'nac leef eht evol eromyna.
im tired alr. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
you said you got your difficulties.
what isit? something that you couldnt tell me?
if yes, then forget it. dont bother to explain.
i won't listen anymore.

result on 18dec. -scaredddddddd-
3more days!

getting new phone soon. when i get my pay? N73?
or sony ericsson. very ex leh. sony's price seldom drop. ))):
ahhhhhh. my phone is dying? but can trade in 200$.
i ta-tio sia. hahahs. (:

ahh. my schedule is full. ahhh. my off days is booked.
18 result day, 19 out with maine, 26 will be slping?
soon, school's starting. but depend on my result lah. hahs.
if not, i can continued to have my holidays. whateverrr.

im boredddddd. today's off. ahhhh.

♥ 12:30 PM ♥

back from chalet. (:
met bel on wednesday. she didnt bring my present again. ):
went bugis. window shopped, eat &chatted.
accompanied me to pasir ris then accompanied her to wait for her bus.
tiredddd! reached chalet just nice raining. hahs.
slacked, slp, xbox.
no water &i drink beer lah. im sooo thirsty. ):
went red house with yang yong beng.
hahs. well, 1st time climbing gate sia. -scared-
afraid of height. hahs. but still managed to climb over.
thanks yang &yong (:
return back to chalet, fall aslp. too tired alr.
didnt really slp well thise few days.
woke up, jocelyn came. &start to rain again.
slacked, slp, xbox again. hahahs.
BBQ! funfunfun! hahahas. damn hot lah.
moodswing-ed. drink, eat, chat.
&i saw PRETTY SKY filled with stars!
return back to slp while they making rockets &chats.
went over to beach at 4. PRETTY SKY.
bird &edwin also saw shooting stars!
perhaps it's not. i also dont know.
cause i seisei. very tired. hahahhas.
their rockets like fireworks. hahahah. so smoky lah.
return back at 6. bath &fall aslp again. (:

&&&im home now. (((((:

im sorry i didnt meet you at night.
i just wish to enjoy myself 1st. although im not very happy, but i did enjoy the fun.
im speechless. i hate to be in dilema.
i t'nac leef eht evol eromyna.
im tired alr. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
you said you got your difficulties.
what isit? something that you couldnt tell me?
if yes, then forget it. dont bother to explain.
i won't listen anymore.

result on 18dec. -scaredddddddd-
3more days!

getting new phone soon. when i get my pay? N73?
or sony ericsson. very ex leh. sony's price seldom drop. ))):
ahhhhhh. my phone is dying? but can trade in 200$.
i ta-tio sia. hahahs. (:

ahh. my schedule is full. ahhh. my off days is booked.
18 result day, 19 out with maine, 26 will be slping?
soon, school's starting. but depend on my result lah. hahs.
if not, i can continued to have my holidays. whateverrr.

im boredddddd. today's off. ahhhh.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
♥ 12:48 AM ♥

Ahhhhhhh. working full this 2days.
having a lot of crap with huiting &kris.
esp huiting lah! hahahs. sunday working at bugis.
cool! hit target. ((((((: saturday lido hit also.
COOL lah. i hope everyday like this good. hahs. whatever.
jocelyn is back! finally. miss her damn lot lah.
hahs. chalet on 13! meeting bel after work then to chalet till 15.
im so scare of 18dec! Ahhhh. it's like DOA lah. hahs.
well, i've got plan if i fail. no worries!

trying not to think so much.
nothing will be as before.
i must be happy cause he didnt really leave me.
i still have him. but it's not like how it was before.
ahhhhhhh. happy go lucky! (((((:

♥ 12:48 AM ♥

Ahhhhhhh. working full this 2days.
having a lot of crap with huiting &kris.
esp huiting lah! hahahs. sunday working at bugis.
cool! hit target. ((((((: saturday lido hit also.
COOL lah. i hope everyday like this good. hahs. whatever.
jocelyn is back! finally. miss her damn lot lah.
hahs. chalet on 13! meeting bel after work then to chalet till 15.
im so scare of 18dec! Ahhhh. it's like DOA lah. hahs.
well, i've got plan if i fail. no worries!

trying not to think so much.
nothing will be as before.
i must be happy cause he didnt really leave me.
i still have him. but it's not like how it was before.
ahhhhhhh. happy go lucky! (((((:

Saturday, December 9, 2006
♥ 1:25 AM ♥

it's truth, right garie? hahs. both of us saw it.
i'm so happy! well, it's real &i didnt try to make myself happy. i really did.
yang don't be sad cause you didnt see. (((:
sorry for attitude-ing, i dont knw why.

everything turn so cold, so blund.
i t'nac leef eht evol eromyna.
why? why? why? i trusted you so deeply yet you didnt wait.
you know how fcuking deep you hurt me?
i guess it's more then how i hurt you.
cause you never did this to me before, no one did before.
i fcukingggggg hate youuuuuuu.
how hard i try to control myself at home.
and soaking in my bed for the whole night w/o a nice slping &next min off to work with tears.?
tell me since when you treat me like this before? never once.
so why do you want to do this to me when i need you?
it's my fault for everything. im just carried away but other fcuking things.
just like im possessed you know you know?????
whywhywhy? i tot you've changed but yet you didnt.
you want let time prove i'll change.
so im asking you, you want to see me changing into which state?
the state where i drink everynight, cry everynight, out late everynight?
or to be working home slp? fcukkkkkkkkk.
i really say it's all false hope.
i tried to convince myself it's not true when she told me.
whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? you say you love me the deepest, then why you want to hurt me the deepest till i wanna end my life?
i cld have just kana by car this morning?
tell me whyyy. i really hate to be home. i will just cry the next moment.
baby, i love you. dont make me suffer.
if you want, let me suffer till i die, if not dont torture me anymore.
you need time? then why didn't you give me time. you say till 6dec, but you never did.
if you really give me time till 6dec my answer will be, i need you back.
but now/? you didnt give me time, you just leave silently.
you lied, you didnt love me that deep, if you did you wont let go.
it's just an excuse that you are too tired, too hurting.
if you really love me deep, you wont make me feel this way.
cause i realised afterall, you're the one i truly love.
i tell you to give me time, but you never did.
you never trusted me at all.
maybe bel's it right. you won't come back &you will choose to remain like this.

no one was there when i need them. where the hell everyone had gone to?
just fcuking go &die. dont tell me you'll be by myself when you cant.
all liarrrrrsssssssssss. all fcukeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

♥ 1:25 AM ♥

it's truth, right garie? hahs. both of us saw it.
i'm so happy! well, it's real &i didnt try to make myself happy. i really did.
yang don't be sad cause you didnt see. (((:
sorry for attitude-ing, i dont knw why.

everything turn so cold, so blund.
i t'nac leef eht evol eromyna.
why? why? why? i trusted you so deeply yet you didnt wait.
you know how fcuking deep you hurt me?
i guess it's more then how i hurt you.
cause you never did this to me before, no one did before.
i fcukingggggg hate youuuuuuu.
how hard i try to control myself at home.
and soaking in my bed for the whole night w/o a nice slping &next min off to work with tears.?
tell me since when you treat me like this before? never once.
so why do you want to do this to me when i need you?
it's my fault for everything. im just carried away but other fcuking things.
just like im possessed you know you know?????
whywhywhy? i tot you've changed but yet you didnt.
you want let time prove i'll change.
so im asking you, you want to see me changing into which state?
the state where i drink everynight, cry everynight, out late everynight?
or to be working home slp? fcukkkkkkkkk.
i really say it's all false hope.
i tried to convince myself it's not true when she told me.
whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? you say you love me the deepest, then why you want to hurt me the deepest till i wanna end my life?
i cld have just kana by car this morning?
tell me whyyy. i really hate to be home. i will just cry the next moment.
baby, i love you. dont make me suffer.
if you want, let me suffer till i die, if not dont torture me anymore.
you need time? then why didn't you give me time. you say till 6dec, but you never did.
if you really give me time till 6dec my answer will be, i need you back.
but now/? you didnt give me time, you just leave silently.
you lied, you didnt love me that deep, if you did you wont let go.
it's just an excuse that you are too tired, too hurting.
if you really love me deep, you wont make me feel this way.
cause i realised afterall, you're the one i truly love.
i tell you to give me time, but you never did.
you never trusted me at all.
maybe bel's it right. you won't come back &you will choose to remain like this.

no one was there when i need them. where the hell everyone had gone to?
just fcuking go &die. dont tell me you'll be by myself when you cant.
all liarrrrrsssssssssss. all fcukeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Thursday, December 7, 2006
♥ 9:32 PM ♥

bought my new urban male bag ytd. (((:
went a lot of places sia. to dover to collect my things, then headed raffles to look for elin.
suntec for marche, yummy! then bugis to get stuffs, followed to lido then to hereen.
intend to go sing but end up watching movie at cathay with zy &ys. (((:
Flag of our father. not bad, but a little too long.
something badddd happen. but thanks to zy &ys! sorry to make you worry.
went for a drink before going home. ahhhhhhhh.
ohya, went new urban male got this charming guy. OMG.

i feel horrible but after which i feel much muchhh better.
i'm tired, so tired, too tiredddddddddd.
shld i just give upp? fcukkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

♥ 9:32 PM ♥

bought my new urban male bag ytd. (((:
went a lot of places sia. to dover to collect my things, then headed raffles to look for elin.
suntec for marche, yummy! then bugis to get stuffs, followed to lido then to hereen.
intend to go sing but end up watching movie at cathay with zy &ys. (((:
Flag of our father. not bad, but a little too long.
something badddd happen. but thanks to zy &ys! sorry to make you worry.
went for a drink before going home. ahhhhhhhh.
ohya, went new urban male got this charming guy. OMG.

i feel horrible but after which i feel much muchhh better.
i'm tired, so tired, too tiredddddddddd.
shld i just give upp? fcukkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006
♥ 3:23 AM ♥

finally done with blogskins. &&finally is the layout i wanted long ago. simply &plain. haha.
no more tagboard, cause it dont go well with the layout, && also no where to put.
so people, click on the 'sweetcandyyy' - comment box. (:
try to put back the tagboard asap. :D
relink &link everyone. (:

quite slack this few days &i eat very little. controlling my diet.!
working afternoon shift for 2 consecutive days. cool.
tmr off! (: out to dover to collect my online stuff, then so on.
getting his present. no time to get recently.
i miss you &finally i'll be meeting you tmr night. (:
working with constance, huiting &kris is cool. laughter everywhere.
esp with huiting &constance! hahas. (:
nothing much. meet friends, kor &home.

my heart is deaddd. i feel horrible, so horrible.
tears &tears non stop, no one is there. i'm all alone.
tday supposed to be our 2years. im sorry, i ruin everything.
i feel so lonely w/o you.


♥ 3:23 AM ♥

finally done with blogskins. &&finally is the layout i wanted long ago. simply &plain. haha.
no more tagboard, cause it dont go well with the layout, && also no where to put.
so people, click on the 'sweetcandyyy' - comment box. (:
try to put back the tagboard asap. :D
relink &link everyone. (:

quite slack this few days &i eat very little. controlling my diet.!
working afternoon shift for 2 consecutive days. cool.
tmr off! (: out to dover to collect my online stuff, then so on.
getting his present. no time to get recently.
i miss you &finally i'll be meeting you tmr night. (:
working with constance, huiting &kris is cool. laughter everywhere.
esp with huiting &constance! hahas. (:
nothing much. meet friends, kor &home.

my heart is deaddd. i feel horrible, so horrible.
tears &tears non stop, no one is there. i'm all alone.
tday supposed to be our 2years. im sorry, i ruin everything.
i feel so lonely w/o you.


Saturday, December 2, 2006
♥ 1:13 AM ♥

i wish i can like everyone enjoy-ing their life. ahhhh. fcukkkkk.
everyday thinking back the past. sigh. nth will remain as before.
i want love to be out of my life!
have been thinking alot recently. whenever i'm alone. :(
i'm tired, so tiredddd.
god, bring me some happiness.
i'm suffering! yet i'm also enjoy-ing with friends. (:
i miss everyone who make me smiled before.
i miss all my laughter with everyone.

Photos one sunday.
zerofive rocks. (((:

♥ 1:13 AM ♥

i wish i can like everyone enjoy-ing their life. ahhhh. fcukkkkk.
everyday thinking back the past. sigh. nth will remain as before.
i want love to be out of my life!
have been thinking alot recently. whenever i'm alone. :(
i'm tired, so tiredddd.
god, bring me some happiness.
i'm suffering! yet i'm also enjoy-ing with friends. (:
i miss everyone who make me smiled before.
i miss all my laughter with everyone.

Photos one sunday.
zerofive rocks. (((:

Friday, December 1, 2006
♥ 12:11 AM ♥


bought 3tops, 1 sleeveless from topshop; 1 top from mango; another from cin. (:
bought a heels from charle &keith. finally. (:
i enjoy myself. i love them! (:

let's SMILE!

pretty xmas tree!

i'm FATTTT! ):

♥ 12:11 AM ♥


bought 3tops, 1 sleeveless from topshop; 1 top from mango; another from cin. (:
bought a heels from charle &keith. finally. (:
i enjoy myself. i love them! (:

let's SMILE!

pretty xmas tree!

i'm FATTTT! ):